Chapter 34: Elliot's POV

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Elliot Gold:


Getting the Christmas tree and decoration was my idea. I knew Myrna would love it, and I genuinely thought it would take her mind off things. She was as innocent as a baby, and adorning for Christmas was absolutely a perfect idea.

I took out the golden star, handing it to her and smiling at the way her eyes sprinkled. "It just needs your last touch."

She nodded her head eagerly taking the star from my hand.

"She can't reach." Alex's voice went out cockily, and he smirked at her.

I saw her scowl cutely. "Should I step on your head then?" She mused, and I smiled. She sure was a cute tiny lioness as Austin had described her.

"I'll carry you up, my lady." I held her waist putting her up on my neck, after I said that in my playful stressed British accent.

She wasn't heavy at all, she was a gorgeous tiny creature that was sitting on my shoulders and she grinned so widely putting the star on top of the tree.

I put her down slowly and whispered, "Merry Christmas cupcake." In her ear.

She pinched my cheek and replied. "Merry Christmas." With a soft smile on her lips. Her touch sent shivers down my whole body, even when it was only a small touch of a finger. And I loved it to the very bits.

"Awww!" The oldest, Max chittered at us.

Austin went to order Chinese food, he never changed. He used to be always hungry even before.

Alex asked Justin and I to follow him to his room. We knew what it was about, Myrna. So we followed him with no hesitation.

Myrna looked at us and narrowed her eyes as we went upstairs, and as silly as it sounds, I did not want to leave her down there. I have always dreamed of being in one house with her, of being this close to her, without any obstacles. I didn't want that to even pause for a second.

"I always knew Selena's mom had something wrong with her." Alex sighed. "We have to stop her before she even tries to reach Myrna, ideas?" He said looking out the window of his room, his back facing us.

"As I said before, I know some guys in the police. They can help. And we have enough proofs to throw her in jail. But how will we start?" Justin's eyes widened saying the last part as he genuinely had no idea where to begin.

The three of us began to brainstorm. And incomplete ideas were flying around the room, as we were thinking out-loud.

And it popped in my head suddenly. "Why are we complicating it so much? Minerva isn't expecting anything. We simply barge in to her place with the police and fuck her men up. Most of them will be arrested, if not hospitalized after we're done with them. She's too mental to think about changing her residence. And this sick woman will be taken away to mental asylum, where she should be." I did not notice that my hands were clinched until I got to the last sentence. I forced myself to loosen them up because I had to be reasonable and not let anger control me.

It was about Myrna, after all. As simple as this was, it also needed to be perfectly thought of and perfectly executed at the same time. I had to keep her safe, no matter what.

Alex nodded his head. "Okay then. Justin, call your friends to let them know when and where. We'll be ready. And Elliot, let's go back down, we shouldn't stay here longer."

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