Chapter 16

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Hello lovely readers, before you read I just wanted to give some shout outs to some people:

First I would like to give a shout out, SHOUT OUT! To Emelie_; she has voted for basically every chapter and has been here since the beginning. Check her out later.

I would also like to give a shout out to anonym_us: thank you for all the lovely feedback and comments! Check out her story, Getting Rid Of Scars.


Niall’s POV

I quickly got off of the bus and looked at the sign ahead of me:

Welcome to Golden Horseshoe Stables!

I must be at the right place, Lily once told me that when she first met us she went to a boarding school and she always used to come her to ride and think. I ran up the pathway where I found a young lad, probably Lily’s age riding around an arena on a horse. “Hey have you seen a girl with curly red hair, bright green eyes, and about yea tall?” I said holding my hand to my mouth.

“Lily?” The boy asked.

 “Smith?” I said just to be sure.

“Yeah! She went out for a ride about an hour ago. She should be back soon.” He said looking at the grey sky.

“Thanks and you are?”

“Cody, and you must be Niall. Lily talks a lot about you.” He said, getting off his horse to shake my hand.

 “How do you know Lily?” I asked him, confused.

“We used to go to the same…” Cody started to say but then got cut off by the sound of hoof beats. “Promise!” Cody shouted and ran towards the horse and I followed him. “This is the horse Lily took,” Cody explained and I began to worry. Lily wasn’t on it.

 “Where’s Lily?” I asked, circling around the horse. When I got to the other side I saw a piece of paper flapping against the saddle. I quickly grabbed it and read it out loud. “Help! Fell of and hurt my ankle on Foxwood Trail.” I looked up and we both had the same worried expression on our faces. “Where’s Foxwood trail?” I asked Cody and hopefully he got the idea that I was going to find her.

“Over there,” he said pointing to the forest. Wow, that was helpful. “Take Promise, she probably knows where she is.” Cody said and I took Promise’s reins on one hand and ran towards the forest with Promise trotting behind me.

As I got to the forest I saw a sign saying:

Foxwood Trail.

I must be going the right way. As jogged down the trail I didn’t see her. Please let her be here! I quietly begged. The rain started coming down and started to blur my vision a little. “LILY!” I screamed. I could see the sky light up with lightning and the crack of thunder after it, and I almost got blown away by the harsh wind. This had turned into a huge storm. Lily must be soaked by now, I thought and ran faster through the forest shouting her name. I ran and ran until I was blocked by trees. I looked around… no sign of Lily. She’s not here. “LILY!” I screamed she has to be here, she has to!! “LILY!” I screamed again.


I fell on my knees. She’s not here!! I could feel tears running down my face. It’s all my fault! She ran away because of me and I can’t even find here and say sorry. Now she’s somewhere in this forest with a hurt ankle. She’s hurt because of me! The tears ran down my face and soon I was completely soaked because rain. I’m sorry Lily, I’m so sorry. Then I felt a pull on the reins. I looked up, Promise! She was probably trying to walk somewhere. She knows where Lily is! I quickly got up and let her lead the way until we came to a small path. This is the only place I haven’t checked. Lily could be here! Then I got some new energy and ran down the path shouting “LILY!” over and over. Then I saw somebody laying on the ground and carefully walked over. Please let it be her, I begged. I looked a couple more steps and then fell beside the body.


But something wasn’t right. Her eyes were closed, she wasn’t moving, and her ankle was in an awkward position. “Lily?” No response. I grabbed her shoulders and shook her. She’s not waking up! “Lily!” I said shaking her. But still no response. I pressed my ear to her chest and found a heartbeat. She wasn’t dead but she wasn’t waking up. “Lily…” I whispered brushing her wet hair out of her eyes. No! It’s not supposed to end like this! Lily will wake up. She has to! “Lily! You need to wake up! I don’t care if you hate me. I’m sorry! I’m sorry Lily! I’m so sorry that you’re hurt because of me. But you need to wake up! I need you!” I shouted, tears running down my face and I was shaking her harder. “Wake up Lily please, I NEED YOU!” I said shaking her even harder. I looked up, nothing. Great, there’s something wrong with Lily and it’s all my fault. “L-lily p-please w-wake u-up p-please.” I said , tears streaming down my face. I looked down at her perfect face, soaked in rain. She’s not dead, she’s going to wake up, I thought to myself. Then, I don’t know what happened but all of a sudden I lost it. “LILY YOU NEED TO WAKE UP!” I screamed shaking her and I could feel that my face was drenched with tears and rain.

“Niall?” I heard somebody whisper.

 “Lily?” I said and looked down to see 2 green eyes looking back at me.

“So thirsty…” She moaned.

“Here, but drink some a little at a time,” I said giving her my water bottle.

 “Thank you,” she croaked.

 “We need to get you to a hospital,” I said looking at the state she was in. She looked horrible, there was a huge cut on her head and leg and I’m not even going to start and here ankle.

 “How? I can’t put any weight on my ankle,”

“I know,” I said and started to think. I couldn’t use my phone since I got no reception out here. “I could carry you back.”

 “No way. I’m too heavy and no offence but you’re not the strongest person.” She said and then Promise nudged me and gave me an idea.

 “Can you get on Promise?”

 “No, remember I can’t put any weight on my ankle.” She said and then the most amazing thing happened, Promise knelt down on her knees so that Lily could easily climb on. I help Lily crawl over and lift herself into the saddle and made sure she didn’t lose her balance as Promise got up. “Thank you,” she said hugging her and we walked back very carefully and I held onto Lily so that she didn’t fall and Promise took very careful steps being sure her special rider wouldn’t hurt herself.

After a couple of minutes we finally got back to the stables. “Help!” I screamed and a couple stables hand came to the rescue. 2 of them helped get Lily off, another one took care of Promise and I fished me phone out and called 911. As soon as I was finished talking telling the 911 operator where we are and what happened dialed Liam’s number, and after the 2nd ring her picked up.

“Niall did you find her?” Liam said with a worried tone.

 “Yeah I did,”

 “Is she hurt?”

“She hurt her ankle, has a bunch of cuts all over her, and she was passed out a couple minutes ago.”

 “Does she need to be taken to a hospital?”

 “I called 911 a couple minutes ago so an ambulance should be here by now.”

 “Do you want us to meet you there?” Liam asked and I told him which hospital she was being taking too and then ended the call. I looked over at Lily, who at the moment was struggling to keep her eyes open.

 “Lil, I need you to try and keep your eyes open.” I said to her.

 “I’ll try my best to,” she said quietly.

“I need to tell you something.”

“What Ni?” She whispered.

“I’m sorry.”


Sorry for the long wait everybody. I was so busy this week, it felt like all of my teachers, coaches, and trainers were making sure that I was extra busy. But thankfully I got a snow day on Friday so that I could work on this. Also, I'm going on my grad trip to Muskoka woods this week; not the greatest place but my school is poor and can't afford to go Ottawa or Montreal so I'll probably update on the weekend or next week. Please remember to vote, fan, and comment! :D

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