Chapter 20: "Why did you come here Myrna?"

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"Who's that?"

Alex looked at me. He took a sharp breath closing his eyes for a second. He then opened them. They roamed all my features, looking truly frightened.

I took a step to reach him, "Alex are you okay?"

Those words seemed to slap him out of his state. He shook his head lowering his gaze to the ground. He looked so, off right now. I was about to open my mouth to ask him what was scaring him so much, but a knock on his door cut me off.

"Myrna?" Aria called softly. She was standing at the door way, her fist fixed at the door as she stared between us. She walked slowly towards Alex. They both looked as if arguing through their eyes.

I pursed my lips, looking worriedly at Alex. His face was pale and Aria stood beside him holding his forearm.

"What's wrong with you both?" I asked softly.

"Hey guys check this out!" We all turned around. Austin barged into the room, he had two pencils stuffed in each hole of his nose, while Bobby hanged on his hair.

Yes Bobby, the snake.

When he saw us he froze, looking at us like he knew he had interrupted something.

I cracked a small smile at the way he looked. I swear to god he was a kid at the heart, literally.

"I can't believe we were born together and he's that stupid." Aria mumbled face palming herself lightly.

"Hey! I heard that. Myrna you think it's cool don't you?" Austin chirped to me jumping in front of me and holding my shoulder shaking me lightly.

"Austin, do you want me to throw up on you?" I slowly asked him making him stop his shaking me session and eye me disgustedly.

"Ew no!" He immediately replied, but not before wrapping an arm around my shoulder and shoving my head under his armpit.

Luckily it didn't stink there.

"But I want to order pizza do you guys want some?"

I looked over at Alex, he sighed heavily. "I'm not in the mood to eat anything. You guys go ahead, I think I'm going to sleep a bit."

What was happening?

"Come on," Aria shoved her way between us holding our arms and getting us out of the room.

Austin skipped his way downstairs to order the pizza, and Aria was going behind him. I held her arm stopping her and pulling her back to me. She looked at me quizzically as if she didn't know what I was going to say.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "What's wrong with Alex? I know that you know. And who's the brunette with him in the picture hanging on the wall? Why don't I know about her?"

Aria pursed her lips. Letting out a long breath, she held my shoulders and smiled at me sadly.

"She's Alex's ex-girlfriend."

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would Alex hang a picture with his ex and feel so frightened about it. This was extremely odd.

"Just, Myrna, don't think about it. It still hurts Alex. He loved her so much. We all agreed to let it all go. He doesn't want us to talk about it, please." She pleaded with her gaze averted everywhere but on mine. She was nervous, but I bothered no more about it.

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