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"I thought this room was full of weapons and things that Tony was working on, this doesn't look like a workshop." Y/n murmured in confusion as they strolled into the room where the party was being held. Well, the 'room' was probably bigger than some houses. Y/n held tightly onto Bucky's hand, Steve walking on the other side of him. "When do you ever believe what Tony says? He just keeps the doors locked to make sure that none of us can have a party without him." Steve chuckled, having to raise his voice slightly to be heard over all the noise.

Steve was right. That was exactly why Tony usually had the doors locked. After they moved everything from the tower to the compound, the main thing Tony pestered Pepper about was the fact that there was no party area - and, obviously, Tony Stark was known for his grand parties. It took a while, but Pepper eventually gave in and let Tony do his thing - with her decorative help, of course. The room was giant, with a bar, a little stage for speeches and karaoke, beautiful plants picked out by Pepper, and an area in the middle of the room for whatever Tony decided to be his centrepiece for the night. Usually it was a grand-looking fountain or something similar to display his wealth, but Tony decided to be even more over-the-top for tonight. It was an ice sculpture. A giant, pretty impressive-looking, sculpture of the Avengers logo. At first Tony tried to have a sculpture made of y/n, but Pepper quickly shot down that idea. Y/n would've hated that.

The party was already busy, packed full of people and press just having a good time. Y/n had no clue who any of them were, nobody really did, not even Tony. But, a party was a party. And if Pepper decided that these were the best people to attend the party, there was no point in arguing. The sound of music and unintelligible chatter under the warm lighting created a perfect ambience. The party was surprisingly tame, but of course it was going to get better as the night went on.

Y/n's main mission was making sure that Peter's night was all going to plan. He'd never seen the poor kid act so nervous, it was kind of sweet to see him so worked up over a girl. Y/n, Peter, and Sam were leant against the pedestal that held up the ice sculpture, just watching people mingle as they waited for MJ to turn up. Peter had his eyes fixed on the door, checking his phone every five seconds to see if MJ had messaged. "She said she'd be here at eight-thirty, it's eight-thirty-five. What if she's bailed?" Peter stressed, looking over at Sam and y/n with wide eyes. Y/n shook his head, taking a sip of his lemonade. Sam had made fun of him for not getting any alcohol, but he at least didn't want to drink until his little speech was done. "She hasn't bailed, I promise. There's probably just some traffic! Breathe, Pete. You'll be fine." Y/n reassured, setting a hand on Peter's shoulder to comfort him. Sam nodded, reaching out to take Peter's phone away from him. "And no more checking your phone, how're you going to look like a gentleman with your face in your phone? You're at a party! Enjoy the atmosphere! Even if she doesn't turn up, you'll have the coolest people to hang around with all night." Sam hummed, putting Peter's phone in his pocket. Peter sighed, nodding slowly as he tried to calm himself down a little. "Okay, okay. But if Aunt May calls, could you hand the phone to Pepper? May doesn't know that I actually know the Avengers, so one of you having my phone is going to be confusing." Peter rushed out, taking a quick sip of his water. Y/n and Sam hummed in agreement. Pepper was probably the best bet anyway, they didn't know how drunk everyone else would get as the night went on.

A few more minutes passed, but Peter's impatience and rambling made it feel more like an eternity. Sam had given up, somehow managing to bail out of the situation by faking a phone call and then disappearing to find Steve, leaving y/n on his own with Peter. He didn't mind it at all, but there were definitely more fun places to be than stood waiting for a girl. Y/n stayed casually leant against the pedestal, drink in one hand whilst the other stayed behind his back. The hand behind his back had small flames on the tips of his fingers, casually melting the ice sculpture whilst he stood as if nothing was happening.

"Hey, is that her?" Y/n asked curiously, nodding toward the door. Peter quickly looked up, almost freezing at the sight of her. "Yup. Yeah, yeah it is." He rushed out, quickly turning away from MJ so she didn't catch him staring. He looked at y/n with wide eyes, all the advice the team had given him had disappeared from his mind. "Is it too late to bail?" He asked nervously. Y/n looked at Peter with a fond smile, setting his drink down so he could set a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Hey, take a breath. You'll be fine. Just be yourself, okay?" Y/n reassured, making the flames on his other hand disappear so he could set both hands on Peter's shoulders, forcing him to turn back to facing MJ. "You've got this. Now go. Go have fun!" Y/n exclaimed, pushing Peter slightly in the direction of MJ before he could argue. Y/n watched as Peter made his way toward MJ, going back to casually melting the sculpture as he watched the kid from a distance. He felt nervous for him. God, he hoped he wouldn't mess it up. From what y/n could see, it was going pretty well, both seeming as awkward as each other. Y/n had a fond smile on his face, forgetting that he was in the middle of melting the ice sculpture as he watched the pair. Well, he did forget, but a metal hand quickly grabbing the one behind his back quickly reminded him.

Bucky stood in front of y/n, stopping him from watching Peter any longer. He held up y/n's hand so he could look at the flames on the tips of his fingers, a fond smile on his face. "What do you think you're doing?" He asked, trying to sound disappointed but he couldn't wipe the amused look on his face. A mischievous grin appeared on y/n's face, laughing slightly at Bucky's attempt to sound scary, but he played along anyway. "My hand was cold, I just needed to warm it up." He lied, knowing full well that Bucky knew he was making it up. "Did you need to warm up the ice sculpture too? You've melted away a bit of a dent in it, y'know. Tony's going to kill you." He chuckled, nodding behind y/n so he could look at the sculpture. He was right, there was a chunk missing. Y/n turned back to Bucky with a grin, realising how close they were to one another. "Well, Tony's never going to find out that it was me. Come on, let's go find some people to talk to." He grinned, suddenly moving away from Bucky before they could kiss, just to tease him. Y/n tugged on Bucky's hand as they weaved through the crowds of people, trying to find the rest of the team. Bucky sighed, a fond smile on his face as he was dragged along. "Are we finding people because you actually want to talk to them, or because you want to escape before Tony notices the sculpture?" He asked with raised eyebrows, causing y/n to gasp as he glanced back at Bucky. "To talk to friends, of course!" He exclaimed in a fake tone, causing both of them to laugh. "If you snitch on me to Tony, you're dead!"

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