Eternal Wings

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After yet another battle against the army of sugomin and goumin, the space pirates decided to take a stroll through the city to ease their stress. Luka started asking about what Don or Gai were cooking for dinner while Mika was somewhat drifting off into space. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts that she didn't notice herself walking towards a pillar. Thankfully, Marvelous grabs her and pulls the high schooler towards him, her back pressed against his chest. "Watch where you're going," he said.
Mika blinked before glancing over at the pillar, a blush crept on her cheeks in embarrassment, "Th-thanks" she said. Marvelous smirked and ruffled her head before walking ahead, finding it rather adorable to see the high schooler blush like that.

Suddenly, a tall man in red stepped out of the shadows holding a wanted poster of the space pirates standing before him. This was Kiaido, the greatest bounty hunter in the universe. The original five Gokaigers have encountered this hunter before, but a first for Gai and Mika. Apparently, Kiaido has collected bounties from a hundred and fifty targets throughout the universe for a total price of over a hundred million zagin. He even defeated Captain Marvelous once before during his time as a Red Pirate. Thankfully, Captain White and Akared were there to help the young pirate escape before leaving a little "reminder" for Kiaido with his own sword. Ever since then, the bounty hunter claims the mark on his chest as a weak spot, saying Marvelous does have a chance to defeat him, if he aims at the right place and time. The fear in the young pirate's eyes was shown, even now as he attempts to stand back. Mika was the first to notice and quickly grabbed the red pirate's hand, showing it as a sign of comfort and to help the other relax.

'No... I'm different now' thought Marvelous, 'I can beat him!'
The pirates pull out their mobilates and ranger keys, transforming into Super Sentai before blasting towards the bounty hunter who swiftly blocked the attacks by catching the bullets. This surprised the Gokaigers as each bullet fell from the bounty hunter's hand.
"What the hell?!" said Mika, "That's impossible!
"Weak..." said Kiaido, "So very weak! Alleviate my boredom!"
The bounty hunter starts attacking each of the pirates, throwing Marvelous and Mika aside as they witness the battle. The white pirate could tell the red pirate was scared, but kept it to herself until each of the crew members fell before the bounty hunter. Mika and Marvelous took the opportunity to attack Kiaido with all they got. The bounty hunter swiftly attacks the red pirate, slashing against his chest before the white pirate blocks it with her saber. This surprised Kiaido for a moment before throwing attacks on the high schooler. She does her best to block his attacks until she tries to push the bounty hunter away from her. Kiaido gets a better look at the white pirate, noticing her attacks were similar to one of Captain White.

"You" he said, "You did this to me!"
Kiaido then attacks the high schooler with his blade until Marvelous intervenes by using her saber to attack the other until he is thrown to the ground alongside Mika. The five pirates transform into BIOMAN to attack the bounty hunter until Kiaido blocks their team attack with his blade, sending them into the air. The pirates then try another attack, only to once again be blocked by the bounty hunter. Luka suggests they try another super sentai, transforming into MASKMAN. Sadly, each of the members were taken down until Marvelous was the only one standing, saving the best for last. Marvelous used what little strength he had left to punch Kiaido in the chest, only for it to be blocked by the other. "So brazen" said Kiaido, kicking the red pirate before telling the pirates to leave, promising them to actually defeat them the next time they meet.

On the Gokai Galleon, the pirates were processing the battle they just encountered. Marvelous was especially angry for not defeating the bounty hunter sooner. "Guess he's not called the greatest bounty hunter in the universe for nothing" said Joe
"It pains me to say it," said Ahim, "but our attacks were totally ineffective against him"
"We need to figure out some way to defeat him" said Luka
"Well, he said he'd let us go..." said Don, "maybe we won't have to fight him again?"
"That's what he wants us to think" said Mika, grabbing the crew's attention, "It's most likely he wants us to fight him again. And if we do, Kiaido won't hold back"
Suddenly, Navi's treasure navigation activates without warning, bumping into Don's head before saying "With a burst of flame, the phoenix shall purge the villainous foe... That's what I got!"
"This isn't the time for treasure navigation!" said Don
"No, wait a second..." said Luka, "Purge the villainous foe... maybe it's a hint as to how to defeat Kiaido!"
This caught the pirates by surprise and hope, seeing as there might be a possible way to defeat the bounty hunter.

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