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A/N: Have a double!

Y/n soon changed out of his soaking clothes into something much warmer and dryer, but he was still angry. Y/n grumbled to himself as he patted his hair dry in the mirror. He felt guilty, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Mad at himself and mad at everyone else. He'd had such a nice time out with Peter, but as soon as he got back to the compound it was completely ruined. Y/n didn't want to constantly snap and shout, he just wanted to relax and have a normal, happy life. But at the moment that didn't seem possible. Either people were attacking him or his own mind was, he could never catch a break.

Once his hair wasn't dripping wet, y/n sat down on his bed, snatching his notebook out from under his pillow. Bruce had given it to him after hearing about the nightmares getting worse and worse. So now he had a place to note them down, hopefully relieving a bit of stress from his mind. Y/n picked up his pencil, unsure of what he was going to write, but he knew he wanted to write something in attempt to get his emotions out. But, before he could, his bedroom door clicked open. Y/n quickly sat up, sending out a blast of energy to shut the door, but a boot stuck out from behind the door, resulting in him just slamming it on that instead.

"First of all, ouch." Natasha sighed after the door was slammed on her foot. Pushing the door open, but she didn't step inside. Staying in the doorway to give y/n as much space as possible. "What do you want?" Y/n frowned, slipping his notebook back under his pillow. Natasha leant against the doorway, tilting her head slightly as she looked at y/n. "You need to apologise, y/n. To everyone. We were just looking out for you, we thought you were in trouble." Natasha hummed, glancing out of the room to realise someone was walking down the hall. She sighed to herself as she stepped inside the room, shutting the door behind herself before she strolled over to the bed. Nat sat down beside y/n slowly, making sure there was still a bit of distance between them just in case. "But I wasn't in trouble. I don't want to be babied." Y/n huffed, picking at his nails in frustration. "You knew that, but we didn't. We live in a world that isn't just sunshine and daisies, you and I both know that far too well." Natasha smiled, reaching out to set a hand on y/n's shoulder. "Especially for our team, we're forever a big target. So of course we're going to be paranoid. We're trying to look out for you. After everything you've been through, we don't want anything else to happen." She hummed. Y/n nodded slowly with a sigh, moving to lean into Natasha. "I just want to have a normal life. I haven't been free for God knows long, and now I'm being tracked again." Y/n said in frustration, staring at himself in the mirror. Natasha nodded, slowly rubbing y/n's side. "Well, this is the closest to normal you're going to get. None of us will ever have a white picket fence, but at least we have each other. We're a family, and family looks out for one another. Even if it means stopping Vision from killing Scott after he broke the blender." Natasha said with a slight laugh. Y/n rolled his eyes with a laugh. She was right. This was his family. His stupid, dysfunctional, and crazy family. "You know what family also does? Family apologises." Nat chimed in. Y/n's smile fell a little, raising his eyebrows at Nat in the mirror. Natasha just smiled with a shrug. "I know, I know. But even if I applaud your little shouting match earlier, I don't want to deal with an awkward breakfast tomorrow. None of us do. So go. You'll feel better for it after, I promise. Nobody wants to go to bed angry."

Y/n was soon kicked out of his own room by Natasha. He sighed quietly, hugging himself as he strolled down the hallway. There was no sound of laughter in the compound tonight, not even the sound of TV. Just the sound of the torrential rain outside. Y/n didn't know who to apologise to first. So many people were upset with him. But he managed to find himself stood in the doorway to Tony's office like a guilty child.

Tony was busy on his computer, typing out emails in attempt to distract himself from the frustration. Usually Pepper did this, but he needed a distraction. "I'm sorry." A guilty voice chimed from the doorway. He glanced up to realise it was y/n, muttering something under his breath as he gave y/n an annoyed look. "Sorry for what? For making us all worry? For screaming at me for trying to look out for you? Do you want me to list more?" Tony said sarcastically, carrying on with his email. Y/n flinched slightly at the defensiveness, it wasn't nice to be on the receiving end of someone angry. Damn, this was how everyone else felt. Y/n stepped into the room, watching Tony carefully as he sat down opposite him at the desk. Y/n took a deep breath before he spoke. God, apologising was so uncomfortable. "I'm sorry for shouting at you. You didn't deserve it, you were just trying to help me." Y/n started, staring down at his hands, not wanting to see Tony's sarcastic reaction to it all. Tony stopped his typing to listen to y/n, his eyebrows raised expectantly, almost like a father would. "And?" He said, resting his chin on his hands. Y/n took another breath, glancing up at the ceiling and then back down at his hands. "And I'm sorry for not telling anyone before I left. It was stupid and dangerous of me to do. I wasn't thinking straight and I just needed space. But now I've realised that I could've done things much differently. I'm sorry for making you worry Tony, I really am." He admitted, glancing up at Tony with guilty eyes. A small smile appeared on Tony's face as he listened to the apology. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He teased, causing y/n to smile. "No but seriously, thank you for apologising. You really messed up today, but I'm happy you're able to realise it and admit it. Much better than me. It means a lot, kid." Tony said sincerely, reaching out to pat y/n's shoulder. Y/n smiled in relief, nodding happily. "I'm not a kid, though! I swear I'm over a hundred by now." Y/n laughed as he stood up, beginning to make his way out of the room. Tony rolled his eyes with a chuckle. "What do you want me to call you then? Grandpa?" He teased. Y/n shook his head with a happy laugh. "Maybe we should stick with kid."

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