Chapter 47

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I want to say thank you for everybody who is reading this book and this story is soon coming to an end but I'm thinking on making a second book. 

Remember to vote, comment. and fan!! :D


I laid in the middle of my dad's music room and just stared up at the ceiling. This was the quietest place in the whole house where I could clear my head and just think. After our dinner, Niall and I took a ride on a double-decker bus, which was my first time on one even though I lived in London for a year, to the small town that is close to my dad's house and talked as we walked the rest of the way back to the my dad's place. 

I think today defiantly made my 'Top 10 Best Days of my Life' list. I had so much fin at the carnival and it was even better that Niall was there. Today was also the first time that I went on a date and wasn't worrying if I was going to end up getting hurt since I dated Cody, so it's a bug stepping stone for me. Niall has helped me push away  those bad memories of what Cody did to me. I know that Niall will never hurt me and even if we break-up, he'll be honest with me and not embarrass me, like Cody did. 

"I knew I would find you in here." My dad said, coming into the music room and shutting the door behind him. "I just got off the phone with your mother."

"Is everything okay?" I asked. 

"Everything's fine. She just got a call from your school and Mr. Brady.." He said and I sat up. Mr. Brady was the man who is inviting me to this huge audition so he sut've had something important to say.

"Why did her call and why did my school call? They know that I' in London right now."

"Your school called because they decided to put a number from the school musical into the end of year showcase so you need to be there." He said and I nodded to let him know that I understand. My school put on  'Hairspray' this year and I got the lead role as Tracy; one of the lead characters. I also had to help direct it since our musical theatre teacher got into an accident and was in the hospital for a couple of months and I did 'Hairspray' a couple years ago so I knew how it had to go.

"What about Mr. Brady?"

"Mr. Brady called to say that he will be at the showcase and he's going to be bringing two more talent agents who will be making the final decision if you'll get to audition or not."

"But why would they call about this now? The showcase is always during the last week of school, just before exams." 

"I know, but your principal decided to move the showcase so it will be next week." 

"What?!" I exclaimed, "But I'm not supposed to be going back until the last week of school."

"I know but I was lucky enough to get you a plane ticket for next Sunday." 

"So I only have six days left here, not including today?"

"Yes. I spoke to your mother and she'll pick you up once you land. I know you don't want to hear this news right know so I'll leave you alone now if you want some time to think about it." My dad said and left, leaving me by mys;ef. 

No. I don't want to go back home. I know I'll get to see all my friends and Cassie again but I really don't want to go back home. One of the main reasons is Niall. I don't know how we're going to work this long-distance relationship out and I was looking forward to spending a couple more weeks with home so we could think about it. Once I go back home, I'll be busy with school and all my other sports, I have my audition and if I make it then I'll be busy the whole summer, and Niall and the guys are going to be starting to promote their new album and go on tour again. 

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