Chapter 17: My First Kiss

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I parked my car in the school's parking lot, taking off my headphones and getting out of the car. Holding my bag pack, I started marching slowly to the place where my old friends were standing.

A week passed since I had got released from the hospital, and there was no single sign of Elliot. I tried to call and text, but again there was no hope.
It felt like a huge holes had been punched and formed inside my chest. It felt like wind can pass through. I was too scared to go to his house, to tell him I can't sleep only so he'd make me feel safe, because honestly I was afraid of his reaction. After the hurt I saw that night, I couldn't face him anymore.

"Myrna, baby!" Kimberly jumped and hugged me tightly. I smiled patting her back and squeezing her back.
"I missed you so much you, little piece of hotness."

I rolled my eyes at her dramatic self, a small smile planting on my dry lips. I had seen her yesterday, and I know what you're thinking. Since when she's been hanging out with them?
Well, after Aria and I had reconciled, she brought me back to the rest of them, and yeah they're trying to cheer me up from time to time.

The bell rang as I greeted all of them. And together we marched to the school's main door.

I was walking randomly at Aria's side. Looking to the right, I suddenly saw something flashing beside the school's building wall catching my attention. It was dark there, so I couldn't see what it was properly.

"Aria, I want to see something. I won't take long."

She looked at me quizzically but I nodded my head and smiled at her, she nodded back and they all walked away.

Every other student rushed inside the building, and I waited for the last of them to enter. The thing kept flashing as I approached it more and more. When I reached the side of the wall, someone held my hand and pressed me hard against the wall.

I was about to scream because nothing could be seen there, but immediately I was stopped by something pressing so gently against my lips.

Shocked of what was happening I stood right there with no such movement. Dragons roared inside of my stomach, electricity passed all through me, and some strange beautiful feeling filled me, as I realized those were two pairs of lips kissing mine. And they weren't just any lips, they were Elliot's. How did I know? I had know idea. I guess it was from the hotness and the safeness I got that radiated from him.
His hand held the collar of my shirt squeezing it and pulling me hard. He pushed me to the wall making each spot of our bodies touch.

Nothing, ever, felt more perfect in my whole fucking life.

He was kissing me passionately, achingly. My own hands went straight to the back of his head, pushing him more to me, wanting to feel those cottons of his more. Something poked my own lips, making me open them desperately. His tongue darted roughly inside my mouth, battling with mine. More hotness and extremely unexplainable beautiful feelings filled me again and again and again. It was so heavenly.

The lack of air choked both of us, forcing us unwillingly to pull away. Our hot heavy breaths vigorously hit our lips as he held my cheeks protectively. I heard him groan and lick his lips sounding so needing-ly. I was hanging onto him feeling weak in front of him. It felt like I was completely myself, and as if he could see me, see right through me.

My eyes slowly fluttered open, and some light covered his beautiful face, showing me the way he looked right there.

His lips were blood red, loosened as his lower lip showed how full it was. His eyelashes brushed his cheeks as his blue eyes were half closed intensely. Pressing his forehead onto mine, an unconscious smile planted on my lips. He looked so peaceful and innocent, way too needy and aching.

And right there I had my first kiss, from my first true love.

Seeing the position he was in, I bit my lip. I didn't know if he saw that or not, because his thumb slowly brushed the tip of my lower lip, making my teeth leave it and force myself more into his touch.

I was completely unaware of what had happened.

His lips, mine, us, alone.

That was everything on my mind and in my heart. Elliot gold was my first true love, my first kiss. And somehow, I knew he'd be the last.

Nothing could have been more perfect than that first kiss I had. God it was unexplainable, too paradisiac to be true. Fairy tails could never be able to describe it. His lips were the only lips I wanted to plant mine on for the rest of my life.

That kiss was the thing that made me feel alive again, the thing that made me live again, the love that revived me. That kiss was the beginning of something new, something so perfect, too perfect to be known by humanity. I felt it, I realized it, and somehow I knew,

Elliot was my forever.

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