Chapter 12: Alex's Angry Face

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Okay guys, I know it's been forever since I've updated, but I really need you guys to support me and share the story with your friends!

Here's the chapter you all have been waiting for:)

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

Lots of love xx



I sank more to the amorous source of it, loving the sensation of calmness it gave me. This beautiful warmness was giving me it's loving vibes as I was feeling feverish and cold. Something was running tenderly and teasingly up and down my back, making me sigh heavily.

Wait, why is my duvet moving up and down..

I was starting to gain consciousness second by second and my senses started to awaken, as I began to feel my surrounding. My fingers rested on top of a hard clement surface, that moved slowly and steadily inwards and outwards. Something was tangled between my legs and I felt my body pressed firmly against that frame. A manly scent filled my nose gently, and a slow sound of breath loaded in my ears.

My eyes started to open slowly. They were met with a skin-full vision. I looked down a bit, and saw a muscular tanned chest pressed against me. My eyes roamed up, barely some inches, and I was met with a pair of full lips, a sharp nose, and two relaxed closed eyes that carried long beautiful lashes at the tips of them.

I frowned. After a few seconds my brain started to assimilate what was happening. I pulled myself up a bit till I was facing the sleeping figure in front of me. I drew my head to the side and stared intensely at him.

Wait a second.

All of a sudden, memories swarmed my brain. From the moment Jules left me under the rain, till falling asleep holding Elliot's hand.

I took that moment to just stare at him. He was just so beautiful. He looked like an innocent sleeping baby. With his full red lips loosened, his jaw line captivatingly sharp and his beautiful eyes closed, as his long lashes rested gently on his soft cheeks.

How does he have such a reputation of being the badass boy if he was way too sweet with me. If he treated me really good. I had a feeling in my bones that people were so wrong about him. And the way he looked right now made me really believe that. I couldn't help but wonder why he was so good to me as well. Remembering the first day we met at the pier and how he snapped.

I hadn't thought much about how we engulfed each other, hugging gently. His eyes fluttered open then found mine, and stared back at me. They looked bare, innocent. His eyes caught my features, and started staring. Powerful feelings flashed into his blue eyes, so many feelings.

I exhaled loudly, and my breath caressed his face, making him sigh softly.

"God, you're so beautiful.." I blurted out without noticing.

God job Myrna. This fever was actually getting into your brain.

His eyes snapped to my lips, a grin forming on his. My cheeks heated up so quickly, which made him caress them with both hands. He leaned in till we were exactly one inch apart. Our breaths were already mixing. My eyes widened and stared deep at his. I actually thought he was going to press his lips onto mine.

"You're the beautiful one, cupcake." He looked completely serious. My heart fluttered when he called me cupcake. Then I actually felt him leaning in, but that thought couldn't be certified as he was cut off by a baby voice.

"Elliot Elliot! Spider-Man 2 is on tv! Wake up wake.."

We pulled apart, and I supported myself up with my elbows. The baby voice belonged to a cute little kid, that was wearing a petite Spider-Man costume and holding a little teddy bear to his chest. He had soft blue eyes but were paler than Elliot's. His hair was dark brown, and he had his tooth missing as he was staring at us nervously.

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