A More Than Gokai Change

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On the outskirts of the city, Luka was admiring the jewelry she bought while Don was helplessly carrying shopping bags along with groceries. "It's been a while since I've had this much fun shopping!" said the yellow pirate, shining her new rings into the sunlight.
"Sheesh... I went out of my way to help you, so couldn't you carry at least one of these?" asked Don, struggling with the bags in his hands.
"Stop whining over a few measly bags!"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm the whiner"
Gunshots were heard from the distance, catching the yellow and green pirates' attention. Luka immediately springs into action while Don struggles with the shopping bags, even dropping the bag of groceries along the way. To no one's surprise, an army of goumin appeared out of nowhere attempting to capture someone who appeared to be an American ambassador. Leading the goumin was the new commanding officer of the Zangyack, Regiel, who has the ability to switch people's bodies at will.

Don and Luka transform into Gokai Green and Gokai Yellow, attacking the goumin while the American ambassador is quickly brought back into the building. Until a sugomin grabs the man and presents him to Regiel. Before the commander could use his ability to switch the sugomin and the ambassador, the rest of the Gokaigers arrive just in time to stop him.
"Gai! Ms. Mika!" called Ahim, "Please escort them to safety!"
"You got it, Ahim!" said Mika
"Will do!" said Gai
The two pirates quickly make their way towards the American ambassador, taking down the goumin and the sugomin so he doesn't get hurt.
"Don't worry, sir" said Mika in English, "We'll escort you inside"
"Please follow us!" said Gai in broken English, "Please, come on!"
Once everyone gets inside the building, the pirates roundup to deal with the last of the goumin.

"Let's wrap this up" said Marvelous, wanting to get this over with and quickly. The five pirates transform into FLASHMAN as they fight the army of goumin and sugomin. "I suppose we'll have to reschedule our plan," said Regiel, attempting to escape until Luka and Don stepped in to stop him. "You're not getting away that easy!~" said Don, teasing the commander. The two pirates quickly switched weapons so Luka was holding two sabers while Don had two blasters. Before they could attack, Regiel uses his ability to make the two pirates switch places so their attack would fail and give him time to escape. Luka and Don are confused, looking down at their weapons, until Regiel attacks the two and makes his quick escape. The pirates gather around Don and Luka to check on them. Ahim makes her way to Luka while Mika and Gai make their way to Don. "Are you alright, Miss. Luka?" asked Ahim.
"I'm fine" said Don, "What about you, Doc?"
The crew looked rather confused, seeing Don answer Ahim's question to Luka.
"Uh, aren't you Doc?" asked Joe
"Whar're talking about, Joe?" asked Luka, "I'm Doc"

Mika came to realization as Luka and Don glanced at one another in shock, seeing themselves and yet they weren't themselves. The pirates quickly gathered and observed the two, confused until Joe says, "You two are being really weird"
"Well, how else are we supposed to react?!" said Don!Luka
"They've switched bodies, you idiots!" said Mika, pointing at Don who's actually Luka then points at Luka who's actually Don. It took a moment for the crew to process until they looked at the two unfortunate pirates in shock and confusion.
Once they returned to the Gokai Galleon, Luka and Don were trying to get used to their new bodies. Don!Luka was trying to try on one of her rings, but seeing Don had thick fingers, they barely fit. Luka!Don was feeling rather uncomfortable, trying his best not to touch any parts of Luka's body and kept running his new hands on his new lap. "Doc~" said Don!Luka, "If you start feeling me up, the price won't be pretty~"
"Feeling?" asked Luka!Don, coming to the realization that he was touching Luka's body. A blush crept on his face until he glared at Don!Luka, "I won't!"

Mika gives Don!Luka a whack on the head with her book, "Stop making it weird, Luka" she said, "Doc already feels bad enough as it is"
"Thank you, Mika," said Luka!Don
"It could be worse. Marvelous and I could've switched places"
The crew try to imagine Marvelous and Mika switching bodies and shiver at the thought of how chaotic it would've been if that happened. "You two have actually exchanged bodies, haven't you?" asked Ahim
"Why does stupid crap like this happen?" asked Marvelous, having a hard time processing all this body switching business.
"I think it must have been that attack we were hit with" said Luka!Don, thinking back on their battle against Regiel.
"I'm betting if we don't find the Zangyack commander again, we won't be able to change you back to normal" said Joe
"Then we'll have to start looking," said Mika, "Once he's gone, then Luka and Don will be back to their original bodies."
"How are we gonna find him?" asked Marvelous
Luka!Don suggests they figure out what the commander was after when they first encountered him.

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