Chapter 14: He was Getting Closer, They were Drifting Away.

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"Can I have the honor to sit beside you, your highness?"

I looked up and saw him flashing me his enchanting smile. Slightly trying to cheer me up by messing around. He knew what had been happening. He always tried his best to take some of my pain away, in any way he could.

I softly smiled at him, and nodded urging him to sit. He compiled and sat close next to me on the gentle green grass. He crossed his legs making our thighs touch, and my heart to race fast. He never failed to give me such crazy sensations whenever he touched or looked at me, he always did.

It had been about one month since that eventful day when I broke down after Alex scolded me. Elliot was getting closer and closer to my heart, as each and everyone else was slowly and willingly drifting away. I also, had never talked to Alex since then. And barely chatted with any of my other cousins. I was never at the house at all. I only arrived there at night so my aunt wouldn't worry about me. But later I'd sneak out and drive to whatever my heart urges me to go, mostly, to Elliot.

Surprisingly, Jules had never bothered me anymore. Although she continued with her glaring and bitching whenever she could, I never minded her. I knew Elliot did something that made her stop bugging me, I felt it. And yeah, even if he tried everything to show me he'll always be there, to show me he'll never leave, my brain wouldn't ever believe it, it just, couldn't.

I inhaled deeply, trying to focus on something rather than our brushing thighs. I had to think about something else. I felt a pair of eyes, his eyes, looking right at me. I turned around making my eyes land on his. He was observing me intensely. He was looking as if he had just saw something new, staring beautifully.

He lifted his hand and cupped my cheek, giving me the same safe feeling he strangely and continuously had. He had always transported it to me by his touch. I closed my eyes, loving the tingles that ran through my body, the heat that radiated through me, and the butterflies that battled inside of my belly.

"Myrna, I'm.."

The bell rang cutting him off, and snapping me back to reality. My eyes widened and I jumped away feeling dizzy at the sudden movement.

A flash of hurt passed through his eyes yet he recovered quickly, masking it.

"Come on we don't want to be late for class." He smiled, faking it. It hurt so much, hurting him hurt so fucking much. But I just couldn't let him touch me. It would make me feel weak, break me down into opening up to him. Just him. He was the only one capable of doing it. He just saw right through me, and it made me feel vulnerable.

"Let's go."


"Myrna.." He softly whispered.

His hair was ruffled as a hint that he had just been waken up. His eyes were half closed, but no sign of surprise filled them as he saw me. He became used to it, me sneaking into his house at night. He knew mostly I came because I couldn't sleep, either I overthought or had nightmares.

"I can't sleep."

He nodded his head sighing. Then widened the door for me to enter. His bare chest caught my breath and my eyes roamed onto it. I should have also became used to seeing him shirtless, but I just couldn't. It always took my mind away, making me feel lost, fluttered.

"Umm.." I mumbled staring. He chuckled and shook his head. And when he did, my eyes snapped to his.


"Put on a shirt, I want to take you somewhere." I stated, smiling from the bottom of my heart.

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