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"Wake up, Soldier."

A commanding voice pierced through y/n's ears. Before he could react, a leather boot struck him sharply in the stomach. Causing him to cough slightly as he sat up, glaring up at the man before him, his back aching from another night sleeping on the cold ground. "Get up." The man spat, activating his electric baton for extra measure. Y/n grimaced as he was spat at, ready to retaliate until the baton was activated. Causing him sigh quietly, he had enough scars on his back to know there was no point in messing with the baton. Y/n stood up, lifting his head up so the guard could put the shock collar around his neck. It was a precaution they had to take with y/n, his powers could destroy them - it was lucky he was loyal to them.

"You have another mission. You will be working alongside the Winter Soldier to take out Target Steve Rogers." The guard commanded as they walked down the dreary hallways. Empty cells reminded y/n of how many people were unable to complete experiments. It was almost just him and the Winter Soldier there - Hydra's best assets. The guard entered one of the many encrypted codes before pushing open a metal door, revealing the weapons room. Several other guards were stood at the edges of the room, all wielding guns and electric batons. In full protective gear. In the middle of the room there was a large table, covered in different types of knives, guns, bombs, and other tactical gear. The Winter Soldier was stood on the opposite side of the table, a guard stood close to him, just like y/n. Their commander smiled at the sight of the pair, clearing his throat a little so they'd pay attention to him. "Since you two failed your mission beforehand, we're giving you another chance. Eliminate Steve Rogers. He doesn't know you. He is a danger to Hydra that needs to be cleared out. Do not fall for his tricks, or there will be consequences." He commanded, tossing mission suits at y/n and the Winter Soldier.

The pair had been tasked to eliminate Steve Rogers before. But he somehow claimed to recognise the Winter Soldier - which of course messed with his head. They'd been doing missions for years, why did the soldier fall for Rogers' mind tricks? Y/n wanted to complete the mission on his own, but Hydra wouldn't let him. He always had to work with a partner. His face had to stay covered at all times, and he was never allowed to be seen in public. Many knew about the Winter Soldier, especially after their failed mission, but not y/n.

Y/n and the Winter Soldier were close, they had to be after doing so many missions together, but they didn't know a thing about each other. Probably because they didn't know a thing about themselves. They didn't even know their own names. They were just soldiers. Assets to take out any threat.

The pair sat opposite each other in the tactical vehicle, ready to complete their mission. There seemed to be a hint of doubt in the Winter Soldier's eyes, something that hadn't been there before. Usually it was just an empty sea of blue, but something was troubling him. Y/n frowned, kicking his leg to bring him back from his thoughts. "Don't ruin this mission again." He hissed, earning an annoyed look from the male, kicking him back in retaliation. The vehicle soon rolled to a stop, signalling that it was their time to get out. Y/n put his mask on, pulling his hood up to cover his face even more. He checked his pockets, making sure he had everything he needed before the doors to the vehicle opened up. Squinting a little at the brightness of the outside world, y/n climbed out of the vehicle alongside the Winter Soldier. The pair glanced at each other, giving one another a slight nod. "Lead him to the centre, I'll meet you there." Y/n murmured, and, as the Winter Soldier turned to face him again, he was gone. As if he'd disappeared into thin air. The Winter Soldier grumbled slightly under his breath, focusing back on the mission as he slipped into an alleyway. Glancing around for anyone nearby before he begun to climb a fire escape. Needing a better view to locate Rogers. Once he reached the top of the building, he spotted Rogers taking pictures with fans in the street. The Winter Soldier smiled to himself, this was too easy. "Spotted." He murmured in to his earpiece. Lowering himself onto his stomach as he grabbed his gun, preparing to take the shot. After a few moments of silence, he had a clear shot, his finger hovering over the trigger. But, just as he was about to pull the trigger, the gun was snatched from his grasp. "Again? Really?" Natasha asked, grunting as the Winter Soldier swiped at her feet, causing her to fall to the floor. He quickly got up, beginning to run as he jumped from roof to roof. She wasn't his mission, Steve was. "He's on the move!" Natasha yelled in to her earpiece, getting up as she begun to chase after him. "Are you sure you want to do this, Steve? He doesn't seem to be in a 'best friend' mood." She huffed, trying her hardest to catch up. The Winter Soldier stopped his running when Nat begun to catch up to him, catching her off guard as he grabbed her by the neck with his metal arm. If he was going to get a good shot on Steve, she needed to stay out of the way. Natasha's eyes widened, gasping for breath as she held on to Bucky's arm, trying to kick at him to get him to let go, but it didn't seem to be working. She continued to squirm as the grip tightened, beginning to feel lightheaded as she struggled to breathe. That was when the Winter Soldier was hit by an invisible force, sending him flying into the air. It was Wanda, holding him up in the air from a roof nearby. Nat fell to the ground, coughing and gasping for air as she glanced over at Wanda. "You couldn't have done that sooner?" She coughed. Bucky didn't know what to do, suspended in the air by Wanda's magic. His chest seeming to tighten as she strengthened her magic on him. Suddenly, Wanda was sent flying, causing the Winter Soldier to be released from Wanda's magic. It was y/n. Smiling a little under his mask as he used Wanda's powers against her, blasting her with magic over and over again, ignoring the screams as he blasted Wanda through walls. "Don't get involved." Y/n snapped, lowering several objects on top of Wanda so she was trapped. Wanda was in shock. This guy was using her power against her? Natasha watched in shock as Wanda was suddenly blasted away. "Who the hell was that?" She asked through the earpiece, quickly getting up as she glanced around for the Winter Soldier.

Bruce was back at the compound, watching the fight through the body cameras. He watched the screens in shock as Wanda was blasted. Pausing the footage and zooming in on y/n. This was one of two sightings of him. People thought he was just a myth. "That is the second Winter Soldier." Bruce said through the earpiece with a shocked laugh. Listening as all the Avengers bombarded him with questions. "I can explain more when we get back to the compound. But if you're planning on saving Barnes, you're going to need to grab him too." Bruce explained, trying to gather as much information on y/n as possible.

Peter's eyes widened as he spotted y/n emerge back out from the building, swinging after him. He managed to get close, shooting his webs at his feet to stop him in his tracks. Y/n's eyes widened as he was suddenly stuck to the ground, glancing around until he noticed Peter. Grumbling under his breath as he shot webs back at him, Peter's eyes widened. "Um, Mr Stark? He's copying me!" Peter called out through the earpiece, trying his hardest to dodge the webs before he was suddenly struck by one. Y/n kept shooting until Peter was pinned to the wall, focusing all of his energy to his hands until fire appeared, burning the webs off of his boots. "I'm uh, a bit stuck here!" Peter called out, struggling against his own webs.

The Winter Soldier had climbed down from the rooftops, he had a clear view of Steve, who seemed to be busy looking for y/n. He readied his throwing knives, flipping them in his hands as he begun to creep up on Rogers. Just about to throw one of his knives when Steve suddenly whipped around, throwing his shield at the Winter Soldier. It caught him off guard, sending the Winter Soldier flying into a wall. Steve Rogers chased after him, keeping the shield pressed against the Winter Soldier's chest. "I'm sorry, Buck. You'll understand why soon." Steve rushed out as he begun to punch Bucky over and over again. Keeping him pinned down with the shield. "Sorry, sorry." Steve repeated, continuing to punch until Bucky was unconscious. Steve sighed in relief, standing up as he hoisted Bucky over his shoulder. "Got him. Anyone got eyes on this other soldier?" He asked through the earpiece, dropping Bucky into the back of a containment vehicle. Apologising once again before telling the drivers to take him to the compound.

Y/n had hidden himself on one of the rooftops, ducking behind a water tank with her hand on his earpiece. "Winter Soldier? Winter Soldier come in. Do you have eyes on Rogers?" He asked, confused on why he was getting no response. He carefully moved toward the edge of the roof. His eyes widening at the sight of his partner being sent away in a van. Quickly jumping off the roof, using Peter's powers to swing and get closer to the van. That was when Tony suddenly grabbed y/n. Keeping a tight hold on him as he flew up high in to the air, trying to stop any more damage to the city. "You're making a bit of a mess, I don't appreciate that." Tony scolded, wrapping an arm around y/n's neck in attempt to choke him out. Y/n grunted, trying to squirm out of his grip. "I don't care." The soldier forced out, struggling for air. Y/n tried to use his powers, but with his body focusing on trying to breathe his powers were out of control. One hand shooting webs whilst the other kept faltering from fire to Wanda's powers. It didn't take long for y/n to fall unconscious, his face slightly blue due to lack of oxygen. Tony sighed in relief when he finally stopped, lowering back down to the ground. "Got him. But he's managed to web himself to my suit." He sighed, showing the team his arm, which had y/n's hand covered in webs attached to it.

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