Chapter 20

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I am such a horrible person! I am so sorry! I was originally going to update on Tuesday but I didn't have enough time to and then I was to busy to update on Wednesday and Thursday. But thankfully it's March Break! Yay! Are any of you guys going away? Sadly I'm not, but I'm leaving on Wednesday to go snowboarding and I think I'm coming back on Friday so I might write a little since I have my notebook and hopefully I'll update on Saturday. So going back to the story, can you believe that this is the 20th chapter?! Thank you guys s much for reading this, if it wasn't for you guys I probably would've given up after chapter 5. Also, this is the other part of Chapter 19, but it was getting to long so i decided to cut it in half and make 2 chapters out of it, and in this chapter you get to learn about Lily's past.

This chapter is inspired by She's Not Afraid by One Direction-(again, but this is were the song really comes into play, if that makes sense)

Enjoy and please remmember to comment, vote, and fan!


Lily's POV

Even after dinner Niall still didn't come back down and I started to worry, does he hate me that much? Then Louis started up a game of truth and dare and Liam  got Niall to come back down and play.

"Okay Lil truth or dare?" Niall asked me.

"Truth," I said.

"What?! Lily's taking truths and Liam's taking dares? What has the world come to?" Louis exclaimed.

"Shut up Lou," Harry said smacking his friend with a pillow.

"Why did you run off earlier?" Niall asked me. I really didn't expect that he would ask me that in front of the boys.

"Um, well..." I said and tried to think of something to say, but I didn't know what to say.

"Is it because of Cody?"

"What no! Cody has nothing to do with this." I said.

"Okay then, tell me, who's Cody." Niall said. Why does he want to know all this stuff?! I already told him that Cody has nothing to do with this, and I was trying to keep him a secret from everybody.

"Who's Cody?" Niall asked again.

"Ummm... he's an old friend." I said quickly.

"What kind of old friend?" Niall asked suspiciously.

"If I knew you were going to ask this many questions I would've chosen dare."

"Okay then, I dare you to tell me who Cody is."


"Niall just let her be," Harry said.

"No that was her dare,"

"Lily's got a dark secret!" Zayn teased.

"Okay then, I pass." I said, determined to keep Cody a secret.

"No that was your dare!" Niall said, determined to find out who Cody was.

"No! I don't want to talk about him!!" I shouted.

"You have to!" Niall said raising his voice and I stormed off to her room.

I sat on her bed. Why couldn't Niall just leave me alone? I thought to myself and then there was a knock on the door. It was Niall.

"Look, I'm sorry what happened down there." He apologized and sat down next to me. "I just really wanted to know who this Cody person was and I thought best friends don't keep secrets from another."

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