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Thanos simply chuckled at y/n's comment. He maintained eye contact with him the whole time, a smug smile appearing on his face - something that y/n completely copied, smiling straight back at him. However, Thanos didn't move a muscle.

He was waiting for y/n to make the first move.

Y/n continued to smile at Thanos as he wiped the gash on his cheek with the back of his hand, pretending to ponder between different ways of killing Thanos. On the inside, he was scared out of his mind, but on the outside he seemed to be calm and collected. Y/n had every right to be terrified, he'd destroyed countless other planets, and was planning on snapping away half of earth's population. All because he believed that it would 'bring balance back to the planet'. He was a psychopath.

Y/n waited for a few more moments, wanting to buy as much time as possible for Wanda and Vision. But, he soon decided that it was time to fight. They couldn't have a staring contest all day. Plus, Thanos had ruined all of the festival plans. He'd been looking forward to the festival for months, and he'd ruined it. It was time for a bit of payback.

Thanos watched as y/n winked at him, causing him to hum slightly. He opened his mouth to speak, but, just before he could, y/n disappeared. He had disappeared right before his eyes. He hadn't run away, he hadn't taken any steps, he'd simply disappeared. Thanos frowned in confusion, scanning around to try and find y/n again. "You don't seem to be one to run away from a fight, little one." He called out in a teasing tone. However, the feeling of someone suddenly slamming themselves onto his shoulders quickly answered his question.

Y/n had teleported onto Thanos' shoulders. His legs immediately wrapped around his neck, not sparing any more time as he slammed his hands onto the sides of his head.

Mind control.

Both y/n and Thanos yelled out in pain as y/n begun to try and take control of Thanos' mind. Their heads rocked back in sync, eyes turning a pure white. It was a complete battle of the minds. Taking over his mind was far harder than anything that y/n had experienced before, especially when he was actively trying to stop him.

Except for pained breaths and grunts, the fight was completely silent. No explosions, no crashes, no talking, nothing. It was all in their heads. To anyone else, it just seemed like a person holding onto someone else's head, but to y/n and Thanos, it was hell.

Y/n felt as if his brain was on fire. Every single body part flitted between complete numbness and the horrible sensation of thousands of needles digging into his skin. His vision was completely gone, but the darkness was the least of y/n's worries.

Fighting between two minds was an odd but aggressive experience. It was something that y/n had never needed to do before. Usually, y/n was far stronger than the other person, and taking control was as easy as taking candy from a baby, but it was far different with Thanos. It was like digging through a concrete wall with a plastic spoon. He was never going to be able to take control of him, it took far too much power. So, y/n had to decide on a different plan.

It was draining him, which meant that it was draining Thanos. Y/n simply had to hold on for as long as he could, and then teleport away. He would be able to recover must faster than him. It was his mind that was getting invaded, not his.

So, y/n dug his nails even further into the sides of Thanos' head, clenching his jaw tightly as he continued to try and take control. His legs were wrapped tightly around his neck, cutting off as much air as he possibly could to make the experience even worse for Thanos. His whole body had to stay tense. He couldn't let his hands slip.

His head was pounding, his breathing only resided of shaky gasps every now and again, and every single nerve in his body felt as if it were being scorched by a thousand suns. Y/n's whole body was being completely and utterly drained by the power he was using against Thanos. However, the thing that caused y/n to finally stop was a steady stream of blood dripping from his nose.

His nose only bled when he was overexerting his powers.

The last time his nose bled, he murdered thousands in Lagos.

Y/n quickly let go, immediately teleporting off and away from Thanos. He fell to his knees in the foliage, gasping in air as his body begun to recover. His vision slowly filtered back in and adjusted to his surroundings, but the pounding headache didn't disappear. The blood from his nose dripped down onto the ground in front of him, causing him to take a heavy sniff as he continued to wipe the blood with the backs of his hands. "Come on, y/n." He murmured to himself as he stood back up - if talking to yourself worked for Peter, it would work for him.

Thanos fell to the ground when y/n finally let go, his face scrunched up in utter pain. His mind was completely scrambled. It felt as if someone had blended his brain up into tiny pieces. Y/n was strong, far stronger than he could've ever imagined. He let out a breath as he pushed himself up and off of the ground, using his double-edged sword as a support. But, just as he stood up, he was blasted with a huge fireball.

Followed by another fireball, and an orb of energy, and a giant amount of spiderwebs.

Y/n was teleporting around Thanos, blasting him with every power that he could think of. It seemed to be working, flitting from place to place to stop Thanos from attacking back. His fireballs scorched his skin, and his energy orbs seemed to knock him off balance every single time. It was working. He had an advantage. He was constantly looking around for him. Y/n teleported again, a smug smirk on his face as he prepared to blast him again.

That was when he felt an excruciatingly sharp pain in his stomach.

Thanos' double-edged sword had completely impaled him.

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