An Adventure's Heart

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The morning rises over the Gokai Galleon and for the first time in a while, Mika wasn't the last one to wake up. "Where's Marvelous?" asked Mika, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
"Probably still asleep" said Luka
"Please come join us, Ms. Mika" said Ahim, "I've prepared a lovely tea for breakfast"
The high schooler joined the girls at the dining table when the red pirate finally made his appearance. His actual appearance however didn't really scream 'morning person' as he was frustrated by what happened back in Ginga Forest. "Hey, bird" he called, "Let's have the next fortune"
"I'm taking a rest today!" said Navi, "I can't just force them out, you know!"
The red pirate wasn't having it, telling the robotic parrot to give him a real prophecy that's more concrete so he and the crew know what they need to know for once. While arguing and wrestling with the robotic bird, the crew watched with worry and Mika decided to end it. She placed a hand on Marvelous' shoulder, looking up at the red pirate with concern while Luka managed to snatch Navi from his hand. "Please calm down" said Mika, "I know you're frustrated, but we can't just rush into finding the treasure just yet"
"She's right, Mr. Marvelous" said Ahim, "Perhaps you should sit down and enjoy a cup of tea?"
"I'd like one too, if there's one going" said a voice, starting the pirates as an intruder suddenly appeared on the ship.

As it turns out, the intruder is Akashi Satoru, formerly BoukenRed of the Boukengers. Gai was especially shocked and quickly asked for the man's autograph. Even though Mika wanted to stop her childhood friend from making a fool of himself, she stayed next to Marvelous to calm him down a bit. "How did you get in here?" asked Joe while Akashi signed the silver pirate's autograph book. "I could infiltrate a ship like this and be back in time for breakfast," said Akashi.
"I don't care about what you're eating and when" said Marvelous, "What do you want from us?"
"Don't tell me... You're here to take back your Ranger Keys?!" said Don, worried that had to go through the same thing all over again like Shiba Kaoru.
Once Akashi finished signing the book, he finally gave the red pirate his answer, "You earned those fair and square on your adventures through space. I can't speak for other Sentai, but the Boukengers have no issue with you"
"Then why are you here?" asked Mika, "There has to be a reason why you came to us"
"I'd like you to assist me in recovering a Precious"
The space pirates were rather confused by something called "Precious." Akashi explained that it's an ancient relic that modern scientists aren't capable of controlling. Or in other words, Precious.

"Relics..." said Luka, "You mean like treasure?"
"Not necessarily" said Akashi, "The Precious we're after is the Heart of Hades"
"The Heart of Hades?" asked Mika, "As in the Greek God of the Underworld?"
The crew went silent after hearing the name 'Heart of Hades.' It seems as though most of the space pirates were aware of the precious existence beside Mika and Gai. "What should we do?" asked Don. Marvelous on the other hand seemed very uninterested in finding the item. "Sorry, but we don't have time for your little treasure hunt," he said, declining the offer. Akashi was about to take his leave when a hand grabbed onto his own. He turned to see a determined high school student standing before him. "I'll go" said Mika, surprising the crew, especially the captain.
Akashi was just as surprised but smiled and placed his free hand on her head, "I like your enthusiasm" he said, "and I'd thought for pirates like your friends, this'd be a piece of cake, but... if they can't handle it, there's nothing I can do"
This really ticked Marvelous off, marching towards the man and pulling Mika towards him, her back pressed against his chest. Luka smiled and pats the red pirate's shoulder, "Oh, we're swimming in confidence" she said, "Right, Marvelous?~ We can hardly back down from a challenge like that, can we?"

Despite Marvelous' protest, he could never say no to a challenge or to Mika for some reason. And so, the space pirates go off in search of the Precious known as The Heart of Hades. Akashi was walking ahead with Mika following behind. The rest of the crew were following behind while Marvelous glared at the older Sentai and high schooler. "He got us to follow, hook, line, and sinker, didn't he?" asked Don
"Personally, I believe this could be quite enjoyable" said Ahim
"I'm pretty psyched" said Luka, "Secret treasure is so tempting!"
"I don't care about that" said Marvelous, "Let's just get this over with"
Mika was walking just fine when she suddenly trips over a tree root. The red pirate was about to rush and grab her, but Akashi got to her first. "You alright?" he asked
Mika smiled in response, "I'm fine, really. Thanks"
Marvelous continued to glare from afar, frightening the green and silver pirates from the rather aggressive stare. Luka noticed this as well and grinned from ear to ear, knowing the red pirate was rather jealous of the former BoukenRed Sentai.

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