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"We have to be careful. The weapons they have are powerful. Think of one of Wanda's energy blasts, but in a gun." Steve said seriously, pulling up some news footage that Bruce had sent over. The footage displayed one of the aggressors firing a weapon at a policeman, and when the beam of light hit him, the policeman disintegrated. Disintegrated. Right in front of everyone. It was brutal. Wanda took in a sharp breath, shuffling in her seat slightly at the gruesome sight. Y/n set a hand on Wanda's knee in attempt to comfort her, but y/n was probably as shocked as Wanda was. "They also have weapons like that. And as you can see, they don't seem to mind attacking. We're not sure what happens if it hits a super-powered being, but let's not find that out, yeah?" Steve said with a weak smile. The team nodded slowly, but all of them still seemed to be shaken up by the footage they'd just seen. "Why did Tony even have blueprints for weapons like this?" Y/n asked curiously, replaying the footage so he could see the weapon again. "Tony says that they were old blueprints from when he used to develop and sell weapons for war, but I don't know." Steve shrugged, he wasn't sure why Tony didn't destroy all the blueprints, but there was no point in arguing. They just needed to stop these people before any more damage was caused.

Steve explained the rest of the plan to them, making sure that everyone was ready. There were around eight captors, and over sixty hostages. The captors were printing their own money inside the bank, and holding the police off with their enhanced weapons. The team needed to stop them, save the hostages, take the weapons from them, and take the blueprints. All without any casualties. This was going to be fun.

They knew the captors were aggressive and not afraid to show off their new tech. The police were unsure of how many hostages were still alive, they were trying to make contact, but after that policeman was disintegrated they didn't want to cause any more casualties. That was why they called the Avengers. To clean up the mess they'd made. The team were going in practically blind, unsure of whether they were going to step into a bloodbath or not. But either way they had to go in.

But, they couldn't just storm their way into the building all-guns-blazing. All entrances and exits were covered in explosives, and nobody wanted to risk injuring any hostages. So it seemed like a job for y/n and Wanda until they could get everyone else in. The vents were accessible, but there was no way in hell two super soldiers were going to be able to fit through there with their wide shoulders.

Y/n and Wanda were dressed in the same jumpsuits that the hostages and captors were seen in - seeing as if they all dressed the same to ensure that the police couldn't shoot without hitting a hostage. Y/n sighed as he tied up his boots, glancing up at Steve with a slight smile. "Feels like our last mission. Why am I always a hostage?" He asked with a slight laugh, strapping a few weapons to himself under his jumpsuit. Steve shrugged with a slight chuckle, resting his hands on his shield. "Because you can teleport, and you're much more innocent-looking. Imagine me as a hostage, they'd find out straight away." He hummed. Y/n faked a dramatic gasp, setting a hand on his chest. "Are you saying Wanda's weak?" He accused, pretending to be hurt by what Steve said. "Is it because I'm a girl?" Wanda chimed in, her eyebrows raised as she stood beside y/n. Steve's eyes widened, completely falling for their teasing. He held his hands in the air as if he was surrendering, quickly shaking his head. "No! No, God no!" He exclaimed, going bright red out of embarrassment. "I just- I meant- I didn't-" Steve rambled, trying to find the right words to say. Y/n laughed, his upset façade dropping immediately. "We're joking, Steve! We're joking. We knew exactly what you meant, it's just fun to see you squirm." Y/n teased, booping Steve's nose with a laugh before beginning to walk toward the bank with Wanda. Y/n and Wanda high-fived one another as they walked off from a surprised Steve, it was funny to see him act so surprised.

Bucky shook his head with a chuckle as he made his way toward y/n. "You're mean." He smiled, cupping his face in his hands once they were close enough. Wanda smiled, deciding to leave the pair to it as she wandered off to find Natasha. Y/n shrugged with a laugh. "And what about it? It was fun to see Captain America so uncomfortable." He grinned, setting his hands on Bucky's arms. Bucky shook his head fondly, glancing over at Steve who still seemed to be processing the joke, laughing it off with Sam.

"Y/n! Wanda! It's time." The head of the police called out from a distance away.

Y/n glanced over at the source of the noise before looking back over at Bucky with a sigh. "It's showtime." He said with a weak smile, the nerves were kicking in. Bucky smiled nervously, but still kept y/n's face cupped in his hands, not ready to let go yet. "Be careful, okay?" He said seriously, the nerves evident in his eyes. Y/n nodded with a deep breath, pressing small kisses into Bucky's hands in attempt to comfort him, but they were both as stressed as each other. "I will, I promise." He hummed, but heading into that bank seemed more like a death wish with those weapons. "I'll see you in there." Y/n smiled, pressing a quick kiss to Bucky's lips before he slipped from his grip.

Bucky smiled as he watched y/n walk away, fiddling with his hands nervously. He knew he was going to be fine, of course he was going to be fine. But it was still scary. Those weapons were a big deal.

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