Chapter 27: Elliot's POV

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Elliot Gold:

"Okay." I agreed slowly, giving her a small forced smile.

My heart tightened in my chest, in the thought of letting her go in that drugged state.

I just didn't want her to go so soon.

But she gave me a small smile, waved and turned around in attempt to go back to her house. She looked upset when she saw how many calls Alex had given her, and immediately told me that she should go home.

I stared at her figure as she was walking away, slowly, trying to keep her steps balanced. I knew it was because of the drug, but she looked beautiful walking away.

She looked so beautiful as she walked, her messy hair was waving from side to side, it looked adorable.

God, I love the way she walks.

She got into her car and drove off, and I threw myself on the grass as soon as her car disappeared between the trees. I rubbed my face and my eyes harshly in an attempt to clear my mind and think straight.

Did it help? Not one bit.

I was exhausted. My body was alright but I could not take it anymore. It was too many thoughts and too many things happening so fast, too many plot twists and it was too difficult to handle all alone. The only thought that made me relax was her.

Being with her.

Her innocent gorgeous features, her simply flawless existence, it's her being there in the world that kept me sane. But only for a short amount of time, unfortunately.

"Why can't we just, be?" I wondered, aloud. I need her presence more in my life. But at the same time I needed her to be safe, her health and safety were way more important than my need and urge to hold her in my arms. I always felt that I had to protect her, form anything and everything. I felt that since the first moment I met her.

Every time I get close to her it's that unbearable pain that tries to stop me, it's that horrible thought. "You'll hurt her as long as you're close. Protect her. Stay away. You need to leave her to keep her safe."

Does love always have to be so tough? Does it always have to be fought for? Can't it be reached without sweat, blood, and tears?

My lips started forming a small smile. It was that thought, her full lips pressed against mine so softly. Our kiss.

I could not help but remember the way her lips puffed when we kissed. I kissed her because I was so weak, I needed her badly. And yet, I could not still get that kiss off of my mind. I see it this way, as if her lips embarrass clouds with their softness, chocolate with their taste, and heaven with the feeling. They embarrass Myrna with how perfect they look. And as well as perfect that girl looks, her pink lips, reddish-pink when kissed, she gets even more beautiful each day.

I gave out a slight chuckle remembering how she was frustrated and startled the day I first met her at the pier, how cute that was. But as soon as I remembered that moment, my smile disappeared and turned into a frown, remembering how I hurt her, how I treated her because I wasn't sober.

I could never forget how I hurt her wrist like that, and I wanted to kill myself for it.

I remember seeing her at Starbucks, before meeting her at the pier. Justin and I were there, after he dragged me from the bar in order to have some coffee and sober up. I remember some guys whistling at her, that she turned around, frowned cutely, then rolled her eyes.

That's when she reminded me so much of Selena, that I followed her.

I squinted my eyes tightly, trying to ease my mind from remembering more. I didn't want to remember, I didn't want to think of anything that'll get me emotional, I didn't want to have those fucked up stabs again.

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