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The peaceful night in Wakanda was plagued with heavy rain. No stars were visible, nor the moon. It was just an endless void of darkness in the night sky. Bright lights in the distance illuminated every droplet, creating an almost mystic feel to the dreary night.

Yet, whilst many of the people in Wakanda - and around the world - were asleep, there were only two that felt wide awake.

Bucky and Y/n.

Y/n had hesitantly climbed out of the quinjet with Nat. He almost felt as if he couldn't breathe, his nerves and excitement blending into a mix of butterflies and moths in his stomach. Natasha had a gentle hand on his back to guide him forward, yet he couldn't feel it. His thoughts were running so fast it was indescribable. But, he didn't have a smile on his face. He wasn't exactly sure why, he was about to see Bucky again. But the doubts in his mind were running rampant. What if he'd moved on? What if he was an entirely different person to the one that he knew? It was all too much.

Bucky was also buzzing with adrenaline and nerves. T'Challa had been keeping him updated throughout the day on y/n's whereabouts, which had led to quite a lot of teasing due to him asking T'Challa every few minutes. But he couldn't help it. He was desperate to see y/n again. Desperate to see that smile, desperate to listen to his random rambles, everything. Every day without him had felt empty and bland. He was the light in his life, and being away from him for so long was hell. Especially after everything that had occurred whilst y/n was away. He had so much to talk about.

Bucky wished that he could've joined Steve to help on the Raft, but he knew that there would've been no point. Especially now that his metal arm had been removed. There was no way he would've been able to fight all of those guards with only one arm. Staying in Wakanda after all of the events that had occurred had been the best thing for Bucky. His mind had been cleared of the code words, the arm that Hydra had practically forged into his skin was gone, the only thing missing was y/n.

He took a shaky breath as he strolled through the soaked field, T'Challa close behind. He didn't even know what to think about it all. Just the idea of seeing y/n filled him with so much adrenaline. Yet, just like y/n, he wasn't smiling. Both sick to their stomachs with nerves. His hand fiddled anxiously with a few stray strands on his clothes, trying his hardest to slow down his thoughts. He was finally going to see him.

That was when he froze.

They both did.

They had both just seen one another in the distance.

It didn't matter if it was a silhouette, they knew exactly who the other was.

Y/n couldn't help but let out an excited laugh, his face lighting up with happiness. He was there. He was right there. Tears begun to form in his eyes, shuffling from foot to foot slightly out of adrenaline. He couldn't wait any longer for him to walk over. He had to get to him. It didn't matter if he was moving away from the safety of Nat's umbrella. Bucky was right there.

So y/n begun to run. He ran as fast as he possibly could, adrenaline almost completely fuelling him. The smile on his face was unimaginable. He blinked hard in attempt to stop the tears from blurring his vision, laughing happily at the sight of Bucky.

Of course once Bucky saw y/n begin to run, he decided to run too. He was there. He was really there. There was no way in hell that he was just going to stand there whilst y/n ran toward him. He wanted to hold him as soon as he possibly could.

The pair crashed into one another with happy laughs and unintelligible murmurs. Y/n had his arms wrapped tightly around Bucky, and Bucky was holding him close with his arm. He spun him around a few times in the rain, closing his eyes in pure joy at the sound of y/n's laugh.

The amount of relief that washed over y/n when they crashed together was immense. He never wanted to let go. His arms were wrapped as tight as possible around Bucky's torso, his face pressed against his chest. He was there. They were back together. He could hear his heartbeat slamming against his chest, causing his smile to widen even more. It was nice to know that he wasn't the only one nervous.

Y/n pulled away from the hug slightly, cupping Bucky's face in his hands. Tears of pure joy streamed down his cheeks, yet it just seemed to mix in with the raindrops slamming down on the pair. "Hi." He hummed with a laugh. Despite his blurred vision, he studied every inch of his face. It was just as perfect as he remembered it.

Bucky chuckled as y/n pulled away, gazing into his eyes with a loving look. "Hi, Doll." He smiled, keeping his arm wrapped around his waist so he could keep him as close to him as possible. He couldn't even describe how he was feeling. It was pure euphoria. Bucky peppered kisses across y/n's face before finally meeting his lips in an adoring kiss.

Despite the adrenaline coursing through them, the kiss was slow and gentle. It was something that they'd both been dreaming of for a long time. Just to be in one another's arms again. It didn't matter that the rain was soaking them through. They finally had each other again. Y/n and Bucky were finally back together.

Natasha and T'Challa watched fondly as the pair were finally reunited. They could see one another in the distance, both holding umbrellas to protect themselves from the rain. They'd briefly waved at each other, but the main attraction were of course y/n and Bucky. Natasha felt so proud to see y/n so happy again. He deserved it. He deserved to be happy with Bucky. Especially after everything the pair had been through.

Finally back together. Finally able to be hold one another again. There was no better feeling in the world.

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