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Y/n was completely numb due to the shock of it all. Frozen in place with his mouth hung open, trying to process it all. He was sat on the grass beside Bucky, too terrified to touch him. Too terrified to do anything. Tears blurred his vision and stung his tired eyes, but he could tell what was going on. His breaths were shallow and slow as he tried to make sense of any it. That was a positive for being in shock - if one would call it a positive. Y/n wasn't freaking out. He wasn't screaming or sobbing or shaking uncontrollably. He was just sat there. Eyes wide as he looked over the terror he'd caused.

Wanda had already called for Bruce's assistance. She'd called after y/n attacked Vision. So it didn't take long for the quinjet to land in the field, the air from the propellers just seeming to spread the flames even further. Bruce had stayed back at the compound to take care of Peter, so when he got the call from Wanda, he knew it was an emergency. However, there was nothing to prepare him for the sight that he saw when he stepped off of the quinjet. He expected maybe only one person to be hurt, not the entire team. He didn't even know where to start. Vision had an arm sliced off and holes in his head, Sam was pretty badly burnt, Steve was burnt and dealing with the after-effects of one of Tony's blasts, Natasha had a pretty significant injury to the head from Steve's shield, Tony's face was completely messed up from being stamped on by y/n, and Bucky had a blade through his chest. Oh shit. Bucky had a blade through his chest.

Steve managed to get to Bucky first, one hand on his stomach as he limped toward his best friend. His eyes widened at the sight of him. Bucky was barely conscious, fighting for his life on the ground. Steve immediately begun to put pressure on the open wound on Bucky's stomach, his other hand gently tapping his cheek in attempt to keep him conscious. "Buck. Stay awake for me, alright? We're right here. You're going to be okay." Steve rushed out, continuing to talk to his best friend as he yelled for Bruce to hurry up. He couldn't lose Bucky. Not like this.

Bucky wheezed in slow breaths, breathing was becoming harder and harder as his eyelids grew heavier, but he tried his hardest to stay awake. He could hear Steve, but was too exhausted to lift his head and look at him. So he just stared up at the stars, a weak smile on his face. This was where he was going to die, and he knew it. At least he had a nice view. "Tell y/n that I forgive him." He murmured, grimacing as he coughed up more blood.

Steve shook his head, wiping the blood from Bucky's mouth. "No. Don't talk like that." He frowned, trying to stay calm for him. "I'm not going to do that because you're going to tell him yourself, okay? You're not going to die here, Buck. You're not." Steve said seriously, keeping a hand on Bucky's cheek in attempt to keep him awake. He hadn't even looked up at y/n. He knew he was nearby, but Steve didn't acknowledge him. He was too focused on keeping Bucky alive.

It didn't take long for Bruce to make his way over. He almost immediately begun to work on Bucky, trying his hardest to stop any more blood loss. He had to get him into a stable condition before they could even move him onto the quinjet. The safest bet sounded like getting Bucky to a hospital, but they couldn't. That knife had y/n's fingerprints all over it. The public would find out about it in seconds. Bruce was Bucky's only hope. "Don't pull that knife out, Steve. Leave it there. If we take it out he'll bleed out in seconds." Bruce said seriously, injecting Bucky with as many painkillers as he could without making him even worse. The best bet to keeping Bucky alive was to get him as high as a kite, then they didn't have to worry about inflicting any more pain to him.

Wanda blasted as much of the fire away as she could, taking shaky breaths as she stood up from where she was knelt on the ground. Her only priority was Vision. She had to get him back to the compound as soon as possible for someone to fix him. He was awake, but the loss of an arm and the holes in his head left him very disorientated. Vision had an arm around Wanda, leaning almost all of his weight on her for support as she guided him over to the quinjet. Wanda struggled to hold the weight, but she pushed through it. She had to. "Just a few more steps, Vis. You've got this." She cooed, holding Vision's cut off arm with her spare hand. There was no way she was losing Vision today. She'd already lost her parents and Pietro, she couldn't deal with any more loss.

Sam had managed to force himself up off of the ground, the burns had left him in so much pain, but he had to keep going. He couldn't just lay on the ground and feel sorry for himself. He cursed quietly to himself due to the pain as he made his way toward Tony. God, he was really beaten up. Tony was sat up, blinking over and over again in attempt to straighten out his vision, but it wasn't working. Both eyes were bloody and swollen, his nose dripping with blood, and his bottom lip was busted beyond belief. "Damn man, he really did a number on you." Sam murmured, holding a hand out for Tony to take. Tony smiled slightly as he looked up at Sam, taking his hand with a grunt as he was hoisted up. "Maybe disabling the face part of my suit wasn't the best idea." He hummed sarcastically. Tony hadn't even realised the condition that Bucky was in, his vision was too blurred. The pair wrapped an arm around one another, supporting each other as they made their way toward the quinjet with pained sounds. "Did y/n snap out of it?" Tony asked, his voice slightly muffled due to his busted lip. Sam nodded, his face scrunched up in pain with even step. "Yeah, but not after putting a knife through Bucky's chest." He murmured, keeping his voice down just in case. As much as Sam and Bucky bickered, seeing him like that was terrifying. He didn't want Bucky to die. Who was he going to make fun of all the time?

Y/n was frozen in place. He tried to speak but nothing seemed to come out. He watched in terror as Steve and Bruce surrounded Bucky, blocking his view from him. It was almost as if everything was going in slow motion, he couldn't process anything. Everyone's voices sounded muffled and distant, too far away to make out any words. He wanted to reach out for Bucky, but he couldn't. He couldn't move. He was in complete shock. Most of y/n's body and clothes were caked in blood, soot, and dirt. The same outfit he'd worn just last night. The outfit that made Bucky realise he was in love with y/n was now the outfit that he'd probably killed him in. How ironic.

Y/n didn't even seem to react when he felt a pair of hands on his shoulders, gently hoisting him up off of the ground. It was Natasha. She was probably the least hurt of the whole team, but the hit to her head from Steve's shield would definitely leave a mark. She was heavily disorientated from the hit and the after-effects from being mind controlled, but her main priority was y/n. She had to move him away from Bucky. Seeing your lover like that was distressing enough, Natasha couldn't imagine watching that whilst knowing you were the cause of it. "I've got you, y/n." Nat murmured as she pulled y/n to his feet. She watched with a sympathetic look in her eyes as she noticed how much shock y/n was in. Y/n probably couldn't even hear her. Natasha slowly turned y/n around, keeping her hands on his shoulders as she guided him forward and toward the quinjet. "I'm right here, y/n. I'm always right here."

Y/n absentmindedly walked with Natasha, taking slow, careful steps. He looked around with wide eyes at all the destruction he'd caused, tears still falling freely down his cheeks. Y/n couldn't hear Natasha at all, but the feeling of her hands on his shoulders definitely brought some comfort. As they walked, y/n kept turning back to try and see Bucky, but Natasha blocked his view every single time. It was for a good reason, it would just upset y/n even more. All y/n wanted was to hold Bucky. He couldn't even believe that this had all happened.

It was all because of those stupid code words. Hydra just kept ruining his life. Over and over and over again.

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