Chapter 19

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Waring: this chapter has a lot of shockers and please don't kill me after you read this. Also when I was writing this chapter is was getting really long so I decided to cut it in half, so I'll update again tomorrow if I have time to, but I might not be able to because I have a track practice so it depends what time I get back home. But if I don't update tomorrow then I will for sure update on Tuesday since I already have the chapter done and ready to go. 

Also, this chapter is inspired by the song She's Not Afraid by One Direction-(I know that if you listen to the song it doesn't really fit with the chapter but if you listen to the lyrics carefully and read in between the lines, or know whats coming next like me :D, this song perfectly explains Lily's situation)

Enjoy! And remember to comment, vote and fan!


Niall’s POV

It has been almost a week since I told Lily that I loved her in the hospital while she was asleep. Come on Niall today is the day that you’re going to tell Lily that you love her. If you can admit your feelings to her when she’s asleep to can do it while she’s awake. Maybe she’ll even say that she likes you back! I thought to myself.

I walked downstairs to find Lily lying on the couch, watching a movie, and curled up in a blanket. Come on Niall you can do this, I told myself.

“Hey Lil,” I said.

“Hey Niall, what’s up?” Lily said.

“I uhh…” Come on Niall! Don’t chicken out! “Um, I uh… whatca watching?” I said, completely chickening out.

“Finding Nemo. Do you want to watch it with me?” She asked, I nodded and sat down beside her and she covered us both with the blanket.

All through the movie I was thinking about Lily and that I need to talk to her or else she might find someone else and I’ll be sad and forever alone.

As the movie finished, I finally got the courage to talk to her. “Hey Lil,” I started to say.

“What is it?” She said, facing me.

“Can I talk to you?”

“Yeah sure, go ahead.”

“Okay, well um… I like you Lily,” I finally said.

“I like you to Niall,” Wait, WHAT?!

“You like me?” I said in disbelief.

“Of course I like you Ni, you’re my best friend.” She said. No! She doesn’t know what I’m talking about!

“No, I like, like you,” I said and took a deep breath and began to tell her what I’ve been practicing in my room and what I told her in the hospital.

“Look Lily, I really like you. No I love you. I’ve loved you since I saw you 2 years ago when you met us on X factor and I’ve loved you since. Even when I was dating Demi I still loved you. I only dated her because I knew you would never love me back so I used her to get over you, which I know is completely wrong, but it never worked. You’re still on my mind every day. I know you’re probably really shocked at what’s happening and you’re wondering what’s going on. But Lily Smith, will you go out with me?”

Lily’s POV

What the hell is going on? Niall just told me that he loved me and asked me out. This is too much. I need some air and I need some space to think.

I grabbed my crutches that were leaning on the couch and hobbled outside. Leaving poor Niall looking sad and shocked at what just happened. I’m sorry Niall, it’s not what you think, I thought. I made my way outside and hobbled across the beach to a large rock and sat down and stared out to the ocean.

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