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A/N: Another double! Thank you so much for all the love lately, ily all 🥺

Once everyone was clean and showered, they seemed to go off and do their own thing before the party in a few hours.

You see, Tony had decided that the best way for y/n to announce himself as a one of the Avengers was to throw a party. As much as Tony denied it, it was definitely just because he missed throwing parties. Everyone was excited, especially y/n. He'd never been to a party before, but he'd heard enough stories from Natasha about how crazy they could get, especially when it involved alcohol. That was the real reason why Pepper was there - usually she barely visited the compound, but she had to make sure Tony stayed in check. She didn't want to deal with another random headline talking about something that Tony said whilst he was drunk.

Y/n had decided to go for a stroll around the compound in attempt to find Bucky, but instead found a very nervous-looking Peter, seemingly very deep in thought. Peter was sat on one of the armchairs, staring out of the window as his knee bounced up and down over and over again. Y/n frowned, it wasn't like Peter to be so stressed, usually he was bouncing off of the walls. "Are you okay?" He asked, a look of concern on his face as he moved to sit on the armchair beside Peter's. Peter quickly looked up when he heard y/n's voice, his eyes wide as he didn't expect anyone to find him like that. "Yeah, yeah. I'm all good." He said with a weak smile, sitting up a little straighter. Y/n raised his eyebrows at Peter, he didn't believe that at all. "Oh yeah? Then why do you look like you're about to make a life-or-death decision?" He asked in a teasing tone. "Come on, you can talk to me." Y/n hummed, a look of concern still in his eyes. Peter sighed, leaning back in the chair out of embarrassment. "There's- There's this girl I like. And I may or may not have accidentally invited her to the party." He admitted, his cheeks beginning to heat up. Y/n frowned in confusion, tilting his head to the side as he looked at Peter. "Isn't that a good thing?" He asked. Peter quickly shook his head, leaning forward and resting his head in his hands. "No, no! It's not good! I can't impress her, she's way out of my league." He sighed, seeming very stressed over the whole situation. "What if I embarrass myself? And I have to make sure the team doesn't call me anything that references Spiderman. Nobody knows that Peter Parker is Spiderman, and I'm not exposing myself to my crush!" He exclaimed, his face bright red. Y/n smiled fondly at all of Peter's stress, the early stages of love were the same as constantly treading on eggshells, he'd gotten lucky with Bucky. "Let's start out with details. What's her name?" He asked, leaning back in his armchair. Peter smiled bashfully, refusing to make eye-contact with y/n. "Her name is MJ. She's one of my friends, but I'm not sure if she wants more than that or not." He admitted with a exasperated sigh. "Well, let's go show this MJ that Peter Parker is the best boyfriend she could have. You want that right? To be her boyfriend?" Y/n asked, standing up from his armchair and holding his hand out for Peter to take. "Yeah. I think." Peter admitted, blushing furiously. Y/n smiled happily, shifting from foot to foot out of impatience when Peter didn't stand up. "Let's go then!" He exclaimed, causing Peter to laugh as he finally took y/n's hand.

It didn't take for y/n to have a whole team rounded up to help Peter. Well, by 'whole team' he meant Wanda, Natasha, and Steve. Steve wasn't supposed to be there, but he started spouting a bunch of advice on how to be a gentleman and Peter was drinking it all in. Peter was stood in front of several mirrors whilst y/n, Wanda, and Natasha bustled around him. They'd raided Tony's closet for suits, and were currently making Peter try them all on until they found the perfect one. If it wasn't for Peter's nerves, he would've escaped by now, but he was desperate to impress MJ.

"Uh, what're you doing with my suits?"

Everyone in the room froze, Peter's eyes widening as he made eye-contact with Tony in the mirror. "I- We- Dress up?" Peter rambled with a nervous smile. Natasha laughed, strolling past Tony with another one of his suits. "Peter invited a girl to the party." She hummed with a warm smile. Wanda nodded, in the middle of tying Peter's tie for him. "So we're helping him impress her!" She exclaimed. Peter sighed, blushing out of embarrassment. He moved to cover his face with his hands, not even wanting to look at Tony's reaction. "Guys..." He whined.

Tony laughed, smiling fondly at Peter. Of course he'd never admit it, but he did see Peter as a son. So seeing him like this was sweet. He crossed his arms over his chest, leaning against the doorframe. "Well, what's this girl like? Is she nice? Because you're brave for inviting her if she's mean, you literally have a bunch of super-powered people on your side. She won't stand a chance." Tony hummed, seeming very defensive over Peter. Peter's eyes widened, quickly shaking his head with a deep blush. "Don't attack her! Don't! MJ's nice. She makes fun of me a little, but that's just how she is!" He rushed out, sighing as Wanda swatted his hands away when he got in the way of his tie. "Can you just let me handle it? Don't talk to her, please. Please don't embarrass me." Peter begged desperately.

"Embarrass you? Never!" Y/n exclaimed dramatically. God, the team were probably the most embarrassing family a person could have. So many over-the-top personalities constantly clashing, a recipe for disaster, and everyone knew it.

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