Chapter 26: Demerol and F-words

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"What? What are you talking about?" My eyes widened and my eyebrows knitted together, as I looked at Elliot.

He averted his gaze away from me, closing his eyes for a bit. My mind was in a blur. Still what he had said had slapped me awake. Pain crossed my neck creeping up to my head, that's when I held my neck and gave a small groan in pain.

"Myrna, Myrna are you okay?" He stuttered in worry and confusion. I opened my eyes to look back at him.

And that's when I realized how close he moved towards me.

My breathing started to lag, and when he noticed that, his features softened, and his eyes sparkled a glint in them.

I clutched the mattress beneath me, as my heart started hammering inside my chest. His eyes shot to my hands and he looked back at me, a small smirk forming on his lips.

"You just love it when I'm that close to you, don't you." He let that out in a low, husky voice, while moving closer to me.

When I heard his tone, my stomach roared in anticipation. He flickered my hair away from my right shoulder slowly, and his fingers brushed my collar bone that was showing from my oversized white hoodie, forming shivers down my spine.

I inhaled deeply closing my eyes.

"You smell like hot cookies that had just got out of the oven."

Wait what?

No seriously, I was really drugged.

My eyes shot open as I realized what I had just said. A genuine smile crept it's way to his lips, and his eyes filled with amusement. He slightly shook his head.

He is as beautiful as hot cookies coming out of the oven.

I mentally face palmed.

"Uh, I need to pee."

Nice way to let that out Myrna.

Elliot chuckled, let's say sexily. He moved away, running his hand through his hair. I let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding, and my fast heart beats started to decelerate as he moved away from me. He pointed to a door in the wooden room we were in and I hastily tried to get up in anxiousness.

And you know how gracefully I got up?

Or not.

My feet tangled with the sheets of the mattress I was lying on, and moments before I could hit the floor, Elliot's muscular arms wrapped around my waist.

I sighed in relief thanking God my face didn't make out with the floor.

"You're so clumsy." Elliot pointed out, giving out a small chuckle. He carried me swiftly, and helped me up on my feet. I just pursed my lips, at the way he was looking at me amusingly.

"I'm not clum-" I started protesting but stopped covering my mouth as I felt suddenly and extremely nauseous. Elliot held my shoulders as I kneeled to the front waiting for the nausea to decrease. I took a sharp breath feeling light headed trying to straighten myself up with the help of Elliot's grip.

"Are you dizzy? Do you feel sick?"

I squinted my eyes nodding in return.

"It must be the Demerol.." He thought out loud, setting me back down on the bed.

"The what?" I spoke up my voice hoarse with the awful taste in my mouth.

Elliot rubbed his face, kneeling in front of me and looking back up to me. He held my hands in his, letting out a breath. "The drug they gave you."

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