Chapter 28: We Drink to Forget.

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Myrna Rockwell:


"Oh yeah! Come on. You get the limo out front, Ohh! Hottest styles, every shoe, every color."

I furrowed my eyebrows looking up from the book that lied between my palms.

"Yeah when you're famous it can be kinda fun! It's really you but no one else discovers!"

"What the." I muttered closing Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire.

"In some ways you're just all your friends, but on stage you're a staaaaarr!"

And my door slammed so hard that it contacted with the wall, revealing Hanna Montana.

"You've got the best of both worlds!" Austin sang out while holding a shoe as a microphone, and gesturing around with his hand and swinging his hips. He wore a supposedly Hanna Montana blonde wig, and had on purple lipstick that he sure looked like a motherly cat had eaten her babies.

Cats don't have purple blood but you get the point.

His headphones were sticking to his ears.

Oh geez I wonder what he's listening to.

"Chill it out take it slow! Till you rock out the show!" He did out some old girly dance moves.  "Myrna your turn!" He threw the shoe at my face in which I barely managed to duck, biting back a huge laugh as he sounded so serious.

I stared at him.

He gave me a strict look that pleaded, "Come on!"

I smiled taking the shoe and jumping on my bed.

"You get the best of both worlds! Mix it all together and you know that it's the best of both worlds." I sang my heart out moving my index finger in half a circle in front of me. In the mean time Austin grinned taking his phone, and bluetooth connecting the song on the Beats speaker on my dresser.

The electrical guitar part came, and I held the shoes out as a guitar, and Austin grabbed a huge kitchen spoon of his back pocket using it as a guitar.

Why does he have a spoon sticked to his butt?Well it's Austin.

He took a large leap jumping on the bed beside me and stuck his tongue out bobbing his head up and down like those rock and roll musicians.

I laughed so hard and mirrored his actions that I was sure by the end of this I wasn't going to have any brain cells left.

Maybe that's how Austin lost his.

The music suddenly stopped and we both froze.

"What are you both doing?" Alex was clearly amused. His finger rested on the start/stop click on the speakers.

"Hey! You just cut out our so freaking awesome and so freaking cool show!" Austin pouted his lips pointing accusingly at his little brother.

Yeah, Alex was younger than Austin.

Alex slapped his hand to his forehead as he stared at Austin. "Unbelievable." He muttered. His eyes moved looking to me.

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