Chapter38: "Come On Myrna! Be His Potato."

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From: Elliot<3

Myrna, I'm going out of town for today. I'm so sorry cupcake I won't be there tonight for New Year's Eve, have fun with everyone else. I love you.

I scowled at my phone, feeling those huge sensations of sadness and disappointment falling all over me, filling me as I read Elliot's text.

He was really going to get away out of town for New Years. And he freaking chose to tell me that through messages.

Me: What? Why?

I tapped on my phone's screen vigorously in anger, and pressed the blue send button. I threw my phone to my side on the couch making it bounce a bit, and I turned my head to look out of the window resting my chin between my palm.

It was a about ten days after Christmas, which meant tonight would be New Year's Eve. The whole week after going home with Austin from the hospital, went by uneventful with only Jules being much better and knowing that she would be released soon when we had visited us yesterday. She has woken up, and we had talked. I thanked her heartedly for everything she did, for sacrificing herself and she apologized for everything. We were kind of cool right now. But she had told me that she was going to move away to France, because she's tried from living here, she wants to start fresh.

As though for Austin, the cast due to the minor crack in his arm had been removed, and he was getting even more hyper than normal. Which was really odd compared to a person who had been hit in the head, his skin stitched and was nearly killed.

But Austin isn't normal anyway, I thought.

Everyone has been acting suspicious as well, and I mean everyone. Even aunt rose was giggling mischievously from time to time when I'd ask her about something. It made me feel like I was living with a bunch of lunatics.

And basically I was.

And if I hadn't been fulfilled by one Austin, there came Justin. They were so similar I'd mix them up. Not in looks though, but in attitude. If one of them would come up with a crazy idea, to prank us or do something that would most likely kill us if not harm us permanently, the other would agree and even encourage him to do that. Two days ago they dressed up as the scary nun in The Conjuring 2, with the makeup and all, and scared the shit out of Max and Alex.

They even video taped it, and it was hilarious.

The notification sound that I had received a message rang out of my phone, bringing me out of my thoughts. I glanced at it, grumbling under my breath as I snatched the phone and opened the text.

Him: I'm so sorry cupcake, you'll know when I come back..on Sunday.

My eyes narrowed on my screen yet once again, huffing and locking my phone without responding. Sunday? That's two days away from now. I clenched my jaw and shook my head, looking at the ceiling in disbelief. Why was Elliot even going out of town? That as well was suspicious. Elliot would never just go out or leave telling me though through a simple text. Something was happening, and I really needed to find out.

"Yo Myrna, why so grumpy? I'm starting to think Alex is right about calling you Grumpy."

I glanced at Justin sidedly with my eyes narrowing them at him. He was smirking and eating some French fries with ketchup smudging all over his nose and cheeks.

"Justin, I'm not in the mood." I grumbled leaning back and laying on the couch while closing my eyes, trying to get more comfortable.

Was I going to tell him about the ketchup all over his face? Hell no.

I felt something soft snap to my forehead and falling to my chest, and I opened my eyes feeling what was it. I held it up, rolling my eyes when realizing it was a French fry thrown at me by the idiot himself.

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