Chapter 21

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(The next day)

Lily’s POV

“Come on Cassie, pick up your phone.” I said to myself. I looked at the time and it was 9:00 AM here; that’s really early for me since I like to sleep in but, I couldn’t sleep all night and I really needed to talk to Cassie, so it should be 5:00 AM in Canada. But Cassie should be awake by now, I hope. I think we have an early dance practise or show or something like that today so she should be up, plus she’s my best friend so she would understand me waking her up, I hope.

After a couple of seconds I hung up and tried again. Luckily after the second ring she picked up.

“LILY!” Do you know what it is here?! It’s 5:00 IN THE MORNING!!!” An annoyed and tired Cassie said. Opps… I forgot Cassie wasn’t a morning person.

“I’m sorry Cass, I just really needed to talk to you.” I said.


“Niall asked me out.”

“What?! Really?! I knew that boy was going to asked you out someday. What did you say?”

“I didn’t really tell him anything yet,” I said slowly.

“”Why’d you say no?! You’re such an idiot Lily. It’s Niall! How can you say no to him? He’s so perfect and sweet and has an accent and everything else that you love. You’re mental Lily, and you’re so lucky that I’m not with you or else I would’ve smacked you across the face. Heh, maybe I would knock a little sense into you.”

“I know! I was going to say yes, but there was a part of me that just couldn’t”

“Then why didn’t you?”

“Because don’t you remember?” I asked her.

“Oh my gosh! I completely forgot, I’m so sorry!” Cassie said “But come on Lil, that Cody dude was a jerk, do you honestly think that Niall would do that to you?”

‘I know, but listen. After Niall asked me I kind of ran away from him and he was so hurt. So I tried to apologize to him but he would listen and kept jumping to conclusions so I told him the truth of why I ran off.” I told her.

“So does he know about the whole Cody incident?” Cassie asked.

“Yes so then he said that I have a week to give him an answer.”

“Are you going to say yes?”

“Like I said before I want to but I there’s something stopping me.”

“Lily, you’re just probably scarred because of what Cody did to you and because you’ve pushed away guys since that happened. But you should say yes; I’ve seen the way you look at each other and the way you act with each other, you guys are meant to be together. So if you say no then you’re just going to mess everything up.” Cassie said.

“Thanks for the advice Cass.” I said.

“You’re welcome and now I’m going to go back to sleep and try to continue the awesome dream I was having before I was rudely woken up.”

“Wow Cassie, sometimes you’re more dramatic than me. Even in morning.” I said laughing and then hung up.


I kept thinking about what Cassie told me. Should I follow my heart, like Cassie said I should do, and say yes or should I follow my head and say no. That was the question that I kept asking myself.

I was now pacing around my room. I kept myself in my room so that Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn wouldn’t ask me what I was thinking about, because I really didn’t feel like explaining it to them. Then I decided that it would be a good idea to take a walk. Maybe some fresh air would help me make up my mind. I reached for my phone, crutches, and a pair of TOMS and made my way downstairs. “I’m going for a walk!” I announced to the guys before I walked, or in my case hobbled outside.

I made my way to a park and sat down under a tree and leaned my crutches against the tree. Uhh! Why is my life so confusing?! I want to say yes so bad but there’s a part of me that just can’t. Maybe Cassie was right. Maybe I’m just scared because I’ve been pushing guys away for almost 2 years.

“A penny for your thoughts?” I heard somebody say. I looked up and saw a girl. She had long wavy dirty blond hair and hazel eyes, and she reminded me of Cassie. She was wearing a flower skirt with a white tank top tucked in it and a faded denim vest over it, and she also had on a hippy-type headband around her forehead.

“A penny for your thoughts?” She said again and then I realized that she was talking to me.

“Sorry, what did you say?” I asked her.

“You know a penny for your thoughts. Do you care to tell me what you’re thinking about, because you look confused? But only if you want to though.” She said. 

“I was just thinking about my life.” I said.

“What about it?”

“I don’t think you want to hear about my life. It’s confusing.” I told her.

“It’s okay. You may think I’m weird but I like listening to people’s lives and helping them out.”

“Okay then.” I said and she sat down beside me. “A guy that I like asked me out and I’m trying to decide if I should say yes to him.”

“If you like him then why don’t you say yes?”

“Because I’m afraid that I’ll get hurt.”

“If he really likes you then you won’t get hurt, and just listen to what your heart is telling you, it’s usually always right.”

“Thanks. That’s what my best friend said when I asked her.”

“Then your friend is right.”



“Thanks Blake.” I said. “I’m Lily.”

“You’re welcome Lily. Good luck!” Blake said and walked away.

After a few more minutes I grabbed my crutches, got up and started to make my way back to the house. I had finally made up my mind.


Niall’s POV

I looked out at the peaceful ocean. It’s so calm and peaceful. Why can’t my life be like that? I thought and continued to stare at it. I’ve been out here for hours, but I don’t care. It’s better than being in the house where I’m constantly reminded of Lily. I know that I gave her a week to give me an answer but what if she says no? I just can’t think of-

“Niall!” I heard Lily yell and I snapped back to reality and turned around.

“I’ve made up my mind.” She said. “I would love to be your girlfriend.”

“Really?” I asked her in disbelief.


“Okay then, can we start all over and pretend that none of this ever happened?” I asked her and she nodded. I climbed down from the rock, grabbed a flower that was growing near-by, and dropping down one knee. Even though you might not think so, I’m actually really romantic and always wanted to ask out a girl like this. “Lily Smith, will you be my girlfriend?” I asked her and gave her the flower.

“I would love to.” She said smiling. Then I picked her up and kissed her like they do in those old romantic movies. Finally I can call her mine.


First of all, I'm so sorry this chapter sucks. It's not how I wanted it to go. It's really rushed because I wanted to update and it's getting really late her and i still have a 7 paragraph essay that I still need to finish and type. Plus I have really bad writer's block, so that does help. Hopefully my next update will be sometime this week but I'm not sure because all of a sudden my teacher decide's that she's actually going to give us work! So I already have a bunch of homework and it's only Monday and it's the first day back from March Break so I don't think the rest of my week will look better. So let's just see how it goes. Also, I promise that the next chapter will be A LOT better! 

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