Chapter 42

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I'm so sorry. I meant to update before Christmas and maybe on boxing day but where I live got hit by a pretty bad ice storm so my power was out for days and then I had to write a couple more chapters before I could post this becasue I like to be ahead of myself. I hope you all had a lovely christmas and a happy new years, if I don't update untill a couple of days.

This chapter is inspired by the song 'Here Comes the Sun' by The Beatles (becasue it's a really chill chapter and that song is so peaceful so I thought it fitted, also if you have NEVER heard this song or even heard of The Beatles-which you should haveheard of them by now-youtube them now!)


After dinner me and the guys went down to the basement so that the kids could play until their bedtime. As I walked down to the basement I looked around and was surprised that nothing has changed. Like the rest of the house, the basement is huge.  On one side there’s a living room space with a huge TV and comfy couches. Then on the other is filled with a bunch of toys and the whole space is Andrea, Jacob, and Brianna’s play room. There's also a little music room attached to the basement.  The music room is filled with a couple different guitars, both acoustic, and electric, a bass guitar, a keyboard, a different microphones, a practice pad, and a couple amps. It's also sound-proof so I can be as loud as I want and it won't bother anybody.  That little room is basically like paradise for me. I remember when my parents first split-up; my dad had the music room made so that it would make me decide to live with him. But even though I choose not to, he still kept it even though he could have made it into something else.  

"Lily," Brianna said, pulling my arm. "Can you play dolls with me?" I nodded and followed to where all her dolls were. 

"Wow, nice castle." I said, looking at her big princess castle. As Brianna was trying to decide which doll she wanted to play with, I noticed that all the guys had split-up to play with the twins. Niall and Liam were with Jacob, fighting crime with his superhero action figures, and Harry and Liam were colouring with Andrea. That only left Louis by himself since he came down just a couple minuted ago so I called him over to be with us. "Bri Bri, can Louis join us?" I asked her and she nodded.

"What are we playing?" Louis asked.

"Princess!" Brianna answered. "Here you go Lily, this one is for you." She said, handing me a Barbie doll with purple dress and long curly red hair, "And this is for you Louis." She said handing him a Barbie doll with down hair and a pink dress. 

"That you darling, how are you going to be?" Louis asked.

"I'm going to be the princess," She said, holding up and Barbie with Long blonde hair with a pretty powder blue dress; I could tell that, that one was her favourite.

"What's the story line for these dolls?" I asked.

"Since I'm the princess, you're going to be my friends. and then we get invited to a ball so we have to choose our dress." She said and we all got our dolls into position and made up the story.


"But I want the gold dress!" Louis exclaimed, talking through hi doll and I burst out laughing. 

"No! I'm the princess so I have to have the gold dress. It goes with my tiara." Brianna said and moved her doll as if it were actually talking.

"I don't care about the gold dress, I want the pink dress!" I said, through the doll. 

"The princess always gets the prettiest dress!" Brianna said and let out a big yawn.  

"It also looks like it's time for the princess to go to bed." I commented.

"But I'm not tired yet," Brianna whined. 

"We still have to see who gets the golden dress." Louis said and I gave him the 'your-not-helping' look.

"It's already 8:15! If you don't go to bed then I'm going to get in trouble!" I said.

"Then how come the twins don't have to go to bed?"

"They're going to bed right now." I said and I guess they must have heard me because they both started saying that they weren't tired

"Come on, put your toys away." I said and stood up. 

"But we're not tired!" Jacob said. 

"You'll get a piggy back ride upstairs." I said and if on cue, Harry picked up Andrea, Liam picked up Jacob, and Louis picked up Brianna.

"Don't worry, we can play dolls again tomorrow, and I think I'll end up with the gold dress." I heard Louis whisper to Brianna. 


As they were getting ready a found Louis and went up to him. 

"I never knew that you were that into dolls." I teased him. 

"I grew up with four sisters so dolls and princess were very important in our house." Louis said.

"And it let's you release all your sass." I joked.

"Hey! You're just jealous that I'm more fierce then you." He said.

"Yeah, that's what it is," I said, laughing.

"Don't make fun of the sass master!" He exclaimed.

"Shh, Lou! I'm trying to get the to go to bed." I said.

"We'll only go to bed if you read us a story." Jacob said, coming out of is and Andrea's room.

"A story?"

"Mummy always reads us a story before bed." Brianna said, coming out of her room. 

"Do I have to read you a story?" I asked, it's not that I didn't want to read a story to them, let's just say that reading out loud is not my forte; even if it's just a kids book.

"If you want us to go to bed then yes." Andrea said.

"Uhh...what if I sing you a lullaby?" I asked and they nodded there heads. I quickly ran back down to the basement and picked up an acoustic guitar with a pick and then ran back upstairs. "What song do you want me to sing?" 

"The one with the sun." Jacob said and I knew that he meant 'Here comes the sun' by The Beatles. I could see the boys looking shocked about his song choice since most kids his age don't even know who The Beatles are but what can you say, when you grow up in a musical family, you know basically who every artist is from a young age. 

"Okay, let's go into you're room then." I said. Jacob and Andrea both laid on their beds and Brianna sat on the end of Andrea's bed. Also only Louis, Harry, and Niall came into the room and I’m guessing that the other two went to go to bed. So I sat at the end of Jacob's bed. Then I plucked a few chords, just to make sure that the guitar was in tune and started singing the sweet, peaceful, and simple song.  

As I finished the song, Jacob and Andrea were asleep and Andrea was starting to drift off. I went to go pick her up but Louis whispered that he would do it. Then Harry offered to put my guitar away so that left me and Niall by ourselves. I carefully closed the door to the twins’ rooms and we stood in the hallway.

"You know that you're really good with kids," Niall said to me.

"Thanks so are you, I saw you playing with Jacob tonight." I told him.

"Nah, you're better. I don't think anybody could have gotten them all to bed that fast."

"Well that you."

"You're welcome, but it's a shame that we're separated tonight." Niall said. "I won't get a cuddle."

"You can always cuddle Louis." I joked.

"Yah, that wouldn't be awkward or anything." He joked back.

"Well at least you can get a good night kiss." I said and kissed him. "Good night Niall."

"Good night princess."


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