Chapter 29

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About 2 weeks later, Katsuki and Shigeo were able to go home. Katsuki changed the baby's diaper then pouted. "For a baby, you shit too much." Katsuki told the baby as he wiped the poop from his legs. Todoroki entered the room with a plastic bag. Katsuki put the dirty diapers and wipes in there. He picked up other dirty diapers that were on the floor and put them in the bag as well. He tied the bag and opened Katsuki's bedroom window. He went to throw the bag away. Katsuki had regretted his earlier statement, Shigeo really ate as much milk as he produced. He was growing and gaining weight fast. Katsuki looked at the time and wrote it down on Shigeo's feeding chart. He lifted his shirt and began to breastfeed the infant. Todoroki came back then turned on his phone. He pulled up a news channel and played it. 

"Thank you Kikayaba. We've been recently informed that former U.A student, Bakugou Katsuki has given birth to a premature still-borne baby boy." The news woman said. Katsuki was happy that they finally got the lie out in the public. Todoroki turned it off then sighed. "Everyone's talking about it. Like, thousands of people are sending get-well gifts to U.A in hopes that you get them." Todoroki told him. Shoto had basically been living with Bakugou, he went to school and came to Bakugou's house everyday to help him out. He took off his school uniform then put on a t-shirt and some regular pants. He took out his homework then sat down on the bed to do it. "Damn, what are the gifts?" Bakugou asked him. "Cards." Shoto answered him. Bakugou decided to be quiet so Shoto could focus. They sat in silence, Bakugou just watched as his baby ate. When Shigeo was finished with one, Bakugou started to burp him. Suddenly his phone rang. He saw it was his classmates then silenced his phone. The ringing scared Shigeo and he began to cry. 

"Aye, aye toughen up. You're alright, it's just my dumbass friends." Katsuki told Shigeo. The infant stopped crying and burped, then Katsuki rolled his eyes. He let Shigeo start breastfeeding off the other nipple. The interaction made Shoto smile, Katsuki looked at him then scoffed. "You're staring again, bastard." Katsuki told him. Shoto broke his gaze then looked at his homework. Katsuki snickered, the amount of times he caught Shoto staring at him and his pup was adorable. He always looked at them with awe, Katsuki didn't realize how much he loved it and loved calling Shoto out on it. Once Shigeo was done with that nipple, Katsuki began to burp him again. Katsuki watched Shoto finish his work, but he felt like something was off. This wasn't the first time either. Shoto's been quieter and kind of distant in their relationship. Once Shigeo burped, Katsuki placed Shigeo in his crib. He started his mobile then sat back on the bed. 

"You look upset. I can use my quirk now so what's up?" Katsuki asked Todoroki as he sat down. Todoroki shook his head then completed his work. He put his book up, Katsuki looked at him confused then scoffed. "Shoto what the hell is going on?" Katsuki stood up and asked Todoroki in a more direct way. "Nothing." Todoroki told him. Katsuki looked over at Shigeo seeing that he was knocked out. Todoroki laid down on Katsuki's bed, Katsuki was getting annoyed. "If nothing's wrong? Why are you being so distant, hm? Shoto if we're gonna do this then we need communication. So speak the fuck up." Katsuki said, laying next to the alpha. Todoroki faced away, this was normal, Katsuki was somewhat surprised to learn that Todoroki wasn't that much of a fan touch as much as he thought. Like, kissing and cuddling he didn't like doing it that much. "I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Shoto told him. He closed his eyes then tried to go to sleep. "Ugh you won't, just tell me dammit." Katsuki argued. Todoroki sighed then turned back around. 

He made eye contact with the omega. "I'm having trouble putting masturbation in my schedule. I do it as a stress reliever, I used to do it as a stress reliever, but with you guys, my other family drama, school, trying to get sleep and training there's a lot of stress but I can't find time to relieve myself. Not to mention you turn me on a lot and so I'm just sexually frustrated as well. But I suppose that's not a reason to be distant. I'm sorry." Shoto informed him, Katsuki sat up then covered his face. He had no words to respond with. Shoto turned away from Katsuki to try to go back to sleep. "When was the last time you got off?" Katsuki asked him. Shoto took a moment to answer. "The night before you went into labor." He whispered, before the incident Katsuki didn't masturbate that much. Maybe like once every month and afterwards he hasn't even thought about touching himself in a sexual manner. "Do you want me to get Shigeo and go downstairs so you jerk off." Katsuki asked, Shoto sat up and pouted. 

"No, I can't kick you and our son out of the room just to relieve myself. Plus, I'm fine, it's really not that big of a deal, but I'm really trying to get a nap in." Shoto told him. He gave the blonde a kiss then laid back down. Katsuki rolled his eyes as Todoroki laid back down. He laid down and fell asleep as well. 

To Be Continued...

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