Chapter 16: I'm In Love With Him

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Elliot had left me right there, coldly.

I didn't care. Or in fact I showed carelessness. Inside, it killed and stabbed me in the heart. The minute he got up, I looked into his eyes, and you know what I saw?

Pure fucking hurt.

It's just that, I know that I'm the one responsible for it but, the question is;
What did I do?

I was just so sick of not knowing anything, so sick of everyone. I was completely and entirely fed up. I was all alone. The moments I had felt that there was only one person standing beside me, helping me, were completely shattered. Now Elliot had left, and nothing is what I was left with.

After three or more hours, from which I had stayed there, dozing, my feet unconsciously carried me back to the house. The place I wanted mostly to get away from.

"She needs to know Alex. She needs to know everything. She's fucking depressed can't you see? She never sleeps. She barely eats. And she's never home. You know she's hanging out with him all the time, and blocking us all out. I even think she's falling for him." Aria stated

"What? What the fuck are you talking about?"

The second I entered the room, their conversation stopped. My eyes went straight to Alex's, and he stared worried stiff at me. His eyes roamed my features as if something wrong with my face. I averted my gaze from him to Aria, and saw the same exact look on her face. She took a step towards me and I inhaled sharply.

"Don't." My tone turned out cold as ice. They eyed me up and down with a look that disgusted me, and for a second I felt lightheaded.

I turned around ready to leave the room. A tear surprisingly fell from my right eye catching me off guard.

Dont show weakness Myrna.

I stumbled back, and heard voices calling behind me. I started coughing
vigorously and leaned on the wall to hold myself up. Shocked of what was happening, I tried to stand up straight but my feet betrayed me as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.
The last thing I felt was banging the back of my head with hard surface, and hearing my name being screamed loudly.


"Myrna..Myrna please wake up." Soft sobs echoed around me. My right arm was getting wet by spots of fresh water each second. The person beside me kept mumbling weakly sounding so afraid, and my hand was being squeezed tightly by another shaking one.

My eyes slowly and weakly fluttered open. They went from staring straight ahead to the source of the sound.

Aria looked pale almost deathlike. She was holding my hand and squeezing it as if it was the last thing she was holding onto. Her lower lip trembled as she mumbled vulnerable words into my fingers. She was looking down, and God how much it broke my heart to see my only sister sobbing like that.

"Aria.." I weakly called.

Her eyes snapped up to me. She looked shocked when she saw me, as if I had woken up from death. She started shaking and more tears fell from her green eyes. That look on her face made my heart fall to my stomach, and my eyes to water slowly.

I had always loved Aria, no matter what. It was killing me to see her like that, broken, collapsed. I was being completely selfish. Alex had always been right, I entirely and fully was egocentric.

I pulled myself up, and my process was interrupted by flashes of forceful pain cutting through my left arm, face and head. I screamed as knife like stabs went all through making me fall back to the bed I was in.

A sob left my mouth and I closed my eyes tightly, wishing the drastic pain would end. Aria's warm arms embraced me, giving me some kind of calmness, and holding me tight.

"It's okay Mimi, it's okay..calm down.."

"What happened?" I whispered when she pulled away and wiped my tears.

She took a long breath and looked down to her fingers. I knew something big had happened, something bad. She never did that, and I was truly scared of the answer.

"You were in a comma. You fell because you barely eat and sleep. You hit your head really hard. The doctor said your body is becoming weak by the days, and you might not wake up. I.."

"What? How long have I been here?" I cut her off bringing her eyes to mine.

"There days. I'm sorry for everything Myrna..we left you, when you most needed us. Alex is the selfish one, not you. I can't bear this anymore, you're my only sister and I should protect you from harm."

I urged for her to come and hug me, and she immediately obeyed. I held her tight, as a tear fell from my left eye. I dont know how, but some relief passed through me, making me feel safe for those moments were rare. Aria squeezed me tighter. And right there, I was in a hospital bed, hugging my only sister, wishing everything would go back to the way it was long ago.

"I love you Aria.."

"Love you too little sister."

She pulled away, and told me she'd go and bring the doctor. I nodded smiling softly and told her not to take too long.
When she went out, he popped into my mind, and I felt shattered, completely shattered.

I missed Eliot. No matter how much I tried to deny it, I missed him. I was thinking about him in a hospital bed, thinking of how badly I needed him, how desperately I wanted him. I thought about every time he made my days, and every time he made me feel on top of the moon even though everything was messed up. What happened that night, I knew he didn't mean it, somehow. And God how much I wanted to feel those breathtaking butterflies again when he was close to me. And right there I knew.

I was deeply in love with Elliot gold.

I was truly, madly and deeply in love with that boy.

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