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"Take a left down this hallway, and then it's the room on the right!"

Y/n had decided that they were going to help Peter get his project to school. He was already having a bad morning, he didn't want the poor kid to drop it and ruin all of his hard work. Plus, y/n and Bucky knew that making an appearance would probably give Peter a few 'cool points' with his classmates. So, there they were, walking down the busy hallways of Peter's high school. Y/n and Bucky were holding onto opposite sides of the project, carefully weaving between students as Peter guided them on where to go.

Y/n was in awe at the school. From what he could remember, he'd never been inside one before. He'd only seen them in sitcoms, so it was pretty cool to see one in real life. They definitely weren't as dreamy and fun as he imagined, but he didn't care. Y/n never got to experience a 'normal' life, he grew up confined in a giant Hydra base, alone. So this was all very exciting to her. Teenagers were a lot more scary than he expected, though, and the bombardment of different perfumes and body odours wasn't very pleasant. But, he'd smelt worse. Far worse.

Peter had a proud smile on his face as he guided them into his science classroom. Nobody ever believed that he had an internship at Stark Industries, so he was excited for people to find out that he was telling the truth - well, some of the truth. The internship wasn't real, but he did know the Avengers! He pushed open the classroom door, holding it open for y/n and Bucky before he begun to make his way toward his desk. "Just over here, guys!" He smiled, pushing a few things out of the way to make room for the project. Peter set his bag on the seat, beginning to rifle through it so he could find the presentation that went with his project. He could already hear the murmurs of shock at the fact that y/n and Bucky were there, the excitement and happiness obvious in his eyes. That was until he heard a voice that caused his mood to dampen almost immediately.

"Hey Penis Parker!"

It was Flash. He had a smug smile on his face, forcing some younger students to carry his project for him. Flash raised his eyebrows at the sight of y/n and Bucky, but he didn't act shocked like everyone else, his smug smile just seemed to widen. He clasped his hands together, a mean look in his eyes. "So, how much did you have to pay these guys to turn up, hm? It's not like you have much, so are Avengers doing discounts for needy kids now?" He teased, his ego just seeming to be fuelled by a few quiet laughs across the classroom.

Bucky's face fell at what Flash said. Peter looked so disheartened. He wasn't going to allow that to happen. Yes, he and Sam bullied Peter, but it didn't mean anyone else could. Bucky glanced over at y/n, half expecting him to stop him, but he looked as annoyed as he did. He could see a fireball forming in his palm, causing him to quickly grab his hand with his metal one, putting out the flames. He was as desperate as y/n to retaliate, but scorching a kid wasn't really the best idea. Bucky watched with an angry glare as Flash strolled over, still making cheap jokes at Peter's expense. He waited and waited for the perfect time before he stuck his foot out, causing Flash to trip and hit the floor. Hard. A satisfied smile appeared on Bucky's face as he watched Flash hit the floor, glancing back at Peter with a nod. "See you later, Pete. We'll meet you after school, yeah?" He hummed, smiling as Peter quickly nodded. Bucky squeezed y/n's hand before they begun to walk off, 'accidentally' stepping on Flash as he left the classroom. "Oh, sorry! The floor isn't really a good place to be... You know there are chairs, right?" He teased with a smirk, finally leaving the classroom.

As soon as they stepped out into the hallway, y/n's face lit up. He laughed slightly as they walked, surprised at Bucky's actions. "I thought you didn't like Peter?" He teased, tugging Bucky's arm to make him look at him. His little retaliation was much better than his plan to just blast the kid, it would've been pretty satisfying though. Bucky just seemed to shrug with a smug smile, swinging their arms as they walked. "I'm allowed to not like Peter, nobody else is." He hummed proudly, causing y/n to laugh. "You're an idiot." He giggled, slipping his spare hand into his pocket. However, as he did, y/n froze. A mischievous look appearing on his face. "Y/n... What're you planning..?" Bucky asked with raised eyebrows, he knew that look from anywhere. Y/n shrugged innocently as he pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket, showing it to Bucky. "Nothing! Peter just forgot his chocolate bar, that's all." He hummed, letting go of Bucky's hand as he begun to stroll back to the classroom. "I'll just give it to him super quick." Y/n smiled, an obviously suspicious tone in his voice. Bucky's eyes widened, slowly following y/n. "Y/n..." He warned, staying a few feet away. But before he could stop him, y/n had already opened the door.

Y/n poked his head into the room with a warm smile, quietly apologising to the teacher, who had just started the lesson. "Hey, Parker! You forgot your snack!" Y/n exclaimed, showing him the chocolate bar. "Here, catch." Y/n smiled. But, instead of actually throwing it to Peter, he threw it right at Flash's head. Most of the class laughed, but the teacher looked pretty annoyed, probably assuming that he was another student. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! My aim isn't that great." Y/n exclaimed, but it was obvious that he felt no remorse. His aim was amazing, he was a trained assassin, but he wasn't going to say that. His eyes widened as the teacher begun to storm his way over, quickly racing out of the classroom.

Bucky watched with wide eyes as y/n begun to run toward him. "Go, go!" He exclaimed, grabbing Bucky's arm as they begun to run as fast as they could down the hallways and out of the school. The pair couldn't help but laugh as they ran, the mix of fear and adrenaline being an amazing mixture. "What did you do??" Bucky asked as they raced down the steps of the school, allowing y/n to drag him along. "I threw it at his head!" Y/n exclaimed proudly, laughing and struggling for breath as they finally stopped running.

No matter what they did, they always seemed to make it fun. Always.

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