Chapter 09: What A Nice Way to Start School With.

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"I'm going to fucking kill that asshole!" Alex shouted, banging the door of the mansion so hard as he entered. He was completely furious. He had been screaming and swearing all the way back to the mansion from the party, while clenching and unclenching his fists rapidly.

One thing I couldn't understand was, why did he hate Elliot so much. Well, I understood that he was the school's bad boy with a scary reputation, although I didn't feel like believing that, but this hatred that Alex had for Elliot, was just behind a reason more than that.

My three cousins entered the living room. Austin pulled Alex back and started talking to him in hushed voices. Aria joined. I couldn't understand what were they talking about, but their faces were pale. They looked scared of something that might happen.

I lowered my gaze to the ground and bit my lip. My left cheek felt like it was on fire, since the second Elliot's lips came in contact with it. I felt shivers run down my spine when he kissed it. I couldn't bring it off of my mind. It filled it completely, leaving me wondering.

I lifted my head up and looked straight forward. Alex was staring at me, with so many emotions swarming his face. Austin and Aria were still talking. But the look on Alex's face made me freeze. It lacked anger this time, it looked, hurt?

His face was full of emotions but hurt was most shown there. I frowned.

What is hurting him so much?

I walked towards them, wanting to know everything right now. Needing to know everything.

When I reached them they stopped talking.
"Can I know what's going on?"
I stated, looking between the three of them.

They stared at me concernedly. I raised my eyebrow, waiting for one of them to elaborate. Aria sighed, bringing my attention to her. She kept silent, looking between her two brothers.

"I'm going to sleep." Alex suddenly said, his tone icy. Without even sparing us a glance, he sprinted to his own bedroom. I sighed looking back to Aria.

"Listen Myrna, Alex does not want you to hang around Elliot. He's not a good guy, and yeah, Alex really got pissed off because he kissed your cheek. It was only to tease him, nothing else. You know that right?" Austin told me carefully.

I pursed my lips, of course it wasn't for anything else. I didn't know why the hell I felt that way towards a single kiss on the cheek by some guy I didn't even know.

"Of course." I answered a bit more coldly than I intended to.

"Myrna.." Aria whispered gently, extending her arm towards me to pull me towards her, but I pulled back.

I fake smiled at her, and told her that it was okay. "Let's just forget this night. I'm going to sleep, those heals are really killing me."

I marched away from them quickly and climbed the stairs towards my room. I closed my bedroom after me and sighed heavily. I kicked my heels off, and sat down on my bed. My head between my hands, I held my tears as my heart banged tightly in my chest. Everything seemed to corrode since the first beginning. Why, I wondered. Why did everything flip so fast. Everything turned to a mess, a huge chaos, and I was the blame of it.

I lied back, hugging myself tightly. Staring at nothing in particular in front of me. One tear rolled down my cheek making me shut my eyes tightly, preventing anymore from coming down. My mind roaming about so many things, way too many, that I couldn't handle any.

And in a minute or so, I dozed off into a deep sleep.


"No it wasn't like that! We both dropped the ice-cream cones we had, and your mom screamed at us." I exclaimed to Alex laughing loudly. He looked at me thoughtfully.

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