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Y/n hopped from foot to foot for a moment as he watched Peter swing around the room. Nodding as T'Challa continued to hype him up. He had to keep moving. No breaks yet.

Y/n suddenly begun to run toward one of the walls to gain momentum. He jumped up and pushed himself away from the wall with his foot, his hand shooting a web toward one of the ledges. Y/n used one hand to swing up and between ledges, whilst the other tried to shoot webs at Peter. Peter dodged the webs with ease as he swung around, waving at Shuri and Tony through the window. Y/n was slowly getting more and more annoyed with every web that he missed, focusing more and more at where Peter was going and not where he was going....

That was when he went face-first into a wall.

Y/n hissed in pain as he fell back, just laying on his back on one of the ledges. His whole left side and face stung from the sudden encounter with the wall. Peter tried his hardest to hold in a laugh as he swung up to the ceiling, hanging upside down just above y/n. "Missed me!" He teased with a grin. Y/n laughed a little in embarrassment, quickly reaching up in attempt to yank Peter down, but he swung away just before he could. "Keep moving, y/n! Focus on catching him first, then you can aim at him." T'Challa called out. Y/n nodded and pushed himself up off of the floor. He shook out his stinging up as he made his way toward the edge of the ledge, watching as Peter swung around in attempt to figure out a pattern.

Y/n soon begun to swing after Peter again, managing to cut him off in a few places. But god, this kid was quick. Y/n managed to cut Peter off on one of the ledges he was about to swing to, causing him to begin to run up the wall instead of using his webs. He couldn't help but laugh out of adrenaline as y/n chased him, scanning around for places to escape. "You said this was training, but I've never run more in my life Mr Stark!" He yelled as they ran past the window.

The pair ended up on the ceiling, upside-down and face to face. Y/n threw the first kick, he knew Peter would get distracted with that, and he could web him down. And distracted he got. It didn't take long before Peter was webbed to the ceiling, trapped by his own powers. Y/n smiled proudly, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "No hard feelings, kid." Y/n teased, looking up to realise he was still upside-down. God, it was trippy seeing the room from a different perspective, but it was fun. Before he had any more time to recover, T'Challa had picked the next person for her to fight.

"Wanda! You ready?" He called out. Wanda nodded with a smile, stepping to the middle of the mat and waiting for y/n to get down from the ceiling. Y/n let out a tired breath as he stopped mimicking Peter's powers, immediately beginning to drop from the ceiling. The cool air from falling was nice against his aching body, but he knew he had to figure out how to land. Falling from this height would definitely hurt.

However, before y/n could even figure out how to land, Wanda caught y/n with her powers. Well, more like trapped him. Wanda smirked a little as she held y/n up in the air, pretending to lower him down before she quickly raised y/n up again. Y/n cursed slightly under his breath as he tried to figure out how to get out of the situation he seemed to be in. When Wanda pretended to lower him down again, y/n found his chance. Y/n pushed his hands out toward Wanda, sending out an energy pulse that knocked her to the ground. Y/n landed on the ground with a focused look in his eyes, orbs of energy appearing in his palms. Wanda's powers always required much more focus, especially when it came to not actually hurting anyone. Wanda took a shaky breath as she pushed herself up from the ground, shooting an orb of energy toward y/n. Y/n managed to hit the orb back, but Wanda was just about quick enough to dodge.

The fight lasted for a while, with the pair fighting both in the air and on the ground. It was tough, for both of them. Wanda had never fought someone who could completely copy her, she usually had an advantage, but now neither of them did. During one of the fight in the air, Wanda managed to blast y/n into a wall. Y/n smacked the back of his head on the wall pretty hard, his vision blurring a little, but he carried on - he didn't want to lose. Even if it was just training. Y/n reached his hand out and quickly moved it in an upwards motion, sending Wanda flying into the ceiling. Y/n pushed himself up and away from the wall, wiping his bloody nose with the back of his hand before he boosted himself up to Wanda's height.

The pair soon ended up back on the ground, both exhausted as they continued to blast one another with orbs of energy. "Truce?" Wanda asked through shaky breaths, flashing a small smile to him. Y/n hesitated for a few moments, debating in his head before he nodded. "Truce." He agreed, reaching up as they gave one another a high five with a laugh. Wanda wandered off to find her water bottle, trying to catch her breath.

"We will stop there for the day then! I am sure Shuri has enough data." T'Challa smiled, hopping down from the ledge he was on. "We are having dinner at six o'clock tonight at the Citadel. We would love it if you joined us. Until then please feel free to explore Wakanda." He hummed, nodding to the team before he left the training room.

Y/n moved to lay down on the floor, trying his hardest to catch her breath. He was pretty beaten up from all the fights, covered in little bruises and cuts here and there. His nose still slightly bleeding, and his head still throbbing from hitting the wall. But he was, smiling? He'd had so much fun. Y/n had forgotten how much he enjoyed to fight, how much he enjoyed the adrenaline. Plus, nothing had triggered his brainwashing or any memories. It was all him. Yes, he had to practice a little with his powers, but he didn't feel annoyed at himself for the accidents he'd made. It was all fun.

Bucky strolled over to y/n, looking down at him with a confused grin at her smile. "I'm guessing you enjoyed that?" He asked with a laugh, reaching his hand out for y/n to take. Y/n nodded as he took Bucky's hand, grunting a little as Bucky hoisted him up. "Maybe..." He teased, not realising he hadn't let go of Bucky's hand as they begun to walk out of the training room together. "You're crazy. How can you get beat up and laugh after?" Bucky chuckled, shaking his head fondly. Y/n simply shrugged, taking a sip out of his water bottle. "Maybe you smacked your head too hard on that wall..." Bucky teased, earning a playful smack on the shoulder from y/n.

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