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Peter was stressed. Very stressed.

He'd accidentally fallen asleep at Ned's house last night, which didn't sound like a big problem, but in Peter's world, it was. He had a project that was due in today, so he'd planned on heading to Ned's for dinner, and then coming back in time to add the finishing touches. Well, it wasn't really finishing touches, Peter hadn't even started the project. He'd planned on pulling an all-nighter, but of course that didn't seem to go to plan.

Peter was sat on the subway, his knee bouncing uncontrollably as he stared down at his watch. He had three hours. Three hours to get home and complete his project. Usually he'd never leave it till last minute, but he'd just lost track of time over this past week. Everything had been going so well with MJ, and it finally didn't hurt too much to swing around the city, school hadn't really been a priority in his mind. He sighed quietly to himself, pulling out his phone as if the time would be different from his watch. It was five in the morning, way too early to be awake, but the pure fear of failing was enough to make Peter feel as if he'd had around ten cups of coffee. He set his phone back in his pocket, sighing lightly in relief when the train finally begun to move. Three hours. That was all he had. Usually he wouldn't take the subway, but he didn't trust himself not to crash into a building if he used his webs. Peter ran a nervous hand through his hair, finally lifting his head up so he could look around at the rest of the people on the subway. He was trying to find something, anything, to distract himself from the dread in his stomach. Most of the people on the subway seemed to be very business-y, their heads buried in their phones and ready to start the workday. There were also a few stragglers from parties and clubs, dressed in vibrant clothing and passed out across several seats. But, the people sat opposite him almost caused Peter's heart to stop.

Y/n and Bucky.

Oh my god. Why were they there? Had he done something wrong? Was Mr Stark mad at him? No, he had no reason to be mad. He had no reason to be mad at all. Right?

Y/n just seemed to smirk at the terrified look on Peter's face. "Morning." He hummed casually, taking a sip of the coffee he'd bought for himself. One hand was wrapped around his coffee cup, and the other was tangled in Bucky's hair. Bucky was outstretched across a few seats, his head on y/n's lap and his hand resting on his shoe. Y/n had moved his hand to his shoe after it hit the floor, a subway floor was not the most hygienic thing to touch. Bucky was fast asleep, completely exhausted from the amazing time they'd just had. He knew he wouldn't be able to sleep for long, but he just needed some sort of power nap to keep him going before they made their way back to the compound. Y/n didn't seem to mind that Bucky had fallen asleep, he understood that he probably hadn't been planning on only having two hours of sleep. "Why do you look like someone's out to kill you? You look so paranoid." He teased quietly, nodding to Peter's bouncing knee.

Peter didn't even know how to react. Why were they here? It was such an odd place to be, yet y/n was acting like this was a casual thing. His mouth hung open for a moment as he tried to process it all. It must've been a set up, right? He quickly looked around the rest of the train, trying to spot anyone else on the team, but, nobody was there. This was so weird. He glanced back over at y/n, his eyes widening as he was met with an expectant look. He'd forgotten he'd asked him a question. "I, uh..." Peter started, debating if he should tell y/n the truth or not. He had no reason not to, the only thing y/n could do was make fun of him. "I accidentally fell asleep at Ned's place, and I have a science project due today that I haven't even started and-"

"Woah, woah. Calm down." Y/n interrupted, hushing the stressed kid before he could begin to spiral. He debated on offering him his drink, but coffee probably would've just made him worse. "How long do you have? Three hours? That should be alright. That should be fine!" Y/n smiled, trying to reassure him. He kept a hand tangled in Bucky's hair, gently working through it as he tried to think up an idea. God, the poor kid looked like he was about to cry. "What if we help you? Three pairs of hands is better than one, right? We could get it done in no time." Y/n suggested with a hopeful look in his eyes.

Bucky was awake. He'd woken up when y/n started talking, but he'd kept his eyes shut. He wasn't really in the mood to look or speak to Peter, not at this time in the morning. However, his façade of being asleep was quickly broken once he heard y/n's suggestion. No, god no. He didn't want to play happy families and help Peter complete his project. Bucky could already tell how it was going to end up. He was going to be the only one actually working on the project, and y/n and Peter were going to be off somewhere getting distracted. Bucky groaned in disapproval, opening his eyes with a frown as he glared over at Peter from where he was laying. However, before he could even speak, y/n slapped his shoulder, shutting him up completely.

Peter watched the little exchange with wide eyes. He quickly looked away from Bucky's grumpy glare, only to be met with hopeful eyes from y/n. "No, you don't have to. I can probably get it done on my own." He said nervously, trying to wriggle his way out of it. Peter could feel Bucky's glare piercing into his skin, he didn't want to deal with that all morning. Yes, he could use the help, but not from these two. It was too much chaos in one project. He just needed time on his own to work it out. It was likely he wouldn't get an 'A', but anything was better than an 'F' when he'd only been working on it for a few hours.

But, it seemed that y/n had already made up his mind. Peter could see the determined look in his eyes, and had already given up on trying to reason with him. As soon as the subway stopped, y/n got up. "Come on." He hummed calmly, handing his coffee to Bucky for him to finish off. From there, y/n grabbed Bucky's spare hand, and Peter's arm. A tight, determined grip on both of them. Neither could escape, and they both knew that. As y/n dragged the pair off of the subway and toward Peter's apartment, Bucky and Peter shared a hopeless glance. There was no way of getting out of this now. Y/n was on a mission.

He marched them all the way to Peter's place, not stopping once. Not even for cars, which led to a lot of beeping and apologising, but he didn't care. Peter had a project to get done, and he was determined to help. Y/n dragged them all the way up the stairs, his grip not loosening at all until they got to his door. Y/n let go of Peter's arm, calmly holding a hand out for the keys. He handed them over almost immediately, too scared to think of what was going to happen if he didn't. Y/n smiled, unlocking the door as he pulled Bucky inside.

"Hi May!"

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