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Y/n shook his head, his chest feeling as if there was a weight on it. "I can't." He cried, trying to push Bucky's hands away from his face. Y/n didn't know what to do with himself, pure terror and distress evident on his face. More and more furniture beginning to levitate and spin around them. Bucky moved his hands from y/n's face once he began to push at his hands, he didn't want to distress him even more. "Yes you can-" Bucky started, but was soon cut off by a book that flew at his head. Bucky ducked just in time, glancing around to see the rest of the furniture beginning to spin around y/n and him. He needed to calm him down before it got worse, they didn't need Tony being annoyed added to the situation. Bucky looked back up at y/n and froze at the sight of him. Y/n was holding his head in his hands, exactly where the constant electric shocks would've been.

Y/n felt as if he could still feel it, trying his hardest to protect his head from the shocks. He didn't want to forget again. He didn't want to lose everything again. Bucky sat and watched y/n for a few moments, he immediately knew what he was doing. Tears begun to sting at his eyes as he was reminded of the many horrible times in that chair, feeling the memories slip away with terrifying ease. Bucky took a shaky breath and quickly wiped at his eyes, suddenly pulling y/n down into his arms, into a hug that they both didn't know they desperately needed. Y/n moved his hands from his head to wrap them around Bucky, holding onto his shirt as tight as he could. He cried into his chest, his whole body shaking with each sob, gasping in breaths every now and again. Bucky rested his chin on top of y/n's head, closing his eyes as he listened to y/n cry. Silent tears beginning to stream down his own face, holding onto him as tight as he could. After a few moments, y/n lifted his head up to look at Bucky, wanting to check on him after hearing a few sniffles. The pair locked eyes, tears staining both of their cheeks. But they didn't need to say a word to explain any of it. They knew.

They both knew how it felt to be in that chair. They both knew that pain, that fear, that endless helplessness and knowing nobody was going to save them. The constant cycle. They both knew.

Bucky and y/n sat on the floor in one another's arms. The hallway light that Steve had left on for them dimly lit up the otherwise dark room. Not enough to see anything clearly, just the outline. The furniture in the room seemed to settle back down to their rightful places as y/n's distress was replaced with an odd feeling of comfort and sadness. He completely understood what Bucky was going through, and Bucky completely understood him. But, this time they weren't alone. They weren't helpless. They had each other. Even if it just meant crying in one another's arms for a while.

Y/n and Bucky soon found themselves sat on the roof of the compound together, both just needing to escape the stuffy living room and enjoy the cold air for a while. It was still dark outside, with no signs of the sun coming up anytime soon. Neither knew what time it was, but neither seemed to care.

Y/n was sat with his back pressed up against one of the metal containers on the roof, staring out at the endless void of stars and darkness that surrounded them. Bucky had his head on y/n's lap, staring out at the view. Y/n subconsciously played with Bucky's hair as they talked, not tugging in any way, just running his fingers through it. Bucky didn't seem to mind - well, he enjoyed it but he wouldn't admit that. It helped him forget about the feeling of the electric shocks. Y/n had been explaining his nightmare to Bucky, feeling comfortable enough to talk to him about it without getting choked up, but he knew Bucky wouldn't mind anyway. "It explains why I struggle to mind control. They probably stopped training me to use it because of what I did." Y/n sighed, resting his head back against the metal container. "They knew how strong you were, of course they'd try and take control of that too. I'm sure we can figure out a way to get you trained up again, if you want." Bucky offered, rolling slightly so he could look up at y/n, his head still on his lap. Just wanting to appreciate him for a while. Y/n shrugged, still looking out at the view. "Maybe." He hummed. Y/n wasn't sure if he wanted full control of that power again, what if he didn't use it for good?

"I'm just happy we're free. No more control, nothing." He smiled, continuing to play with Bucky's hair. Bucky couldn't help but smile when y/n did, even under the dim light of the moon he looked handsome. Y/n glanced down when Bucky forgot to reply to him, meeting his eyes and sweet smile. "What?" He asked with a slight laugh, moving his hands away from his hair. Bucky just shrugged, the same adoring smile on his face. "Have I got something on my face?" Y/n asked with a nervous laugh, beginning to wipe at his mouth and cheeks. Bucky shook his head, gently taking y/n's hands and moving them away from his face. "No, no. It's just you. I just like looking at you." He admitted, grateful that the dark hid the slight blush appearing on his cheeks. Y/n's smile just seemed to widen as he heard what Bucky said, his cheeks heating up as he looked down at Bucky. "You're such a dork." He teased with a bashful laugh, booping Bucky's nose with his finger. Bucky laughed as he swatted away y/n's hand. "What? I'm not allowed to appreciate a handsome man?" He asked, grinning from ear to ear. He knew that he was making y/n blush, and he loved it. He wanted to make sure he knew how much he appreciated him. "Stop it!" He giggled, playfully pushing Bucky's shoulder. But, he didn't want him to stop, and he knew that.

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