Chapter 23

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I am so sorry for taking forever to update but all of a sudden school has gotten a lot harder and my grades are slipping a little so sadly it's school before writing or doing anything else for me. Also, the weather has been really nice so when ever I decide to write I get distracted by the nice weather and end up going outside. But on the bright side, I don't have that many track meets now, but I still have a lot of dance competitions and I don't have writer's block anymore (funny how I got the inspiration for this chapter by washing the dishes, I know I'm weird). On a more serious note, have you guys heard what heard to Boston? That was absolutely horrible #prayforboston.

Oh and one more thing before I stop rambling on, it's been 1000 days of 1D!!!!! :D #1000daysof1D


Niall's POV

"Alright Horan, spill it." A voice said behind me, interrupting my usual breakfast routine. I put my spoon in my bowl and turned around to see Liam standing behind me.

"Well good morning to you too Liam." I said and he just rolled his eyes.

"Come on Niall spill it." Liam said and sat down beside me.

"Spill what?" I asked, confused.

"Come on Niall you know what I'm talking about." He said, becoming impatient. "What's going on between you and Lily?"

"Nothing is going on between me and Lily." I lied and hopefully Liam was buying it, but he wasn't.

"Liam just crossed his arms and starred at me. "I know you're lying Ni, you're a horrible liar."

"I'm not lying! There is nothing going on between me and Lily! We're just friends!"

"Okay then, but why are you and Lily always together, you guys are always smiling or blushing when you look at each other, when you guys are in the same room as me and the other lads you stand really far away from each other, and you guys always look like you're hiding something!"

Shoot, Liam knew what was going on. What do I tell him? I can't lie to him, he's like my brother and he won't believe me. But should I tell him?

"Ni? Niall?" Liam said, waving his hand over my face, breaking my thoughts.

"Huh?" I said and then realized that I zoned out.

"You never answered by question. What's going on between you and Lily? Come on Ni, you can trust me." He said.

"Well, umm..." I started to say and then I thought carefully about what I was about to tell him. I can tell Liam, right? Or will he tell the rest of the lads? Wait, what am I thinking? He's Liam Payne! He's the nicest person I know and he never breaks a promise.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Liam asked, becoming anxious and impatient.

"Well, you were kind of right. There is something going on between me and Lil." I said slowly. "But before I tell you anything, you have to promise me that you won't tell the lads."

"I promise,"

"Me and Lily are dating, for real." I finally said.

"Really? Aww! My little Nialler has a girlfriend!" Liam exclaimed and hugged me.

"Get off me!" I said, pushing him off me "And I'm not that little! You're only a month older than me!"

Whatever, but I can't believe that you guys are dating!! You guys are so cute together! How long have you guys been dating?" Liam asked me.

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