Chapter 19: Is It a Mafia Gang?

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"Where are you going Elliot.." I muttered to myself completely unaware of where I currently was driving.

Elliot has passed onto unfamiliar streets, that looked, let's say, dangerous. I hadn't seen much on the side of the roads, except some car repairing garages, and abandoned black buildings.

And it was scary as hell.

After about half an hour of speed driving from Kimberly's house, strangely undetected, Elliot had entered a small alley and then disappeared into a mysterious garage. So I decided to park my car a bit distant and continue the journey of following him on foot.

I put the hood of my hoodie on top of my head, covering half of my face. I tucked my cell phone into the back pocket of my pants. And I hurriedly walked into the alley.

At the end of the alley, there was a wide squared ground. With no entrance to it except through the alley. The ground was surrounded by a moderate tall fence, two building, and the garage Elliot disappeared into.

The garage was fully grey. With some weird symbols written on its huge door with black spray paint. I tucked behind some bushes, examining my surrounding. I assumed there was a backyard due to the path beside the front door. And there was no way to get into the garage door as it was locked after Elliot had gone into. So I decided to round by the back yard to find an entrance.

Oh Myrna, you've gotten yourself in some deep shit.

I shook my head on my own thoughts, shrugging them away. I knew what I was doing was risky as hell, but I was determined to know what was going on.

I ducked and marched hastily towards the path that lead to what I assumed was the back yard.

There was no grass there, no trees, nothing but ashes that came supposedly from previous fire, all on the ground.

"What the fuck do you want."

I turned to my side frowning at the voice, it was Elliot's indeed. But to see where it was coming from. There were two big windows, enough for a person to enter in each. One had a hole in it and a figure stood by it. They were full of dirt, probably from the ash, that you can only see shadows with faint visibility.

I quickly hid beside the unbroken window, my back resting against the wall. Of course I would not step by the window that the figure stood by, or I'll get myself killed.

I slowly shifted towards the window to try to see if I can grasp any face or figure. I took the hem of my shirt and carefully tried to wipe some dirt across a small side of the window enough for me to look in.

"Minerva is quite pissed off with you Elliot." A scary strong voice said. "You wouldn't want her pissed off like last time though, or else she will demolish again." The man laughed humorlessly.

I squinted my eyes to be able to see more clearly. I saw Elliot, his jaw clenched and his injured hand was wrapped by a cloth, that didn't seem quite clean. The scary voice was coming from a tall, big, black man. Who was wearing a suit. I only saw the back of his kind of bald head, as he was sitting by a wooden table.

The scene inside was a cliché mafia site. My stomach churned. There were about 10 men around. Some machines and gadgets on other wooden tables that seemed deadly and torturing.

The actual hell.

"I left Minerva months ago. And settled everything between us. Now you want me back again? I am not fucking willing to just accept that. We had a fucking agreement to leave me alone." Elliot growled.

The scary man slapped his hand hard on the table. Elliot stumbled back, but his face was expressionless. My heart started beating fast, I did not expect this, I did not expect Elliot to have some relation with mafias or whoever the hell are these guys.

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