Chapter 05: Bobby The Snake

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"What's going on?"

"Mimi, why are you shouting?"

"Are you hurt?"


Okay, I know that you got confused.

That day would be registered as one of the most embarrassing days in my whole life.

Let me replay this for you.



"Go away.." I mumbled as I began kicking my legs under the sheets.

The tickling continued but it went up to my thighs. I thought it was Aria. I got so upset because it was the second time she had woken me up from my beauty sleep.

"Aria. Stop it. Aria leave me alone."

"Aria it's not funny."

"Okay okay I'm up, God you're so annoying!" I exclaimed as I lifted up my head up, "sometimes I-"

I screamed at the top of my lungs as I saw,



The door swung open and there barged my cousins.

Each one of them carrying some kind of a weapon.

"What's going on?" Landon asked.

"Mimi, why are you shouting?" Aria exclaimed.

"Are you hurt?" Alex asked.

"WHO EVER IS IN THE ROOM WITH MYRNA, I SUGGEST YOU LEAVE HER ALONE BEFORE I ENTER THE ROOM AND KICK YO, Myrna?" Max shouted as he barged in last. He was holding a flip flop, but I was too freaked out to care.

"Please get this horrible thing, away from me." I breathed heavily, too freaked out to move or run away.

"What is it?" Austin asked as he approached me.

I pointed at the snake, and continued sobbing.

"Oh Bobby! Finally I found you! I had been looking for you for the past few days!"
Austin said as he carried the slimy creature.

I just stared at him dumbfounded.

"It tickled me!" I stated.

Then he looked at me and began to laugh his ass off.
The rest of them joined and began laughing so hard.

I looked at them confused, then realized that the snake was a pet snake. I felt my cheeks heat up and I was sure I looked like a tomato.

"Stop." I whispered, but they didn't hear me.
"Stop laughing at me! How the hell am I supposed to know it was a freaking pet snake!Stop laughing!" I groaned feeling so stupid.

"She's right."Austin said as he came to my side.

"Usual snakes tickle too!" He teased me, as they all started to laugh harder this time.

"Austin, Stop teasing her!" Landon hushed Austin.

YES! The oldest one with a brain! He's definitely going to defend me.

Or that's what I thought, as my hopes of him being the mature one went down the drain.

"All the snakes in the world tickle before they bite!" London said as they all laughed harder and harder.

"And I thought you were the one that had a brain." I muttered under my breath scowling.

"Okay. Guys leave her alone." Aria said.

So all of them one by one went out of the door. The last one was Austin holding the snake, aka Bobby.

He came towards me and said, "Bobby loves you! See!" While waving the snake in front of my face.

I let out a shriek of fear as he chuckled and walked out of the room.

I looked at Aria, and then we began laughing together.

"Wow, that was something." She said.

I nodded.

"Now get ready, breakfast is in 10 minutes." She said, and with that she was skipping out of the room.

My new room was completely different from the one I had back home.

The theme of the room was water, and as you can tell the walls of the room were painted with different shades of blue, and are covered with paintings of the sea side.

The room was breathtaking and strangely it kept me calm and at ease.

There was also a 3D flat screen on the wall. In front of the TV was my king sized bed. Then there was a door that led to my huge, nearly empty, walk-in closet. A big dresser, my private bathroom and a desk with my brand new Mac laptop on it.

I went inside the bathroom and took a shower.

After doing all of my showery things I went to my closet.

It had been a week since I first got there, and I didn't have many clothes, just the ones that Aria lent me.

I took out a white skirt that reached an inch or two above my knees, and a floral crop top. I changed my clothes quickly, ruffling my hair a bit. Then skipped my way down to the dinning room.

When I reached the dinning room they all looked at me as the boys tried to control there laughs but Austin ended up chuckling as he remembered 'Bobby's' incident.

I rolled my eyes and sat between Aria and Austin.

"Good morning honey, what would you like to eat?" My aunt asked.

"Umm is there any pancakes left?" I asked.

"No, because somebody ate them all." Aria said as she gives her twin a death glare.

"What? I am a growing boy, I need the food." Austin said.

"More like a growing elephant!" Aria muttered under her breath.

I snorted.

"I heard that!" Austin exclaimed in a sing-song voice. She just childishly stuck her tongue out at her twin.

I chuckled and took some eggs and bacon.

As I began eating my food, I drowned in my own thoughts. Remembering and thinking about everything. The past, the present and the future.

I was snatched out of my thoughts by somebody calling my name.

"Myrna!" Aria said.


"I was talking to you." She sighed, "I was saying that we are going to the mall after breakfast, we're buying you some clothes."

I just nodded and continued eating. Deepening in my thoughts more and more.

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