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"So, y/n. You're going out with Peter today." Tony smiled, guiding him toward the missions room where suits and other gear were kept. "Don't worry, it's not a mission!" He exclaimed in defense after seeing the worried look on y/n's face. "You're just going to be going out to New York with him. We need to test the waters when it comes to your mimicking." He hummed. Y/n nodded slowly, unsure of whether to be excited or nervous. It was going to be the first time he'd been out of the compound since he was saved from Hydra - it was amazing but terrifying at the same time.

They soon reached the missions room, and it was giant. Full of different gear and variations of people's suits. Y/n glanced around in awe at it all, a slight smile appearing on his face. "Wow..." He whispered to herself, causing Tony to chuckle a little. Y/n knew they weren't going to be needed any of the combat gear if it wasn't a mission, so why was he there? Tony made his way over to a mysterious mannequin in the middle of the room with a proud smile. The mannequin was covered by what seemed to be a long piece of fabric, obviously hiding something. "This is for you." Tony grinned, pulling off the fabric to reveal a suit.

Y/n's very own suit. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as he looked over to Tony. "For me?" He asked, almost as if he wanted to double-check he heard him correctly. Tony laughed a little with a nod, happy to see y/n so excited. "All yours." He grinned. Y/n hurried toward the suit, it was beautiful. The suit was all black with hints of silver, which linked to how he mirrored and mimicked. It had a hood and a mask so he could keep his face covered if he wanted, and loose-fitting pants to allow easier movement. The top had a lot more detailing when it came to the silver aspects, however there were no sleeves - which y/n felt a little nervous about as it left him exposed, but he could get used to it. The suit also had a pair of fingerless leather gloves, since Tony thought it would fit his style a bit more. Y/n reached out to feel the fabric of the suit, admiring it with a grin. Tony let y/n just admire the suit for a while before he began to point out some of the tech in it. At first, he pointed to a part of the silver lining on the chest. "This right here, is a tracker. Just so when we do proper missions everyone knows where you are, and vice versa. Everyone has one built in." Tony explained, not wanting y/n to feel like he didn't trust him. Tony then pointed to the gloves, tapping them twice to reveal that they weren't just leather gloves, and that they were made of a more high-tech material. "These gloves will still let your powers pass through, so don't worry about accidentally blasting them off." He smiled, explaining a few more parts of the suit to y/n.

Soon enough, y/n had gone to change into his brand-new suit. Tony had left him to it, strolling out of the missions room to find a concerned-looking Natasha and Steve. "You sure about this? Letting him go out with just the kid?" Natasha asked nervously. It had only been about a week since the 'lab incident'. Tony nodded with a slight shrug, moving to lean against the wall. "We have to trust him at some point. This is the trust test." Tony explained, causing Steve to nod a little. "He's right. If we're trying to get these two to be a part of the team, we need to learn to trust them. Plus, a suit will make him trust us even more." Steve hummed, earning a nod from Tony. It was one of the rare occasions where they actually agreed. Natasha sighed a little, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm just worried something is going to go wrong and we won't be there, that's all..." She sighed. Natasha was right, this was a big test. Y/n was still unpredictable. Something in the city could cause another 'lab incident', but on a bigger scale. The public didn't even know who he was, so there'd be no lenience if people get hurt. "Well, there's a tracker in his suit that we'll be watching the whole time. And if you're really concerned then you can watch the camera built in to Peter's suit. But I don't think that's necessary." Tony suggested with a slight shrug. He always built a camera in to Peter's suits, just to make sure that he was okay. He didn't want anything bad to happen to the kid.

Y/n stood in the mirror with a proud smile on his face. Everything fit perfectly, nothing too tight or uncomfortable. He played around with the hood, making sure it covered his hair and face enough along with the mask. Y/n wasn't sure if he wanted the public to know who he was yet. He wasn't even sure who he was. Plus he knew it wasn't going to be too much of a problem since Peter kept his identity secret too. But y/n knew he didn't want to stay hidden forever. For his whole time in Hydra he was basically a shadow - he didn't want to stay that way. But y/n at least wanted to have more control over his own mind before anyone knew who he was.

Y/n took a deep breath, making sure his boots were properly laced up before he stepped out of his room. Making his way back toward the missions room. His hood was down and the mask was off for the moment, he didn't need to hide just yet. Plus, he was pretty proud that he had her own suit. Y/n was full of adrenaline - excited to be leaving the compound, but nervous because he didn't want to mess anything up. Yet he couldn't wipe the smile off of his face as he made his way towards Tony.

"Ready to go?" He asked, checking his phone for the final time to make sure the tracker was actually working.

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