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"Myrna?.." he called.

I turned around, not being able to stop myself from responding to his beautiful voice. My eyes met his blue ones. He looked desperate, his mask dropping and a needy glint in his eyes sparkled. Showing me things..things I yet couldn't know or understand. And it made me feel weak, so vulnerable every time he looked at me that way.

I couldn't speak, nor breathe. He noticed my state. He knew what happened, how shocked I was. He saw my hands shaking as I barely had the ability to stand on me feet. He slowly walked towards me. Every step he took made me want to shout at him. To tell him to stop because I'm worthless, good for nothing. But I couldn't, the feeling of getting choked intensified more and more with every step he took, until he reached me.

He held both of my shaking hands and brushed them along his cheeks. As soon as my skin touched his face, his eyes closed, as if the touch of my fingers gave him such a pleasure, and his face relaxed. I sighed out a breath as I always did whenever he touched me, feeling the same strange sensation of calmness washing over me, all caused by his simple touch.

Then I remembered, I remembered everything. And it felt like continuous stabs in my heart. I couldn't..I couldn't let him come near me, for his sake. The only thought I had in my mind was to run away that moment, because I knew I was not good for him.

You'll only hurt him.

A voice inside my head kept whispering. My hands crept their way out of his hold, and went to cover me. As if warming me when feeling cold. His eyes shot open, a hurt but understanding look filled them. And when I saw that, my nails dug deep in my skin, it felt so wrong. The fact of refusing him felt so wrong. Pain shot up in my arms, but I didn't stop. It was nothing compared to what I felt inside.

I took a deep shaky breath, forcing words out of my mouth. "You shouldn't come close to me. You shouldn't..I'm nothing but trouble. I'm no good. The only thing I do is hurt whoever is around. It was all my fault, all of it. You need to leave me just like how everybody did. You have to. I'm alone. I'm always alone.." I broke down at the last word. Slow tears sliding down my cheeks. And my nails dug in more. Wanting to feel the pain more and more. Thinking I deserved it.

He didn't seem surprised, but his eyes flashed with a feeling. A powerful feeling I couldn't grasp, and his gaze went to my arms. When he saw the way I was hurting myself, he snatched my hands fast away from my arms and squeezed them so tight in his. His head shot up, his eyes looking roughly at my features. He looked furious.

"Myrna, what the fuck are you doing? God!" He screamed the words out and pulled me hard into his chest. His hold was tight and it never quivered as I struggled against him, in fact he only hugged me tighter.

"Stop. Just fucking stop thinking about yourself like that." I stood still in his arms when I heard the tone he spoke in. It was defensive, demanding. And so much full of hurt.

"You're so amazing Myrna. So fucking beautiful and deep inside you're too pure and innocent to even live in a world like this. I need you. And the way you act kills me. I know, I know what you've been through..and I'm sorry..but God I swear you don't deserve it, you don't deserve any of what happened. You saved me Myrna. I've never told you this, but God damn you're perfect. You mended were there for me when no one else was. Just..don't you ever think you hurt me again. Ever."

He pulled away and held my cheeks with his hands, he opened his mouth but closed it when he saw my face. His eyes sparkling. Emotions swarming his face. Guilt, anger, need, and something else, the same thing I couldn't understand.

His words hit really hard. I opened my mouth to tell him, to tell him what I felt and what he needed to hear. But he stopped me, by pressing his finger on my lips then staring at them.

He pressed his forehead against mine. His breath cracked as it mixed with my own. His eyes switched back to my brown ones, and I had never seen them this wide, this beautiful. The next six words he said made the hole inside my heart mend and close. They forced the pain to be sucked out of me.

"I'm in love with you Myrna.."

In a second his lips came crushing onto mine.


Hey guys!

I hope you liked this brief introduction!So this is my first book on wattpad, I hope you will like it.

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