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The sounds of screams and crashes echoed the dimly lit hallway. Y/n was walking beside the man in the suit - he seemed to be older now, maybe in his teens. Y/n was Hydra's secret superstar. He'd been with them for several years now, but they'd never sent him out on a mission. He was too young. So most of his days were spent training and being fed false information about the outside world.

Y/n trailed behind the man in the suit a little as they walked, staring with curious eyes through the windows of rooms. Every room was different. However, y/n stopped at one of the many windows, making his way closer so he could try and get a better look. The window had been frosted over with ice from the inside, but y/n could make out a figure of what seemed to be a person. Their hand was outstretched toward the window as if reaching for help. But, as y/n watched, he realised the person wasn't moving... They were frozen in place. Y/n's eyes widened in shock, opening his mouth and glancing around as if he was ready to tell someone. But he was stopped short by a hand on his back, slowly continuing to guide him down the hallway. It was the man in the suit. "You see, bud, some people's bodies couldn't handle the powers they were given." He hummed in a calm tone. "It's unfortunate, I know. But don't worry, we'll hold a proper funeral for them." He lied. Of course they weren't given a funeral - these test subjects were purely for y/n to mimic and store their powers. But he wasn't told that. Y/n nodded naively as they walked, hugging himself a little for comfort. "That's good." He murmured.

They soon arrived at a door right at the end of the hallway. It was further away from the other rooms, but the screams and crashes weren't stopping. The man in the suit smiled warmly as he stopped at the door, glancing back at y/n. "This person has just been given their powers, so they'll be awake soon. Don't be afraid when they do, bubba. It's just like last time. Once you mimic their powers, you can leave." He said reassuringly to the obviously nervous boy. The man in suit entered a code in to a keypad, and the room door popped open. Y/n hesitated for a moment, slowly stepping toward the open door. The man in the suit set a hand on his back once again, gently pushing him into the room. The door locked behind y/n, and he was left alone in a dimly lit room that seemed more like a cell. He blinked a few times in attempt to adjust to the light, which was when he spotted an unconscious man in the corner of the room. Usually the people he mimicked were already awake and suffering with their powers, what was different about him? Why was his room so far from everyone else's?

Y/n curiously stepped closer toward the man, his head tilting to the side as he carefully nudged him with his boot. Hoping to wake him up - and god, waking him up he did. The man suddenly snapped awake, screaming out in pure pain as his skin begun to glow. He felt like his veins were on fire, like everything was burning from the inside out - and well, it was. He let out a blood-curdling scream as his whole body suddenly set on fire, his eyes glowing a pure white. Y/n jumped at the sudden situation, his powers acting in defense and causing him to teleport to the other side of the room from the man. The man slowly pushed himself up, staring at his hands in pure terror. He looked around and noticed y/n stood in the corner of the room, beginning to hurry toward him, struggling with every step. "Help me!" He cried out loudly. He could feel every flame, every ember, burning him from the inside out. Y/n was frozen in terror at the sight of the man, watching as he left a trail of fire with every step he took. "How?!" He asked fear, watching as he struggled to make his way toward him.

"Mimic his powers, y/n. That's all you're doing, then you can leave." The man in the suit's voice rung out from the intercom.

Y/n listened with tears in his eyes. He was terrified. This man was dying in front of him. His screams were horrifying. The man was only a few feet away from y/n when he crumbled to the floor again, writhing in pain. As he screamed, the flames on and around him became more intense. "Help me! Please!" He yelled. Y/n reached a hand out toward the man and focused as hard as possible on the man, closing his eyes and visualising himself with the ability to control the fire. That was when his hand suddenly set on fire, causing him to scream out in pain as the fire singed his skin. He had mimicked his powers, but it was far from pleasant. Y/n cried out, shaking his hand in attempt to put the fire out, but it just sent even more flames out to the already burning room. Y/n watched as his other hand set on fire too, his eyes wide in terror. He raced over to the door, knocking on it as hard as possible. "Let me out!" Y/n cried, but the man in the suit wasn't there. He was talking to some guards down the hall.

For five minutes, y/n screamed and pounded on the door, his whole body on fire and burning. The whole room was engulfed with flames, but the man's screaming had stopped. He was gone, completely burnt alive. The door to the room suddenly opened and y/n fell to the ground. He wheezed from all the smoke he'd inhaled, writhing on the ground as he was blasted with a fire extinguisher. Completely singed. The man in the suit knelt down on the ground, taking y/n into his arms and holding him close. "We've got you, we've got you." He murmured as y/n cried into his shoulder.

Y/n suddenly jolted awake with a scream. He felt as if she couldn't breathe, gasping air in and out as he raced out of his room. He felt as if his skin was still on fire, he could still smell the smoke. Y/n hurried in to the bathroom, turning on the cold water as much as it could go before he shoved his hands under it. God, he hadn't had a nightmare as vivid as that in a while. Y/n shook out of pure fear, his cheeks stained with tears as he kept his hands under the freezing water.

Bucky was already awake, having given up on sleep after another nightmare. He'd heard y/n's scream from where he was sat in the kitchen and decided to investigate the noise. His eyes wide at the sight of how terrified he was. Why was he running his hands under the water?

"Y/n...?" He asked in a gentle tone, leaning against the doorway of the bathroom.

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