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The training room was giant. Tall ceilings for Peter to web around on, and even different ledges to jump off of. The floors were covered in springy mats to ensure nobody got seriously hurt, and most dangerous weapons like Bucky's knives were replaced with rubber ones just in case. Steve's shield and Thor's hammer weren't replaced, but they knew when to stop. It was just a training session. There was a large window on one of the walls that looked in to Shuri's lab, so she could stand and watch from there whilst monitoring the cameras.

Once everyone was suited up and had the monitoring dots attached, they were allowed in to the room. The doors slid open and T'Challa and y/n walked in first. "Remember, it is just training. I will be giving you pointers throughout, but just do your thing." T'Challa said with a reassuring smile. He tapped his necklace, activating his suit, as he walked out in to the middle of the training room.

The main training session was just for people on the team with superpowers, just so they could see y/n's potential. So Tony, Nat, Vision, and Sam were stuck in the lab with Scott. "Mr Lang, I advise that you don't-" Vision was cut off by glass smashing. "Touch that." He sighed. Shuri's eyes widened at the smash, shaking her head in annoyance. "All these colonisers do is break things..." She muttered under her breath.

As the rest of the team made their way in to the training room, their reactions were a mixture of gasps and excited mumbles. It was definitely an upgrade from the training room at the compound. "This is going to be fun." Steve chuckled as he walked in beside Bucky. Bucky nodded with a wide smile, subconsciously flipping the rubber knives in his hands. "It sure is." He murmured. Peter's face lit up at the sight of the tall ceilings, bouncing up and down a little out of adrenaline. Clint walked in beside Wanda and Thor, sighing a little in confusion. "Why am I here? Everyone else has powers of some sort." He asked curiously. Wanda shrugged, looking around the training room with a smile. "Maybe because of your aim? Y/n might be able to mimic that." She suggested, earning a nod from Clint.

Whilst the rest of the team were excited, y/n was still nervous out of his mind. So was Bucky. They were scared that the fighting would trigger something, and they didn't want to hurt anyone. But there was no backing out now. Y/n glanced over at Bucky with the same nervous eyes that he had. Y/n took in a shaky breath as Bucky gave him a reassuring nod. They'd be fine. They'd be fine. Right?

The training soon started, and it was intense. Starting with just normal fighting and exercise before ramping it up massively by putting each team member against y/n at different times. "Y/n and Bucky. Go!" He announced from one of the ledges. Bucky hesitated a little, but Steve patted his back, pushing him forward slightly. "Just a practice." He murmured. Bucky nodded, beginning to make his way toward the middle of the room, flipping the rubber knives in his hands. As he got closer, he threw one of the knives at y/n. He caught it with a smile, beginning to flip the knife just like Bucky did, completely mimicking him. "C'mon! Stop standing around!" T'Challa called out, causing the pair to begin to actually fight. Punches and kicks were thrown toward one another, some blocked, some not. But y/n was completely mimicking how hard Bucky hit. Bucky ended up catching y/n in a headlock, holding a rubber gun to his head. "Got you." He teased between heavy breaths. Y/n laughed slightly, grabbing the fake gun with one hand whilst the other elbowed Bucky straight in the gut, releasing him from his grip. "You sure?" He teased back, now holding the gun against Bucky's head as he stood there hunched over.

"Good, y/n! Cap, your turn!" T'Challa called out. Steve nodded, immediately throwing the shield over at y/n. Y/n hesitated for a second too long, and the shield hit him in the side, sending him to the floor. He hissed in pain, giving Steve an annoyed look. "You've got to move, y/n!" T'Challa called out, causing y/n to nod as he stood up. Tossing the shield back to Steve. Steve threw the shield at y/n once again, and just before it hit him, he disappeared in to thin air. Steve's eyes widened, glancing around to see where he'd gone. That was when Steve fell to the ground by a swift kick to the back of his knees. Y/n had teleported behind him. "Hi." He teased just as the Steve jumped back up and they begun to fight. The shield was still in motion, bouncing off of one of the walls and hitting another until it was flying back toward the fighting pair. Y/n was out of breath as he fought Steve, having already just fought one super soldier, but he knew he had to keep going. Y/n landed a flying kick to Steve's torso, launching him a little further across the room due to y/n mimicking his strength. Steve grunted, sitting up a little from where he was on the floor, wiping the sweat from his face. "Y/n, you're missing something!" T'Challa called out, noticing the shield that was headed his way. Y/n noticed the shield, too out of breath to teleport anywhere, so his only choice was to catch it. Y/n braced himself and closed his eyes, suddenly reaching a hand out and catching the shield. Steve smiled proudly as he caught the shield, he'd only seen Bucky do that before.

"Nice, y/n! Peter, you ready?" T'Challa called out with a smile. Peter's eyes widened with a quick nod. "Yes your majesty sir!" He exclaimed excitedly, hopping up and down on the spot a little to hype himself up. Peter then webbed up to the first ledge, beginning to swing to the top so y/n had to chase him. Y/n wiped the sweat off of his forehead as he handed the shield back to Steve. He glanced up as he watched the kid begin to web up the ledges. "Come on..." He grumbled tiredly. He was already out of breath, and now he had to give chase? Y/n hopped from foot to try and gain some more energy as he watched Peter swing about, obviously teasing him.

"Let's go, y/n! No breaks yet!" T'Challa yelled, clapping his hands together in attempt to hype her up more.

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