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Hello! Before you start reading the main charcter's name is Lily and she is played by Janet Devlin. Noe sadly I cant put a picture of her on the side because somehow it wont let me and I'm not that smart with computers. I'll try to describe her the best that I can but if you want to actually see a picture of what she looks like, google "janet devlin, red hair" -(cuz i dont know if she changed her hair colour or not) and i think janet has blue eyes and is Irish but for the sake if this story let's all pretend that she has green eyes and is Canadian :P


"Hurry up Lily!" My mom shouted 'You’re going to miss your flight!"

 "I'm coming!" I shouted back. But before I left I quickly looked in the mirror to make sure that i looked presentable and not like a mess, and there was my normal reflection; a young Canadian teenage girl with curly red hair (not like a orangey, carrot-top red; more like auburn with different shades of red mixed with brown), and big, bright green eyes. I fixed some of my curls because they were going a little wild and okay-ed my appearance. Then I grabbed my suitcase and my bag and I headed downstairs.

"Come on!" My mom said, she was already inside the car with my best friend Cassie. There was only  one way to describe her and that would be absolutely stunning. She looked like the everyday teenager with straight brown hair, brown eyes, and had a tall and tanned body. Unlike me, who had the rarest combinations bright red hair and green eyes. But even though we were complete opposites of each other; we were still the best of friends.

"So are you excited?" Cassie asked me as I got in the car.

 "Yes!" I said. I was really excited, I was going to London to see my dad and my 5 best friends in the world (besides Cassie) Harry, Louis, Zayn, Liam, and Niall or as some people know them; One Direction. Your probably wondering how I'm friends with the biggest Irish-British boy-band in the world and that's because my dad's their manager.

 "You’re so lucky! You get to miss a month of school AND you get to hang out with the guys," Cassie said. Cassie was a fan of the guys and got jealous whenever I got to spend time with them.

 "Not really, I'm coming back in 3 weeks to finish school and for my audition."

 "Still you don't know how lucky you are,"

 "Okay girls we're at the airport." My mom said. I hopped out and got my suitcase out.

 "I'm going to miss you So much!" I said hugging Cassie.

"Me too, Promise to text and Skype,"

 "Promise." i said breaking the hug apart.

 "Remember to be good and say hello to your father for me," my mom said handing me my passport. I said my last goodbyes and walked into the airport. Ever since my mom and dad split up, my dad moved to London and every year I would fly over to see him so I was pretty familiar with airports. Once i checked in I found my gate and sat down and thought; the next time I wake up I’ll be in London with One Direction.


Sorry it's so short! I really hope you like it and sorry for any spelling mistakes! Please vote, fan, and comment!

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