Chapter 33: My Half Sister.

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"Haha, nice joke you ugly witch." I spat out to her and she just stared at me like I was the dumbest creature on earth.

She had to be kidding. Of course she was making fun of me and wanted to play with my mind after her men kidnapped me, anyhow, she had mental issues and needed help.

"What do you think is the reason behind the fire that swallowed your whole house with your whole family half a year ago?" She angrily snapped at me, her eyes boring with hate and revulsion.

"What do you mean?" My eyebrows knitted together. "What does that have to do with anything? It was gas seepage from the kitchen and-"

"Yeah from the kitchen and when your filthy mom had tried to cook, the fire went out. Wasn't that the reason?" She hideously gave me an ugly smirk. "I didn't know it was that easy to buy the police back in Florida."

My heart tightened in my chest, and I felt my whole body stiffen that I wanted to scream so loudly.

"What the fuck is that suppose to mean huh? What are you trying to say?"

"It wasn't planned onto killing your whole family, it was planned onto killing you alone." She screamed back abruptly taking me off guard.

What the-

My family's death was complete murder then.

"Believe it or not, I am your step mother. Your father and I were in love before he met your disgusting mother. He left me for her, telling me that she was his one. They went to Florida and lived there peacefully and had you and your brothers. My life was a fucking living hell while you all lived your happily every after. I tried to commit suicide multiple times because I had no one except your father, who didn't return my calls nor ask about me."

I swallowed, my eyes widening and burning as I knew that the woman who stood in front of me, was the one who killed my whole family. The one who burnt them to death. I was totally in shock, just looking at her standing in flesh in front of me, made me sick to my inner guts. Everything that I was feeling right there was just, beyond explaining. I was sure I looked white as death hearing what she was saying.

"But one day, I heard that he had come here to Miami for his work. And I followed him, trying to do everything to be able to just talk to him, or even see him. That was about seventeen years ago, when your mother was carrying you in her as a fetus. Anyway I had found him, in a bar with his friends, and he was fully drunk. I took him to my house, things had moved on from there, and that's how the next week I found out that I was pregnant."

Tears were sprinting down my eyes as I listened to her, I don't know why. And I refused to believe what she was saying. My heart was beating loudly and my body shook from the tone she was talking in, I did not want to believe what she was saying.

She had to be lying.

"You're lying!"

She marched quickly towards me and held my face with her hand squashing it and digging her fingernails in my cheeks painfully. I squinted my eyes tightly as she pushed my face up to look at her furiously and anger filled features.

"You'll hear me out you stupid child, and don't you dare call me a liar. Because that's what your father accused me of when I told him about my pregnancy. And you look so much like him." She left my face harshly and I pursed my lips as burning pain filled the sides of my cheeks.

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