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After a while, Bucky finally managed to drag y/n out of the little village. He held onto his hand, almost dragging him away as he walked. Y/n was facing the village, waving goodbye to all of the kids and mothers. It was nice to feel so accepted. "Come on, we can always go back later." Bucky said as he tugged on y/n's arm, giving a quick wave to the kids before he carried on walking. Y/n sighed and finally turned around to walk in the same direction that Bucky was, a bright smile plastered across his face. "I know, I know. But they're just so sweet!" He cooed. Y/n then let go of Bucky's hand, adjusting the bracelet the kids had made for him so it wouldn't fall off. Bucky rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he strolled beside y/n. "Oh yeah, because 'dragon' is such a cute nickname..." He teased, earning a slap on the shoulder from y/n. Y/n shook his head with a laugh as he looked at Bucky. "Just because my powers are cooler than yours doesn't mean you can make fun of me!" Y/n laughed. "I think 'dragon' is pretty cool... Much better than 'metal man', anyway."

The market was full of life. Bustling with people, loud music, bright colours, and enticing smells from different stalls. Voices from different vendors somehow seemed to be louder than all the noise, trying their hardest to sell their products. However, despite the busyness of it all, it was still such a great atmosphere.

Bucky seemed pretty nervous about it all, it was too overwhelming. The idea of not knowing if there was any danger due to the crowds just fuelled his paranoia. But, he followed y/n around like a lost puppy, trying to stay as close as possible to him.

Y/n was the complete opposite to Bucky. The bright colours and bustling crowds made y/n fall in love with Wakanda even more. Completely oblivious to Bucky's paranoia as he weaved through the crowds. The pair ended up at a stall selling little trinkets and accessories, but Bucky didn't seem to be taking any notice. He glanced around constantly as if someone would jump out of the crowd and attack them, he didn't like how vulnerable they were. Y/n suddenly gasped and pointed out a pair of matching necklaces, nudging Bucky's side with his elbow so he'd pay attention. "What would you say to matching necklaces? A little memory of our first trip here?" He asked excitedly. Bucky was ripped from his paranoia by the sharp elbow to his side, looking down at the matching necklaces with raised eyebrows. "I'd say no. Do I look like a necklace man?" He said with a smile, but he already knew y/n wasn't going to take no for an answer. He'd already handed the money over. "Well, you are now!" Y/n said with a cheeky smile, reaching up and fastening the necklace around Bucky's neck. Bucky rolled his eyes and waited until y/n had finished fastening the necklace on so he could do the same for him. "Why'd you even ask me?" He asked with a slight laugh. Y/n shrugged with a bright grin. He turned to face Bucky, reaching up to ruffle his hair slightly as he knew it would bug him. "To see if you'd be a grumpy old man like Sam told me you were." He teased, beginning to weave through the crowds again. Bucky gasped, instinctively grabbing y/n's hand so he didn't lose him as they weaved through the crowds. "Hey! Aren't you super old too?" Bucky chuckled. Y/n gasped, squeezing Bucky's hand with a fake scolding look on his face. "Don't talk about a dragon's age!"

Sam and Natasha were also at the market. Natasha was busy buying a few little presents for Clint's kids - she had to get that auntie of the year award. Plus, she hadn't seen them in a while so buying presents was a nice excuse to visit. Once she finished putting the trinkets in a bag, she turned to see Sam leant against the stall, seeming to be watching someone or something. Nat furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, moving beside Sam in attempt to see what he was seeing. A smile spreading across her face when she realised he was watching y/n and Bucky. "How are these two not a couple yet? They sure act like one." Sam said with raised eyebrows, his arms crossed over his chest. Nat shrugged with a slight laugh. "I'm betting they get together by the end of the month." She smiled. Sam looked down at Natasha with a surprised look in his eyes. "Oh so we're betting now? Fine, if they don't then I win." Sam grinned, holding his hand out for Natasha to shake.

Y/n and Bucky were stood at one of the food stalls, trying all the food the vendors offered to them. But god, it was spicy. Y/n didn't mind the spice, but Bucky hated it. His face scrunching up as he fanned his mouth. "Hot! Hot!" He exclaimed. Y/n couldn't help but laugh after he finished his mouthful, just laughing even harder when Bucky gave him a death glare. "It wasn't that spicy!" He giggled. Bucky looked at y/n with wide eyes after hearing what he said, quietly thanking the vendor for giving him a glass of milk. "Yes it was! How do you like things like that?" He asked dramatically, taking sips of the milk to try and calm his burning mouth. Y/n shook his head fondly as he laughed. He thanked one of the vendors as he was handed another spoon of food to try, humming in surprise at the taste. Everything was so good here. Which he knew didn't mean much from two people who'd only tried pizza for the first time a few weeks ago, but at least it was something y/n knew he liked. "Mm! That's good!" He grinned. Bucky shook his head when he was offered another spoonful, knowing it'd be even spicier than before. "He's a big baby..." Y/n murmured, causing the vendors to laugh. Bucky gasped dramatically, a wide smile still on his face. "I'm not a baby! You've just got the spice tolerance of a dragon." He teased. Y/n's eyes widened at the mention of a dragon. "See? That nickname does make sense!"

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