Chapter 9

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Lily's POV

"Well if it isn't Sleeping Beauty," Louis joked as I came down the next morning.

 "Ha ha very funny," I said as in a sarcastic tone. I probably looked horrible. I looked in the mirror and almost scarred myself with my own reflection. My green eyes looked dull instead of bright and my curly hair was all frizzy. I splashed my face with water to bring some brightness to my eyes and I pulled my hair into a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom to the smell of pancakes. I emerged the kitchen confused to find no actual pancakes. "Where are all of the pancakes?" I asked them.

"Harry was making them but them," Liam started to explain.

"But you were taking so long," Zayn said.

 "So we ate them all!" Louis said with a hint of laughter in his voice.

 "You what?!" I screamed attacking him, how could they eat all the pancakes?!

Harry's POV

"Lily!" I yelled trying to hold her back from ripping Louis' face off. "Lily! Niall still has pancakes!" I said trying to save Louis.

"Really?!" She said, letting go of Louis and sat beside Niall. "Please, please Niall can I have a pancake?" She begged and I started laughing. Niall never ever shares his food with anyone, and Lily should know this by now. "Please?" She continued begging, now batting her eyelashes and looking at him with her big, bright, perfect green eyes. Harry you did not just think that! I mentally slapped myself for thinking that. She already likes Niall, I thought to myself. I turned my attention back to Lily and Niall, Lily was still begging and Niall was still stuffing his face with food.

 "Niall don't make me do it," she warned him, bit he kept on eating. Then Lily's next move caught my attention. She grabbed Niall's face and kissed him. Luck Niall, I thought and mentally slapped myself again.

 "Fine," I heard Niall mumble and she grabbed 2 pancakes from him and started eating them.

"Oh my god!!" Louis screamed and i laughed, he can be such a girl sometimes. He started running around the house screaming "Niall Horan just shared his food with Lily Smith!!" Me and Zayn laughed even harder until Liam got him under control while Lily and Niall just looked at each other confused. Being the ultimate tweeter of the group, I pulled out my phone and went on twitter and tweeted:

@Harry_Styles: @NiallOfficial just shared his food with @LilySmith! You know what that means!


I looked at Niall confused, why were they making such a big deal about this? He only let me have 2 pancakes. "Why are you guys making such a big deal about this?" I asked.

 "Because Niall never shares his food with anyone," Zayn explained.

 "You guys are weird," I said and continued eating my pancakes. After I was done I got ready and came back downstairs. Then I saw Liam sting at the table with my bag beside him. Shoot! I quickly waked up the stairs hoping he didn't see me.

"Lil," he said. Shoot! He saw me!


”Come down,"

"But Liam!!"

"No buts Lily. I promised your dad that I would make sure you would finish all your work by the time you go back home."

"Well that was a pretty stupid promise." I said under my breath. He pulled me to the table and sat me down.

"Now you have to finish chapter 10 in math and then start the review," he said reading the note that my teacher gave me before I left and pulling pulled out my math textbook. "Now, if x=402x1.6, what's x?" He said opening my textbook. I sighed, this was going to be a long day.


After doing what felt like 6 hours of math I finally got Liam to let me go. How? Easy; SPOONS. I threw a couple spoons at him until he said I could go which didn't take a long time. Now the guys were trying to decide to watch a movie and they invited Eleanor and Perrie, who should be here in a couple of minutes. Me, Niall, and Zayn were sitting on the bar stools while Harry, Louis, and Liam were fighting over which movie to watch. Harry and Louis wanted to watch a scary movie bit Liam (being all Daddy Direction) though that it would be too scary.

"Guys! Why don't we just wait until El and Perrie are here?" Zayn said.

 "Fine," they muttered and sat down. In a couple of minutes the doorbell rang and I rushed over to open it.

"El!! Perrie!" I said hugging them.

 "We missed you so much!" Eleanor said and them we broke the hug apart.

 "Zaynie!!" Perrie said running up and gave Zayn a hug.

 "Boo!" Eleanor said running up to give Louis a huge hug. Me, Niall, and Liam all laughed at Harry's expression, it was priceless.

"Hey he's my boo!" Harry protested and broke their hug a part.

 "So what are we watching?" Perrie asked.

 "Paranormal Activity," Harry answered.

 "A scary movie?" I said, I hate scary movies!

"Yup!" Louis said popping the DVD in.

"Remember Lou we can watch a little bit of it and if I don't hear 20 screams in half an hour we can watch the rest of it." Liam said sitting down.

"No popcorn?" Niall said frowning.

 "I'll get it," Harry said and ran off to the kitchen and came back with 2 bowls of popcorn.

"Here Lil, so we can actually watch the movie," Louis said thawing me a roll of duct tape.

 "Ha ha very funny," I said sarcastically and I put it on the table in front of me.

. "Don't worry I'll protect you," Niall whispered in my ear.

Niall's POV

About half an hour into the movie Liam had to change it because Lily got scared. So now we were watching Toy Story 3, since Liam picked the movie and Lily was now asleep, using my arm for a pillow.

"Hey Ni, I think your little girlfriend stayed up past her bedtime!" Louis joked.

 "Shut up Lou," I said growing a pillow at him. I carefully got up and picked Lily up and brought her to her room. I wonder what she's dreaming about, I thought to myself. I looked down at her again, she looked absolutely beautiful in her sleep. She almost looked like a little kid, so perfect and fragile.

 "Are you coming back down mate?" Liam said suddenly appearing at the door.

"Yeah I'll be down in a sec," I said and stole one last glance at Lily and followed Liam back downstairs.


Here it is!! Like I promised. I want everybody to leave a vote and/or a comment even if it's only a smily face! Let's see how many comments/votes this chapter can get!! 

Hope you liked it!! :D please vote, comment, and fan!!

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