Chapter 08: "Your Cousin?"

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On my way back to the mansion, I could only think of that guy with the hypnotizing blue eyes. I could not grasp any reason explaining the insane way he treated me.

Why would he want to go on a date with me?

No, the real question is,

Why would anyone want to go out with me?

I mean I was not even that pretty, I was just average looking. No guy had ever approached me, and I had never dated or had my first kiss before.

But what was confusing me even more than ever, was the fact that he wouldn't let me go and kept a tight hold on my arm.

I held my wrist, examining it. His cold eyes replaying in my memory. The way emotions showed deep in them, the way anger burned through them, everything was confusing.

"What happened to your wrist?" A voice said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned around to see Alex at my bedroom door, with his eyes decently focused on my arm.

My wrist was a red and a little blue swollen. I pulled my hand towards my lap trying to hide it. "Oh, you're home." I smiled, trying to change the subject. I couldn't tell him what happened. I knew that if I told him he'd find the guy and probably murder him.

"I said, what happened to your arm?" He said as he came closer to examine it.

"I went to the beach and fell on my arm." I lied smoothly.

Alex didn't look convinced, that's what I felt. But he let it go, but not before making me promise him to take care of myself next time.

"Well, okay. Anyways I came to tell you that my friend is having a party tonight, you know, it's like a summer good-bye party, wanna come?" He asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes. Hoping I'd accept his offer.

"Umm I don't know.." I murmured.

"Ohh, come on.. It's a good chance to get to know some people, plus Aria and Austin are going to be there! Please." He pleaded.

"Okay, I guess."

"Yes! you're the best! I'll go get Aria so you two can get ready." He exclaimed while grinning.

I laughed a little as he rushed out of the room excitedly.


"What did you do today?" Aria asked me as she wrapped a piece of my hair around the curling iron.

I was hesitating about telling her or not about that guy. But I decided not to, I didn't want to cause any trouble. Especially as he looked so dangerous.

"Nothing much, just went to the beach, fell on my wrist as you can see, and drew a picture." I said.

"You drew a picture of your arm?"

I rolled my eyes, "No idiot, of the beach."

"Ohh, let me see it, is it in your sketch book?"

I nodded.

"Where is it?" She exclaimed.

"In my bag."

She put the curling iron aside, and went to look through my bag.

"Its not there.." She murmured still searching.

"What?" I yelled. I ran towards her and hastily grabbed the bag.

"No, I couldn't have lost it, I picked it up. I swear I did. I distinctly remember picking it up before walking away!" I exclaimed rushing the words out.

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