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Bucky's face seemed to fall slightly at what y/n said. Dropping his hands from his face with an almost hurt look in his eyes. "What?" He asked at the same time as Steve. Of course he knew there was no form of cheating - Peter was just a kid - but he still felt hurt. Why didn't y/n tell anyone? Why didn't y/n just go to him for a while? Bucky truly thought that y/n had been taken by Hydra again. He thought that he was in trouble, and whilst he was grateful that wasn't the case, he was upset that y/n had caused that much worry for no reason.

Y/n's breath hitched at the hurt and annoyed looks on their faces, trying to grab Bucky's hands back to his face but he refused. "Can we-" Y/n swallowed nervously, trying to figure out a way he could wriggle out of the situation. "Can we get out of the rain?" He asked, moving past Bucky and making a beeline for the inside of the compound.

As soon as y/n stepped inside, he wished she hadn't. Tony, Bruce, Wanda, Natasha, and Vision were all stood at the main entrance. They all looked relieved to see him, with Wanda seeming like she wanted to hug y/n, but changed her mind after seeing how soaked through he was. "Where've you been?" Tony asked, happy that y/n didn't look injured. Bruce took a few steps toward y/n so he could check for any visible injuries. "Are you alright?" He asked, a sense of concern still in his voice. Y/n nodded, overwhelmed and unsure of how to react. He didn't expect this much of a reaction from the team. But, before y/n could reply, a voice spoke up behind him. "Oh, he's fine. Just decided to spend the day with Peter." Steve said sarcastically, stood beside his best friend. Everyone's faces seemed to shift from concern to confusion in a matter of seconds. "You what?" Tony asked, crossing his arms over his chest. Y/n rolled his eyes with an annoyed laugh, stepping away from Bruce when he tried to check him over. "Why is this such a big issue? Am I not allowed to hang out with him? Is there a secret code I don't know? Am I not allowed to have friends?" He asked, trying not to raise his voice. But he didn't know why everyone was so shocked.

Tony shook his head with raised eyebrows. "No, y/n. That's not why we're mad." He hummed in a surprisingly calm voice. That calm voice where you knew you were in trouble. "Bruce and I have just spent hours, and I mean hours, trying to find you." Tony snapped, pointing down the hallway toward the missions room. "Hours! Just because you decided to disappear without telling anyone." Tony shook his head in annoyance, of course he wasn't going to admit that he'd been worried for him. Especially now that he was completely fine. Y/n didn't have time to properly react before another voice spoke up. "We thought you'd been taken, y/n. We thought you were in danger. Do you understand the amount of people you worried for no reason?" Steve chimed in, gesturing to the whole team. "Wanda blamed herself for you disappearing. She came back to her room and you'd just disappeared. No warning, nothing. She was already blaming herself for you being taken." Steve snapped, pointing toward Wanda. Wanda nodded with a sad look on her face, leaning a little more into Vision's side. "Natasha was asking her connections for any information on you. Y/n she was preparing everyone's weapons just in case." Steve huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. Natasha nodded with a weak smile, happy to see y/n was okay. "Tony and Bruce scanned the internet for hours. Camera footage, pictures, everything." He sighed, shaking his head in annoyance. Y/n opened his mouth to defend himself as he glanced around the group, trying his hardest not to show any emotion, but Steve cut him off once again. "But do you know the person you affected the most? It was Bucky." Steve gestured toward his best friend, who still had a hurt look on his face, refusing to look at y/n. "Bucky thought you'd been kidnapped, y/n. He thought you were hurt, that you were in trouble. He refused to relax. He checked on Tony and Bruce's progress every five minutes. And for what? For you to just turn up after having a nice day out. Without telling anyone where you were going. Anyone." Steve snapped. "Do you understand what he's been through? What you've both been through? You can't just leave unannounced like that! How would you feel if he did that to you? How hurt would you feel if you found out he was just hanging out with a friend after all that stress?" He spat, pure anger and protectiveness in his voice. He'd defend his best friend till the end of the line.

Y/n shook his head with an annoyed laugh, setting both hands on his head. "This is exactly why I left! All you do is worry and stress over me like I'm a child! If I told you where I was going would you let me go? No! Not without my suit at least, because my suit has a tracker. And for some reason you need to know where I am at all times!" Y/n snapped, beginning to raise his voice as he gestured toward the team. "I needed space. Space from the smothering, space from everyone tiptoeing around me like I'm some sort of bomb! I don't want to watch TV every time I'm slightly upset, I don't want to ignore my feelings! I need to think them through, you can't just silence them with a cute movie! So I left!" Y/n huffed, beginning to pace back and forth slightly as he spoke. "I hung out with Peter because he's the only person that treats me like I'm normal! I was just hit with the news that I have to announce myself as a new avenger, and I was scared. Peter was the only person that understood that feeling. All my life I've been used as a puppet to kill. They depended on me for that job. And now the whole world is depending on me to be this amazing superhero! I just need space! I need time! How can I be a superhero if my mind is so damn scrambled?" Y/n shouted, beginning to spiral slightly, but he brought himself back to the topic. "That's what you don't understand. I don't want to be smothered and coddled all the time, I'm not a child! I should be allowed to have the freedom to go places without telling anyone, I'm an adult for God's sake! Nobody except Peter has a tracker in their suit, so why me? No matter what you say you still don't trust me! So no, I'm not going to apologise for today. I'm going to bed." Y/n spat, shoving past Tony and Bruce as he stormed down the hallway toward his bedroom. His fingers continuously sparking with flames from the anger running through him.

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