Chapter 9

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There was a villain tied up to a chain. She woke up confused and looked around to see she was surrounded by heroes. She glared at each and every one of them. Midnight walked up to her and snatched the tape off her mouth. She groaned in pain then pouted. "C'mon~ I didn't do anything~" She whined. Aizawa crouched down to her level and glared back at her. "What do you know about Dabi taking our student?" He asked in a menacing tone. Her eyes widened and she started laughing. "Is this why you kidnapped me? It's been 2 months, do you think that kid is still alive? He was so hopeless when we got to see him." She said, with a bright smile on her face. It set off the heroes.

Todoroki let off an ice shard that barely missed the girl. She flinched and Present Mic had to hold Todoroki back. She started crying. The heroes got caught off guard when she started to sob. "He tried to kill me!!!" She cried, the villain in the chair swiftly changed into a water-like creature. It was too big for the chair to hold. Aizawa held it down with his scarf and quickly took away the girl's quirk. "Watch out, Eraser. I got it from here." Midnight said, she crouched down to the tied up villain who was now sitting on the floor. "Listen, we can talk girl to girl. What's your name?" Midnight asked her.  "Minami Jin..." The girl hesitantly whispered. Midnight smiled, "Well Minami, let us talk. I'll get the boys to leave." Midnight asked. Minami nodded her head.

Everyone other than Midnight left. Minami surprisingly stayed put. "So Minami, you've seen our student Katsuki Bakugou?" She asked, calmly. Minami nodded her head, still a little bit scared. "Where did you last see him?" She asked, Minami suddenly rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "You heroes, always bugging somebody about something else! Go find the kid, it's not like he's out of the country. He's literally in Dabi's bunker." Minami said with an incredibly sassy tone. Midnight hummed and took the information in. "Where is Dabi's bunker?" She asked, the villain put her hand in Midnight's face and scoffed. "Like I'd tell the likes of you. Hey, I'm not tied up." She said, with a smirk. "ERASER!" Midnight yelled as the villain decided to dash it across the room. It was an empty room of course so she didn't go anywhere. Aizawa rushed in there and roped her back up. 

The girl whined and basically threw a fit. As she was doing that, Midnight told the new information to Aizawa. "Alright, Minami, we have a record of the crimes you've committed. Tell us where Dabi's bunker is and we'll let you go. Don't and you rot in prison. You got until the count of 10." Aizawa sternly said, Minami cried and whined more as the brunette kept slowly counting. As he slowly counted to 8 she began telling all of the information. "It's an underground bunker in the forest close to the league hideout!" She said, Aizawa hummed and walked up to her. He handcuffed her and scoffed. "You're still going to jail. And don't make me drag you." He said, locking the handcuffs on her wrists and walking her to the cells. She screamed all the way there.

To Be Continued...

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