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A guilty smile appeared on y/n's face as he turned around to face Bucky. He hadn't expected for Bucky to follow him, he thought that he'd keep chasing Peter, but apparently not. "Oh, fancy seeing you here! I was about to look for you!" He exclaimed, obviously lying as she begun to walk down the hallway. That was the problem with both y/n and Bucky being assassins, they were trained in making up fake characters and scenarios to get out of situations. But now, that training was used almost as a joke between the pair.

Bucky rolled his eyes, a fond smile on his face as y/n begun to get into character. "Oh, what a coincidence! Well, I'm here now, so what did you want from me?" Bucky asked, changing his accent into something fancier to match y/n's character. He begun to stroll beside y/n, holding his arm out for him to take. Their little scenarios were so stupid, but he'd never pass up an opportunity to do one.

Y/n smiled as Bucky begun to go along with the scenario, happily taking his arm as they begun to stroll down the hallway. "Well, Fred." Y/n had to pause, trying his hardest not to laugh. He took a slight breath, regaining his composure as much as he could. "A little birdie told me that one of the farm boys broke into your new car! What was his name again..?" Y/n frowned, furrowing his eyebrows as if he was trying to remember the correct name. "Timmy? No, that's Mary's boy..." He murmured, keeping his accent fancy with a tinge of southern. "Oh! It was Pete, wasn't it?"

Bucky turned his head away for a moment, trying his hardest to stay in character. For every single scenario, their characters were called Fred and Jack. Yet whenever y/n called him Fred, it still made him laugh. Neither knew why they picked those names, but they just seemed to be the most common names when it came to old sitcoms. "Yes, it was Pete." He hummed with a nod, pressing his lips together so he didn't smile and break character. "I was just having a normal day, y'know, I even bought a new cowboy hat! And then I leave the shop and see Pete breaking into my car with a few of his buddies! I was telling you just last week that the youths in the town were getting too much, now look!" He exclaimed, leaning more into his southern accent. Bucky was never really used for undercover missions during his time in Hydra, but he was still taught all the skills just in case.

Y/n nodded, biting his tongue slightly to stop himself from smiling or laughing. "I know, I know! I talked to his mother about it, but she doesn't seem to care!" He exclaimed, copying Bucky as he leaned more into his southern accent. It was just Fred and Jack, strolling down the sidewalk in their black and white movie. God, y/n could picture it so clearly. "Say, did you manage to catch that rascal?" He asked, looking over at Bucky with curious eyes. They were both clearly talking about Peter, which just made their little scenario ten times better.

Bucky shook his head with a disappointed sigh, looking away from y/n's gaze. "No, no. I didn't catch him." He hummed, feigning disappointment. "I gave him a good chase, though, I can tell you that! But the rascal managed to get away!" Bucky shrugged, running a hand through his hair as he kept the look of frustration on his face. The pair continued to stroll down the hallway, both staying in character as much as they could. Even the way they walked changed, both seeming to walk a little fancier. "Say, I have a question to ask you, Jack." Bucky hummed, speaking up after a moment of silence. "Pete and his buddies were telling me that you told him to break into my car! Is that true?" He asked, raising his eyebrows as he looked over at y/n. Bucky knew that y/n was the one that told Peter to stick magnets onto his arm, he knew his antics far too well for y/n to get away with it. But, it seemed more fun to question it in their scenario.

Y/n's eyes widened at the accusation, the same guilty smile from earlier appearing back on his face. Bucky knew. He thought he'd gotten away with it. "Well..." Y/n started, moving away from Bucky as he set his hands behind his back in an attempt to look as innocent as possible. Y/n felt his cheeks begin to heat up slightly in embarrassment at the fact that he'd been caught, but, he tried to stay in character as much as possible. He thought for a moment, trying to see if he could wriggle his way out of it, but there didn't seem to be any way that he could. "You're right, Fred! You've caught me!" Y/n exclaimed, sighing in defeat. "I just thought that you had it coming, y'know? You're always showing off that car, and I'm sick of it! Who needs ground rules for a car?" Y/n exclaimed, exaggerating a little for the scenario.

Bucky gasped dramatically, but he was struggling to stop himself from smiling. "I can't believe you'd do that to me, Jack! And to think you were a good friend..." Bucky sighed, glancing over at y/n with a betrayed look in his eyes. He couldn't believe that Jack, his southern doll, would hurt him like that.

Y/n laughed, finally breaking character as he moved into Bucky's arms. He couldn't stay serious any longer, not with such a stupid scenario. "I'm sorry! But I just wanted to see how stupid your arm would look with all the magnets stuck to it!" He admitted with a laugh, cupping Bucky's face in his hands. Bucky could help but laugh along as he joined y/n in breaking character. He set his hands on his waist, chuckling at his terrible apology. At least he was being honest about it. "It's alright, Doll." He laughed, leaning in to press a few kisses to his lips. "I love you." He hummed, causing y/n to laugh as he quickly pulled away from their embrace. "You're too much of a gentleman." He teased, a bright smile on his face as they begun to stroll down the hallway again.

"Did you actually lose Peter?" Y/n asked after a few moments of comfortable silence. Bucky just seemed to shrug, scratching the back of his head. "I mean, kind of?" He said with an almost guilty tone in his voice. "He ran out to the roof, and I'm not going out there! It's raining! So he just thinks I'm stood at the door to the roof, waiting for him." He admitted, refusing to make eye contact with y/n. He gasped slightly at what Bucky said, looking over at him with wide eyes. "So you've just left the poor kid out in the rain? Buck, you're evil!"

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