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A/N: Besties... I'm going on holiday! I'll be leaving tomorrow, and I'll be away for a week. I have a post lined up for tomorrow, but after that I'm not sure when I'll have time to update. I promise I'll be back to daily updates once I'm home, but updates will be iffy until then. It's only a week, you can do it! I love you all <3

There were tall barriers surrounding the whole building, preventing anyone from seeing what was actually going on. The barriers were covered in a fake company name, simply leading the public to believe there were some renovations occurring. Inside the perimeter, there were several government and army vehicles set up. Yet none of them seemed to be going anywhere near the building. There were medical tents set up, and scientists trying their hardest to figure out the species of creature, but nobody knew anything. Nobody knew if the aliens were dangerous, and nobody even knew what the creatures were doing inside there. They knew nothing. That was why they were sending in the Avengers. The Avengers would just run headfirst into any sort of fight, why not let them run into this?

It didn't take long for the team to arrive and get debriefed on what was about to go down. The main plan was to just blow up the nest and wipe it out completely, so each team member was loaded with tiny explosives to set up across the nest, all linked up to one control on the outside of the building. This definitely wasn't their typical mission, it was a complete jump into the unknown, but everyone seemed up for it. They just had to go in, rig it with explosives, and get out. Easy.

The building was huge, consisting of one giant play structure that was several stories high. It was a kid's dream. There were several ball pits, slides, foam pits, climbing areas, a machine that spat out foam balls, and so much more. God, it looked so fun. But, the structure was, of course, designed for children, so there were many tight spaces that were going to be fun to watch a group of grown adults try to navigate. The structure was big enough for the whole team to have to go in on their own, their only source of communication being their earpieces, and if they run into one another along the way.

The team had managed to smash open one of the windows in the entrance to the building, trying their hardest not to damage any of the vine-like tendrils. Y/n was the first inside, holding onto his pistol with both hands as he took careful steps. "Oh, this is weird." Y/n murmured as he glanced around, broken glass smashing under his boots. The 'vines' were all over the ground and the walls, just seeming to get thicker as they got closer and closer to the play structure.

"Stay on guard, these things could be anywhere." Steve's voice announced through the earpiece.

Y/n just seemed to roll his eyes, he didn't to go into one of Steve's 'focus modes'. He wasn't in the mood. Y/n just wanted to have fun with this mission. However, his attention was quickly diverted by a row of cubbyholes next to his entrance of the play structure. "Sweet." He whispered to himself, a mischievous smile on his face. Usually kids weren't allowed to wear their shoes when playing in one of these things, and y/n didn't want to break those rules. It seemed to be the only rule he'd follow, and he was only following it so he could take his uncomfortable boots off. Y/n sighed in relief as he pulled his boots off, setting them neatly in one of the cubbyholes. "Don't forget to take your shoes off, everyone!" Y/n chimed into the earpiece, knowing it'd annoy Steve.

"What?" Nat and Sam asked at the same time, y/n could already imagine the confused looks on their faces.

"Huh?" Wanda and Tony said in unison over their earpieces.

"Y/n, what're you talking about?" Bucky asked over the earpiece, a slight chuckle audible in his voice.

"Y/n. Focus." Steve snapped, obviously annoyed at him.

"Don't worry, I already have!" Scott suddenly chimed, the excitement obvious in his voice.

Y/n laughed at the mixture of reactions, happy that Scott had the same train of thought as him. God, if Peter and Thor were here they would've joined in too. "What? Did you guys not read the rules? No shoes! We don't want to get it dirty, it's not fair on the other kids!" Y/n exclaimed dramatically, mostly just talking so he could bug Steve more and more. His smile just seemed to widen as several voices begun to speak at the same time over the earpiece. He'd missed starting pointless arguments during missions.

The stand-out voice was Bucky's, and y/n didn't know if that was just because his voice was louder, or if he was specifically listening out for him, but he wasn't going to admit it either way. "We're literally blowing the place up, Doll. I don't think they'll care if we follow the rules or not." He hummed over the earpiece, but y/n could tell that he was smiling, causing him to just smile even more. Bucky was right, but y/n didn't care. His boots were so painful, he wouldn't be too upset if they were blown up in the explosion. There was probably a reason why his boots were uncomfortable, they were probably bulletproof or shockproof, but y/n didn't care either way. He was a trained assassin with a long list of powers to mimic, there was no way he was going to get shot in the foot.

Y/n couldn't wipe the smile off of his face as he listened to the team argue. They tried to add y/n back into the conversation, but y/n didn't respond. He was quite happy just sitting back and hearing them all bicker. He sighed quietly to himself as he reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and Peter's wireless earphones. He'd 'borrowed' them whilst he was busy making his project. Peter was definitely going to be mad, but he was planning on giving them back! This was just a temporary 'borrow'. Y/n put one of the earphones in his ear before he slipped the case back into his pocket. He would've put the other one in, but his earpiece was in the way. Y/n listened to the team continue to bicker as he scrolled through music on his phone, landing on a playlist that Peter had created for him. "Nice..." He hummed to himself, making sure the volume was as loud as possible.

As soon as y/n pressed play, he zoned out all of the talking, finally stepping inside the play structure. The feeling of the foam under his feet was an amazing contrast to the hard ground he'd been walking on for hours. He kept both hands on his pistol as he explored the structure, still unsure whether the aliens were hostile or not. But, the smile on his face still hadn't disappeared. Music just made everything even more fun. He was in his element when good music was playing, even if it meant zoning out the rest of the team. Y/n knew what he was doing, though. He knew what the mission was, it wasn't like he needed to ask any questions to the team - especially if he was just going to get a condescending answer from Steve. He made it obvious that he still didn't trust him. But y/n wasn't going to work like a dog to get it back. Steve was the one that had a problem, not him.

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