Chapter 12

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Happy new year everybody!!! This is the last, I guess I would call it happy chapter before we get into some drama. Also this chapter is inspired by the song Good Time by Carly Rae Jepson and Owl City.


Lily's POV

"Aw they look so cute."

 "Do we have to wake them up?"


"Shh! Lou keep your voice down,"


"Ready? 1, 2, 3…"

"It's time to get up in the morning. SO YOU GOT TO GET UP! TIME TO WAKE UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UP! IT'S TIME TO GET UUPPP! IT'S. TIME. TO. GET. UP. IT'S TIME TO GET UP! IT'S TIME TO WAAAKEEE UUUPPPP!!!!" I opened my eyes a little and saw Harry, Louis, Liam, and Zayn jumping up and down on the bed, banging pots and pans, and screaming their famous wake up song in our ears. I covered my ears with my pillow to try and drown the noise but it didn't work.

 "Shut up!!" I heard Niall say but they kept trying to wake us up.

"Be quiet!" I said and grabbed a pillow and threw it at them.

 "We'll only stop if you wake up," Harry said and they started to sing the song again.

"Fine I'm up!" I heard Niall say.

 "Come on Lil it's time to wake up," Liam said. "WAKE UP!!" Louis screamed in my ear and I shot up.

 "LOUIS!!" I screamed and started to attack him with a pillow.

"So how was your sleep?" Zayn asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Fine thanks for asking." I said.

"So why did you wake us up?" Niall asked them but his accent was so thick you could hardly understand him. "Because it stopped raining." Louis said.

 "And..." I said. That wasn't a good enough reason to wake us up.

 "And...We thought it would be a good idea to have a beach day. We called over El, Dani, and Perrie. They'll be here in a couple of minutes." Zayn said.

 "So hurry up and get ready! The beach awaits!!" Louis said.

After they left I quickly ate a small bowl of cereal and searched through my suitcase for my bathing suit. Finally I found it and I threw on a t-shirt that was too big on and grabbed my beach towel and sunglasses on my way out.

As I was heading outside I heard the doorbell ring and went to go answer it. It was El, Dani, and Perrie. "Hey," I said to them as they walked in "Dani! I haven't seen you in such a long time!" I said giving her a hug.

"Me either! It's nice to see you again!" She said.

"Okay enough with all of that. Who's ready to hit the beach?" Perrie said.

 "Hey babe," Louis said hugging Eleanor when he saw her.

"Hey beautiful," Zayn said to Perrie and they both walked away with Louis and Zayn, leaving me and Danielle.

"So are you and Liam back together?" I asked her.

 "No we're just friends,"

 "Special friends?" I tried again.

 "No just friends."

 "Are you sure?"

 "Yes! And I heard that Niall broke up with Demi. Does that mean you two are together?"

 "No we're just friends?"

"Special friends?" She said and then I realized she was doing exactly what I was doing to her.

"Okay I deserved that. I guess it can get a little annoying."

When we got outside Liam and Louis found some surf boards and some other beach stuff. I guess my dad left us some stuff to use for the beach.

"Come in the water Lil," Niall said and I took the top that was over my bathing suit off and was about to go in the water until I dipped my toe in and took a couple steps back. It was cold!! "Something wrong with the water?" Niall asked as he came out of the water so he was beside me.

 "It's cold,"

 "Only at first then you get used to it." He said but still I began to walk away. Then in one quick motion he ran up to me, picked me up, and ran into the water with me in his arms.

"Niall!!" I screamed and tried to escape from his grip but it was no use. After a couple of minutes I got used to the temperature of the water and decided to stay in for a bit longer. When we finally got out we saw Zayn sitting in the sand while Perrie tried to pull him near the water.

 "Come on it's not that bad!" I heard her say "No! You know I can't swim!" Zayn said. 

Then Harry found a volleyball net and ball and set it up and we all went around it and made the teams boys vs. girls and we made Harry be the ref so the teams were even. We played a couple of games and then we fooled around in the water. Then after a while Niall said that he was starving and me, Zayn, Danielle, Perrie, Niall, and Harry found some wood to make a campfire and Louis, Liam, and Eleanor went to go get stuff to make s'mores with. 

"Niall! Don't eat the whole bag!" I said and grabbed the bag of marshmallows away from him.

 "Anyone fancy a drink?" Louis said appearing with some beers and passed them around "Want one Lil?" He asked me holding a beer in front of me.

"You know I'm not allowed to drink yet," I said.

"I know, just teasing you." He said.

 "Hey Niall, why don't you grab your guitar?" Harry said.

"Yeah let’s sing around the campfire!" Danielle said and Niall ran in to get his guitar. A couple of minutes Niall came back, guitar in hand, and we went around the fire singing songs. Then the sun was beginning to set and Perrie, Eleanor, and Danielle said they had to go so Zayn, Liam, and Louis took them home. 


So there it was, I hope you enjoyed it and remember to fan, vote, and comment!!!

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